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arnold wip

Started by arnoldemu, 20:52, 20 January 16

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Quote from: arnoldemu on 10:33, 26 January 16
I zipped it all on windows and lost the executable permissions :(


@Munchausen: Thank you for the fix :)

Is the emulation window meant to be separate to the main window? I'm guessing not? But here it is. Which version of wxwidgets should I be using? I assumed 3.0


Also, it might be just me but full screen is not working, I think as a consequence of the main window being separate.

The symbiface mouse emulation is really nice, something I've missed in other emulators. Enabling the yarek 4MB ram expansion, symbiface, lowerrom and megarom makes a really nice system. Is it possible to hide the native OS mouse cursor when using the mouse though, as this does not track the emulated mouse exactly and gets quite distracting.


@arnoldemu : How can I add expansion ROMs? I enabled the SF2, but it tells me that it has no ROMs. What to do?

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 18:15, 26 January 16
@arnoldemu : How can I add expansion ROMs? I enabled the SF2, but it tells me that it has no ROMs. What to do?
SF2 is not emulated fully in this version. I have emulated the mouse and the IDE but not the ROMs and RAM yet.

Please use the MegaROM device.
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Quote from: robcfg on 13:23, 26 January 16
Quite happy now with Mac OS X and Linux, both with powerful command lines  :-*
Erm... Not wanting to start a flamewar here, but the production lines that build MacBooks run Windows... And... Have you used PowerShell? It enables using a LOT of things from the command line. Not only tools, but also .NET functionality...


Quote from: Munchausen on 17:21, 26 January 16

Is the emulation window meant to be separate to the main window? I'm guessing not? But here it is. Which version of wxwidgets should I be using? I assumed 3.0
Yes. You can use the sdl2 "embed" build to put it into the window, but under linux it's a little flaky.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: Munchausen on 17:51, 26 January 16
Also, it might be just me but full screen is not working, I think as a consequence of the main window being separate.
It is broken at the moment. It is on my list to fix, but fixed CRTC emulation comes first.

Quote from: Munchausen on 17:51, 26 January 16
The symbiface mouse emulation is really nice, something I've missed in other emulators. Enabling the yarek 4MB ram expansion, symbiface, lowerrom and megarom makes a really nice system. Is it possible to hide the native OS mouse cursor when using the mouse though, as this does not track the emulated mouse exactly and gets quite distracting.
I can add this easily yes.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 18:52, 26 January 16
SF2 is not emulated fully in this version. I have emulated the mouse and the IDE but not the ROMs and RAM yet.

Please use the MegaROM device.

Ok, managed to load some ROMs (it's rather time consuming compared to other emulators, and the 6128 mode doesn't need warnings for the 464 mode "use only roms 0-7").

but starting FutureOS makes the screen jumping... that's not the case on a real CPC.

EDIT: Installing ROMs at 10-13 works (regular 6128 mode). When restarting Arnold these ROMs (higher than 7) don't get initialized, but the CPC tells 128 KB v3 (so it's in 6128 mode).

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 19:18, 26 January 16
Ok, managed to load some ROMs (it's rather time consuming compared to other emulators, and the 6128 mode doesn't need warnings for the 464 mode "use only roms 0-7").
True, but it is hard to know if other emulators emulate a real rom board or a made up one.
I choose to do a real one.

I will remove the warning for roms 0-7 on 6128. :) I will detect the firmware used and show or hide this message.

Quote from: TFM on 19:18, 26 January 16
but starting FutureOS makes the screen jumping... that's not the case on a real CPC.
I will fix this. Please choose a different crtc.

There is a bug in my emulation with type 0. On this CRTC it is possible to set PPI port B to output and force a vsync. I think I have a bug in the 8255 emulation which I will fix which means this is forced incorrectly.

Quote from: TFM on 19:18, 26 January 16
EDIT: Installing ROMs at 10-13 works (regular 6128 mode). When restarting Arnold these ROMs (higher than 7) don't get initialized, but the CPC tells 128 KB v3 (so it's in 6128 mode).
On real Megarom you need to activate a jumper to have roms 0-15. Please go to switches and check J1 is set to Yes. Now restart CPC. I guess I should display a warning in the UI to describe this.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: EgoTrip on 16:42, 26 January 16
If you're handing out free computers, I need a new windows laptop.
Na, no benefit to me in that.... Sorry.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: robcfg on 17:10, 26 January 16

50€. We need a decent emulator on mac.
Thanks. I am keeping a note of the pledges and will let you know what I find. Even if I put in 100, we still need another 150 or so..... So come on Apple users if you want a decent emu, it's time to donate.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: AugustoRuiz on 18:52, 26 January 16
Erm... Not wanting to start a flamewar here, but the production lines that build MacBooks run Windows... And... Have you used PowerShell? It enables using a LOT of things from the command line. Not only tools, but also .NET functionality...

Allow me to disagree, what you see on the screens is not a Windows screen, it looks more like an industrial application.

My wife has worked for several big companies (Endesa, Accenture), and they don't want Windows anything near...

Regarding PowerShell, I agree that is better than the standard command line but, it's absolutely ridiculous that you get to have 3 different command line interpreters: CMD, PowerShell and PowerShell AES, all of them with different functionality. I mean, why not have a powerful one and that's it?

Microsoft keeps trying too hard to do too much for everybody, and that simply doesn't work.

I didn't want to start a Windows vs Mac war, I simply stated that right now I find Mac OS X and Linux to be more comfortable than Windows.

Written from my MacBook Pro  ;)


Quote from: arnoldemu on 21:11, 26 January 16
True, but it is hard to know if other emulators emulate a real rom board or a made up one.
I choose to do a real one.

I will remove the warning for roms 0-7 on 6128. :) I will detect the firmware used and show or hide this message.
I will fix this. Please choose a different crtc.

There is a bug in my emulation with type 0. On this CRTC it is possible to set PPI port B to output and force a vsync. I think I have a bug in the 8255 emulation which I will fix which means this is forced incorrectly.
On real Megarom you need to activate a jumper to have roms 0-15. Please go to switches and check J1 is set to Yes. Now restart CPC. I guess I should display a warning in the UI to describe this.


Problems happen with all the CRTCs (checked em all). I have to activate the swtich of the MegaROM every time, the option does not get saved. So a default set to 16 ROMs would be great.  :)

Also is there a way to have 32 ROMs?

Please keep the good work up. I know it suxx to get all this error reports. But you do a great job!  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Anyone tried the MacOSX version yet (even the previous one)? In which key (or combination) is the "COPY" key mapped?
Amstrad CPC 6128, CTM-644, External 3.5" Disk Drive


What's the deal with mac os? Shouldn't the normal version "just work" by building on mac os? It has wxwidgets and sdl... so it shouldn't be a massive effort. Then just need to package it up. If I had more time I'd build it for you...


Quote from: robcfg on 22:44, 26 January 16
Allow me to disagree, what you see on the screens is not a Windows screen, it looks more like an industrial application.

Looks like windows to me...


Yeah, sure...

If you're willing to see Windows XP there, the blue color is more saturated on Windows and it has a bright green button on the left which I don't see in that image.

Of course, you're free to believe whatever you want. That won't change my mind . Right now my programs work without changes on OSX and Linux, and I have to do extra stuff just for windows. On top of that, Windows is too bureaucratic, for every little thing you have to click 74 buttons, sign 33 agreements and confirm that you want to do it, every single time.

Face it, Microsoft has no vision right now, and you can feel it on their products.

Take another example. Office. Lengthy installations, gigabytes of shit stuffed into the system, hideous licensing schemes... For something that can be done with Libre Office, and it's only a 400Mb installer.

Visual fuc**ng Studio. It was the industry's powerhorse, and now you can spend an hour installing, you have to sign in into it so it can spam you while you work...

Really, Microsoft has lost it.

So, while there are things for which I still need Windows, and I work with it, I develop at home with OSX and Sublime Text, and I've never been that happy.


A huge majority of industrial sequencing and inline testing equipment DOES run on windows, even some of the oscilloscopes are running windows or windows CE in the background. Windows 3.1 and Windows 2000 were usually used, haven't seen one running XP though.



Quote from: robcfg on 10:01, 27 January 16
Of course, you're free to believe whatever you want. That won't change my mind . Right now my programs work without changes on OSX and Linux, and I have to do extra stuff just for windows. On top of that, Windows is too bureaucratic, for every little thing you have to click 74 buttons, sign 33 agreements and confirm that you want to do it, every single time.

Face it, Microsoft has no vision right now, and you can feel it on their products.

Hey, you don't have to sell me a dislike of windows, where did you get the idea that I love it? I haven't used it at home for over 10 years, and at work for over 5. I don't even have any machines running it! I use linux and, when I can, haiku.

But it wouldn't surprise me in the least if that is windows on that display, and I don't see what is so offensive about that? There is plenty of hardware that only has windows software, I haven't seen many CnC machines with mac or linux control software, why should it be any different for other industrial machines? I worked as a control system engineer for years, and while our robots and their controllers ran vxworks or some other real time OS, the GUI was always windows, and it seemed the same for our competitors too.

Sure, that might not be windows, but by thinking it is I'm not believing in some conforming opinion, like there is some MS conspiracy going on and I need to be converted to the truth of their evil. Is it really important? Who cares what OS other people use? Each to their own. Whether or not it is windows has nothing to do with whether or not windows is a good OS, or worse than any other OS, or whether the macbooks made there are any good. How can I even be sure that really is a macbook construction line? Zoh my glob, what is truly real?! :D


It wasn't my intention to initiate an anti-MS campaign here, but a blurred image cannot provide the information we need, that is, whether the machine is runnign Windows or not.

My humble opinion is that it isn't, because I cannot see the start button, and if it's indeed XP, I don't know how Apple is able to build driver for such new machines when support is long gone,but doesn't matter anyway.

Back to topic!


Quote from: robcfg on 11:32, 27 January 16
It wasn't my intention to initiate an anti-MS campaign here, but a blurred image cannot provide the information we need, that is, whether the machine is runnign Windows or not.

It could be just a virtual machine on OS X.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

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Quote from: Munchausen on 09:34, 27 January 16
What's the deal with mac os? Shouldn't the normal version "just work" by building on mac os? It has wxwidgets and sdl... so it shouldn't be a massive effort. Then just need to package it up. If I had more time I'd build it for you...
I've been using a virtual machine and I've got a version that builds and packaged up. :)
I have shared a DMG with Shaun, robcfg and Craig already.

It runs. :)

The things that need addressing which I'll be doing from tomorrow:
- building for newer mac osx because it currently fails. On an older one it's fine.

- regulating the speed (100% speed etc). I need to do that on a real machine to make sure it's accurate and I'm using the correct api calls for it.

- I will also have a specific mac hardware which I can make it run on so I can say which machines it will run fine on.

- sound: My virtual machine is not that great. I need to check it on a real machine to make sure it's audible and working as it should

- joystick: I need to check it works - it should, I will find out. I'll be connecting my usb pads and hoping it does.

- keys: Some keys are used by macos for minimizing and maximizing windows and switching apps. So I'll be testing all that and adjusting arnold to work better with it. Also, finding a suitable keyboard configuration for positional keyboard mode.

Basically it's tweaking it.

If you want to build it for yourself please follow the build instructions.

My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: TFM on 00:13, 27 January 16

Problems happen with all the CRTCs (checked em all).
Ok. It will be fixed as part of my CRTC fixes.

Quote from: TFM on 00:13, 27 January 16
I have to activate the swtich of the MegaROM every time, the option does not get saved. So a default set to 16 ROMs would be great.  :)
Ok I'll fix it so it saves those settings and I'll change the default.

Quote from: TFM on 00:13, 27 January 16
Also is there a way to have 32 ROMs?
I'll emulate the symbiface 2 roms (including it's repeating and incompatibilities with cart software) then you can have 32 ROMs :)

I have looked through the wiki and I've not found other hardware that has 32-roms except symbiface 2 and x-mem.

Quote from: TFM on 00:13, 27 January 16
Please keep the good work up. I know it suxx to get all this error reports. But you do a great job!  :)
Thank you. I am happy to receive the error reports so I can make it better and I am sure I have missed some bugs when I was testing it.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: robcfg on 10:01, 27 January 16
I develop at home with OSX and Sublime Text, and I've never been that happy.

I tried to use sublime text, it is pretty and has some great features but I can't get used to not having decent vim key bindings. I tried a few plugins but none of them worked that well. I think neovim might eventually be what I move to.


Quote from: arnoldemu on 12:41, 27 January 16
I've been using a virtual machine and I've got a version that builds and packaged up. :)
I have shared a DMG with Shaun, robcfg and Craig already.

It runs. :)

The things that need addressing which I'll be doing from tomorrow:
- building for newer mac osx because it currently fails. On an older one it's fine.

- regulating the speed (100% speed etc). I need to do that on a real machine to make sure it's accurate and I'm using the correct api calls for it.

- I will also have a specific mac hardware which I can make it run on so I can say which machines it will run fine on.

- sound: My virtual machine is not that great. I need to check it on a real machine to make sure it's audible and working as it should

- joystick: I need to check it works - it should, I will find out. I'll be connecting my usb pads and hoping it does.

- keys: Some keys are used by macos for minimizing and maximizing windows and switching apps. So I'll be testing all that and adjusting arnold to work better with it. Also, finding a suitable keyboard configuration for positional keyboard mode.

Basically it's tweaking it.

If you want to build it for yourself please follow the build instructions.

Sorry been getting very off topic.

These are all valid reasons for needing a machine to test on, that I didn't think of! Especially the keyboard :)

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