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Started by Gryzor, 09:20, 13 March 15

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Latest update from github let you use Joys 3 and 4 emulating ToTo's multiplayer adapter.
Also some bug fixes for autoload. There was for example an error which failed with full 8+3 character filename, like a RUN"SABOTEUR.BAS", something like RUN"SABOTEUR.BA      and no ENTER pressed  :picard:   There are still some issues, but they are most priority of |CPM command over RUN" when there is something at the BOOT sector. I have an image of 1943 that needs RUN"DISK but triggers |CPM because the SYSTEM BOOT sector is not empty... I will try to correct this, also to complete ToTo's multiplay I must emulate the ghost ports, now only the oficial ones are emulated, just for compatibility...

Hope that most issues are solved!!!

Good news!!! CapriceRPI is now part of RetroPie!!! As secondary emulator, libretto-caprice is the default one. Thanks to all the users of CapriceRPI because you make this happen!!!
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Hi KaosOverride,

First of all, happy new year :-)

Second, thanks for the update!!!

Third, (of course) I've got a question... I compiled under SuSE Linux, all worked well, but I only have LowRes, pressing F2 switches the border on/off, but no more HiRes screen/window. What did I do wrong?

Oh, and - sorry - one more thing: in fullscreen mode, the CPC display is stretched to 16:9 aspect ratio which does not look very nice. Any chance to keep 4:3 ratio in fullscreen mode (except for getting a 4:3 monitor)?

Thank you and kind regards,


@PHabermehl, what makefile are you using? For anything that is not a Raspberry Pi, use "makefile.notpi". The lowRes modes only is because CapriceRPI cannot identify the machine as an RPI2 so it goes to RPI1 mode, LowRes for low CPU use.

Also, CapriceRPI is mainly for a Raspberry throught HDMI, and uses the SDL Dispmanx, it is hardware corrected to 16:9 with black at the sides to emulate 4:3. You have the same effect as normal Caprice with 16:9 screens. A correction to 4:3 emulation, with black borders at the sides must be coded, sorry.
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Hello KaosOverride,

well, yes, I used the .notpi makefile - did not work anyway. Basically I did what you advised before and patched menu.c to alwas report model > 129, now it works...

Kind regards,


Oh! Then I have to recheck the makefile and/or compiling conditions!!!  :o

I have rewritten the joystick to better let some more new options as keyboard emulation, etc. So next version will come with re-joystick code with new options and the makefile/notpi recheck!!
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Yesterday I had the chance to download and build the latest code "as is" from GitHub at my netbook using a Linux Slash. With a "make -f makefile.notpi" it compiles OK and let me use the hi-res modes... ???

Please, try a clean download (Now versión 1.2) and give a test

The resulting ejecutable is CapriceRPI.notpi
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Well ... Download, unzip, compile ... and it works!

I guess I screwed up something last time because I unzipped into the previously existing directory. This time I extracted the data into a new directory.

Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your support.

Kind regards,


Maybe some make clean needed or anything else :)

For next version I hope to gain some time to make new menu options for the joystick stuff, most of the joystick rework+dynamic reassign is done :) 9 month babies don't let too much free time!!
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Version v1.3 at GitHub!!!!

Now a new submenu for joysticks. The 4 USB joypad can be redirected to different options. The 2 CPC standard joysticks, ToTo's Multiplay and some keyboard presets. "OPQA Space CTRL Copy", cursor keys with Enter, Intro and F0, and Row5 or  row7 from keyboard matrix (Don't collide with opqa or cursors, and are a natural derivative from joy 2 idea, the row 6 keys...)

Experimental CRT emulation, just for fun. Needs alot of rework but gives more eyecandy than classic Caprice Scanline mode :)

KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Quote from: KaosOverride on 22:00, 28 February 16
Version v1.3 at GitHub!!!!



Thanks, I already do! Worked perfect this time.



Also forgot to mention. At the Joystick submenu the reload option lets you reinitialize the JoystickSDL subsystem so you can plug a new joystick, select this option and joystick is added without restart!!

Grey joysticks are not detected. Yellow ones are active :)
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


I absolutely love this on Pi3 but I have a few Niger nigerly issues.

There are two types of caprice capricerpi


Issues I found are as follows.

Lr-capricerpi auto loads the game but the resolution is all to cock. If you press one of the F keys it shows a mouse cursor but you can't move it, it kinda freezes

Capricerpi only autoloads certain and you have to keep pressing F2 to switch to the right resolution everytime you play a game.

Any ideas


Tried to compile on lubuntu 15.04, got an error due to  #include "SDL_ttf.h" missing. SDL 2 ?
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Quote from: genesis8 on 13:03, 26 June 16
Tried to compile on lubuntu 15.04, got an error due to  #include "SDL_ttf.h" missing. SDL 2 ?

It doesn't look like uses SDL2; you need to install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev (or whatever is the package in the rpi).

Use "apt-cache search sdl ttf" to find the tight package and install the "-dev" version with "apt-get install" (eg, "apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev").

EDIT: oh, missed the "ubuntu 15.04" part! "apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev" should do it!
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Thanks, I also had to add libfreetype6-dev and libsdl-image1.2-dev

It works now.
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


I'm running some tests and this version fixes all the audio issues I had in the Caprice32 4.2 release!

I'm adding a command line interface and this emulator may replace my current setup with WinAPE and WINE!
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


How do I load extension ROMs with capriceRPI ?
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Unfortunately CapriceRPI is aimed for gaming, mostly called from some fancy frontends like EmulatorStation. It has some "fixed" settings and some handy features like the auto boot for DSK and CDT. Tries to be as easy to run as a console emulator. Also has some taste of stand alone emulator so you can change DSK and run other games without returning to the frontend. But ROM management is not in its roadmap. But the baremetal original functions to load the ROMs are there. Some time ago, when it was a GP2x port, I had some lines of code for loading for example symbos roms. Just something as easy as " if xxxx.rom file exist then load_rom xxxx.rom at slot X"

The magic of opensource is that you can fix CapriceRPI to your needs and add the rom functions. Just easy fixes, f you just need one particular rom just add the load_rom at the proper line. I

will upload soon an update to fix some analog joystick artifacts at the menus. I also want to try to be able to reproduce the Batman Group pixel and colour hack modes but if I can't achieve it I will just make the joystick fix as minor update.

I will check the old load_ROM code and restore it if is deleted as a guide for you. It just tries to load the 4 symbos roms, and also I think it tries to load DES desktop Then if the rom file is at the ROM folder it loads (Always) if it's developer utilities to use sometimes then a command line option can be added (Yes, appart from the DSK/CDT/SNA to load there are some stupid command line options, nothing useful, but a good skeleton for personal fixes if you need customization)

For general purpose emulator, what Caprice32 needs is some kind of generic menu, like the one of the MSDOS version of CPCE :) And  a read/writable. INI with the options!! Maybe in a future... The GUI of CapriceRPI is so console oriented....

EDIT: Oh yes, the code is still there... Line 4424 of CAP32.CPP. Fell free to edit and add your favourite ROMS. Have in count that if you change the CPC model to 464, 664 or get back to 6128 you lose the ROM config... Also using the command line selector at line 4330 you can add an option and condition your ROM settings, like --symbos to force the SymbOS ROMS to load.

I have never used the MultiFace functions of Caprice32. Do you think it is usefull for debug and development under a CPC Linux SDK instead of an integrated debugger like WinAPE or CPCE? For the future a --devel command line arg can be used to load the MF2 ROM and enable the hardware at the emulator engine.
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


DONE Joystick hotfix! Github updated to V1.3a

Now I will continue working at V1.4  :P
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Hello KaosOverride,
any news on v1.4? Got a Pi3 for Christmas, need food for it  ;D
Anyway, hope you had a nice Holiday and wish you all the best for 2017!



No, sorry. I haven't managed to do a nice crt blending of the even and odd frames. I'm now more dedicated to make a C socks lib under cpctelera for other projects I have in mind. Anyway my limited time makes me avance slowww  :-[
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder


Don't mind, we love CapriceRPI as it is.
My 6-year old son starts to get Manic Miner addicted, a good sign, I guess.

Kind regards


Little update for CapriceRPI

Fixed some trouble with ZIP files at readonly dirs and media.

Added more command lines!

   Usage: CapriceRPI [DSK,CDT,SNA file] <options>
   --model   464/664/6128     = Set model
   --mem     64/128/256/576   = Set memory
   --green                    = Set green monitor
   --kbl     en/fr/sp         = Set keyboard layout
   --drvB    [DSK file]       = Insert [DSK] in B drive
   --nosound                  = Disable sound
   --notapeturbo              = Disable tape turboload
KaosOverride · GitHub
MEGA Amstrad Public Amstrad folder



I desperately need your help!
I updated our RPi to raspbian stretch and re-built CapriceRPI2.

I had to replace -lpng12 by -lpng16 in the makefile, but this worked flawless.

Good thing: CapriceRPI now also runs in full screen mode, which it did not before.

My problem: Caprice is veeeery slow now. Below 20fps (which I could accept)), but also its very sluggish and you actually can't use it any more.

Any recommendations? My kids are very upset because I broke Manic Miner...

Kind regards and still a nice holiday season


Okay, I had to switch back from the experimental GL graphics drivers to the legacy driver, now it works as before (but just without scaling in full screen mode)


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