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Annoying bugs with the forum

Started by JonB, 15:07, 08 March 17

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I want to report some really annoying bugs with the forum.

  • When modifying posts, you often see extra blank lines inserted in your text.
  • When modifying posts, if you delete a blank line and there is another below it, its font size gets changed.
  • When saving a modified post, sometimes the part you modified is altered to a tiny unreadable font size.
  • When entering text, clicking on the # button (code), the code and /code tags are the wrong way round.
I'm sure there are others, but these are the most irritating for me so far. What means do have to fix them?



Jon, use the button above the edit box that is a blue coloured mouse pointer arrow inside red coloured square brackets to switch from the fancy mode to the plain text mode. Essential when using a mobile or similar small(-ish) screen device.

Also, apart from simple and short posts, I strongly recommend using a text editor/ notepad type application to write your reply. Just in case your reply gets lost when you press the "Post" button.

Looking forward to summer in Somerset :-)


That looks like it'll help!


Sorry I missed this when you posted; indeed these are long-standing bugs, I'm afraid (except for the first one - I can't replicate this). But indeed, plain text or removing formatting does the trick. Also, it's better to apply any BB codes by selecting the text *after* typing it instead of opening the tags and then typing, because indeed sometimes the closing tag comes first in that case.


Quote from: JonB on 15:07, 08 March 17
I want to report some really annoying bugs with the forum.

  • When modifying posts, you often see extra blank lines inserted in your text.
  • When modifying posts, if you delete a blank line and there is another below it, its font size gets changed.
  • When saving a modified post, sometimes the part you modified is altered to a tiny unreadable font size.
  • When entering text, clicking on the # button (code), the code and /code tags are the wrong way round.
I'm sure there are others, but these are the most irritating for me so far. What means do have to fix them?


I can confirm that I encounter these errors - in fact almost for each new post:-

  • When modifying posts, you often see extra blank lines inserted in your text.
  • When modifying posts, if you delete a blank line and there is another below it, its font size gets changed.
  • When saving a modified post, sometimes the part you modified is altered to a tiny unreadable font size.
The "tiny unreadable font size" occurs all to often - especially when I copy / Edit text in the message I'm currently writing / posting.

The "removing formatting button" does the trick, but it means editing my post after posting, as the message is OK, UNTIL its posted - when I view the message after posting most often sections of the message (section I had edited / modified / copied while writing the message) are modified by the forum (system) into a tiny unreadable font size.

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