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Font issues

Started by BSC, 08:25, 26 August 20

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Every time I write a post and clear, delete chars or insert a linefeed, this editor here keeps inserting
strange font type and size tags into the post. Totally random to me. Anyone know what that is and
more importantly: how the heck can I turn this (fu**ing annoying crap) off?

I wonder if it's really only me ..

PS: Every empty line I insert is doubled after posting a message btw
** My SID player/tracker AYAY Kaeppttn! on github **  Some CPC music and experiments ** Other music ** More music on scenestream (former nectarine) ** Some shaders ** Some Soundtrakker tunes ** Some tunes in Javascript

My hardware: ** Schneider CPC 464 with colour screen, 64k extension, 3" and 5,25 drives and more ** Amstrad CPC 6128 with M4 board, GreaseWeazle.


Select all text and hit the button that removes formatting. Old standing bug...


Quote from: BSC on 08:25, 26 August 20
Every time I write a post and clear, delete chars or insert a linefeed, this editor here keeps inserting
strange font type and size tags into the post. Totally random to me. Anyone know what that is and
more importantly: how the heck can I turn this (fu**ing annoying crap) off?

I wonder if it's really only me ..

PS: Every empty line I insert is doubled after posting a message btw

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