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Started by Phi2x, 18:49, 09 September 10

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Quote from: db6128 on 01:51, 08 December 12Jeez... The Z80 is a great little device, but things like that just seem unnecessarily complex and obscure. ;) But I'm definitely glad there are people who care that much about accuracy.
A long time ago, i would think the same... but while coding pac-man, i had a bug where the right eye of the ghost was an 0 (Ghost in the Shell eyes  :P ), instead the correct tile. And this bug only was visible in Caprice, CPCBox and the real machine. The problem was related to bad flags emulation, it's because that i think it's a great idea the emulators pass these tests :)

Quote from: db6128 on 01:51, 08 December 12I really wish F was an ordinary register. Can you tell I'm kinda running out of spares at the moment? :D
Sure  :D , that is the only reason for coding a little in the 6502, then you will feel free again :P

And after use the alternative registers, we always have the stack, sm-code, I, the high bit of R, the second I/O port in the PSG, ... :P

PD: Patrik has announced already the new tests (sources included) here.




Quote from: SyX on 10:37, 08 December 12A long time ago, i would think the same... but while coding pac-man, i had a bug where the right eye of the ghost was an 0 (Ghost in the Shell eyes  :P ), instead the correct tile. And this bug only was visible in Caprice, CPCBox and the real machine. The problem was related to bad flags emulation, it's because that i think it's a great idea the emulators pass these tests :)
Oh, definitely, I'm very glad that people care enough to find these things out and then emulate them! What I meant was that it's just a bit of a shame that this otherwise very cool little chip has some major peculiarities like this, especially for the dedicated programmers of emulators, etc. :)

QuoteSure  :D , that is the only reason for coding a little in the 6502, then you will feel free again :P
Haha, maybe some other time, when I'm not running out of the Z80's many more registers! I can only imagine how much more free programmers felt who had been using the 8080 when the Z80 came out and added the alternate set of registers. Especially if you're not using interrupts, they can be a massive advantage. I do wish IX/IY were more useful, though; I've been coding something with data arranged in a struct-like format, and I have to do all sorts of acrobatics using INC/DEC (H)L, so I was disappointed when I calculated that doing it via IX/IY would be quite a bit slower and thus probably not worth the extra readability. The only real use I've found of IX/IY so far is to use the undocumented 8-bit IXH, etc. as counters in outer loops, seeing as operations on them are only 1 NOP slower than the equivalents on H/L

QuoteAnd after use the alternative registers, we always have the stack, sm-code, I, the high bit of R, the second I/O port in the PSG, ... :P
Ah, SP. I love SP. Who needs a real stack, anyway? :D
Quote from: Devilmarkus on 13:04, 27 February 12
Quote from: ukmarkh on 11:38, 27 February 12[The owner of one of the few existing cartridges of Chase HQ 2] mentioned to me that unless someone could find a way to guarantee the code wouldn't be duplicated to anyone else, he wouldn't be interested.
Did he also say things like "My treasureeeeee" and is he a little grey guy?






The Rtc time in an emulator should always be the rtc time of the host system. Dont know if anything else would make sense?







Cool... A Nocash page:

  •   Photos...?
I love it ;)

Using this chip?
Does SymbOS use it?
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Sure its always useful to see the real time while playing Ikari Warriors ;)

Nah, joking...
It's sure a useful featue for several things!
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


Quote from: phi2x on 22:07, 10 December 12I've noted that OCP Art Studio use the Kempston mouse positions as if it was for a 640*400 CPC screen. But with my PC settings and my simple optical mouse, it's totally unusable if the mouse is not slowed down further than what OCP does.

So in my implementation, I first tried to divide the sensitivity by 2 on each axis. That means that CPCBox is working internally as if the CPC screen was of 1280*800 resolution. It still felt a bit too fast for OCP, but it had very much a PC mouse feeling to it.
I then divided it by 4 on each axis, so it's exactly as if the CPC had a 2560*1600 resolution! Then it felt a bit slow, perhaps even painful, to move the mouse over the screen.

What I understood now is, that you are currently transfer the relative movement of the PC-mouse directly to the emulator (with some multiplications/division). What's about transfering the absolute position of the mouse pointer (when it's over the emulator screen area) to the emulator?
Let's say:
- emu window is 960x600 (without border), CPC is in Mode1 320x200
- PCmouse is at 96x60 and moves to 288x180
- this would be 32x20 moving to 96x60 on CPC side
- emulated Kempston mouse should move 64 in X and 40 in Y direction
- when entering and re-entering the window, there must be some special tricks to handle the emulated mouse in a good way
I think this is how Richard is doing this in WinApe with the SYMBiFACE II mouse, which works quite good.

Would this be realisable or doesn't it make sense??






Won't it depend on what the users mouse has been set to on the PC? The DPI resolution can be set directly in the mouse, and also in windows depending on what the user likes, the CPC mouse movement will then be similar to what the user normally uses. So ph12x method does make more sense.

When I was designing the AMX Mouse adapter, I found that the mouse had to be set to it's least sensitive setting, otherwise the pointer shot across the screen with even the slightest movement of the mouse. Due to no PC being present, my adapter sets this directly in the mouse, but even then the PIC further de-sensitises the mouse movement by ignoring any movement below a certain threshold, this removes pixel-jitter. The final result was that about 3cm mouse movement was required to move the pointer from one side of the screen to the other.







Rum... board... rum... board... a board of rum... damnit, he's at it again with his riddles.


Drunken pirates always talk in riddles  :laugh:  That's the way to teach the parrots  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus






Do you talk about the RTC of Dobbertin? (I guess yes, since you mentioned the Time ROM).

If people want to know how to program hardware they usually start to disassemble FutureOS, but we can't wait that long, can we :laugh:

Now, how to read and write from the Dobbertin Smartwatch?
The watch itself is installed like a ROM. And as you know you can read from a ROM. So that tells you how to read from the Watch.

And writing? Writing is done by reading from prefinde addresses. For example wrinting from XXX1 writes an "1" and reading from XXX0 will write a "0" to the RTC.

And yes it's done bit oriented.

You need Z80 code for it?
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus






Nice to see that you're coming forward.
Well, to be honest I don't have any time for scanning and updating the Wiki. PM me if you need help / sources, I can not post any source here, because I don't have permission of releasing it into public. (I talk about discs I got from FA Dobbertin in May 2012, they are all DSK now, but still not free for public release).

EDIT: I may get permission of release soon, but I have to be careful. Small routines would not be a problem though - I think.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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