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Amstrad Music Rips

Started by LFS, 22:31, 19 June 10

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I have several (100s) of Amstrad music rips (YM) from games. Is this a topic for this site? I am dreaming of a page where i/you can directly link / hear the great sounds from the great CPC games.

Any comments?




I'd like to hear that YM files.

Regarding where to put them, maybe it would be a nice idea to put them in their games' pages as an extra or maybe link a zip file from the page (if it exists) of the YM format spec.


Putting them in each game's page falls under another scope; while it'd be fantastic, it'd also be more time-consuming and would fall under the 'games' chapter, not the 'music' one.

We could arrange something! Is there an online YM player???



I am looking for code rips of music from CPC games. Not .ym, not chip register dump.
As I ripped quite a lot of music from ZX-compatible computers, I encounter problems with CPC games.
A few questions that I have:
- do the music routines often CALL to ROM?
- is there any automated tracker music ripper?
- is there any tracker for PC that compiles music to the code (binary or disk, tape image)?


Would indeed being great to have all sounds, songs and so on at one page.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


 I have a project in my head related to this.


Sorry the double answer, but I forgot to add that my idea is about ym files. Now, you can hear them in cpc-power, but you need to search each game by hand...


Quote from: Abrimaal on 18:06, 26 February 15
- is there any tracker for PC that compiles music to the code (binary or disk, tape image)?

You mean, including the player routine? Something that you just load on an emulator or real computer and plays the music?

If that's what you are asking, as far as I know, neither arkos, wyz or vortex do that.


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


It would be really cool just to have the whole lot available as a ZIP file, like a mini version of the HVSC!
For all the latest Starquake remake news check out my website -



Sorry, me not using PC stuff...  :-X
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Why play YM when I've carefully recorded 1600+ music directly from the CPC? There once was a CPC radio, but Grim doesn't seem interested in making it work again... Maybe someone who knows a bit about server/streaming could set up something ?

Don't forget that YM is not that simple to generate (what about samples, ripping music from demos, etc.).

Arkos Tracker 2.0.1 now released! - Follow the news on Twitter!
Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
FDC Tool 1.1 - Read Amsdos files without the system

Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Quote from: endangermice on 21:15, 27 February 15
It would be really cool just to have the whole lot available as a ZIP file, like a mini version of the HVSC!
There are about 400 songs from CPC demos in AYGOR (link)
and just a few from games. In the most of the demo music the playing time is undefined yet and no credits to the authors.
It will be always downloadable as one .zip file

All of the music is in the .ay format.
It is planned to develop this format to support even more than ZX & CPC music.
This format, with some minor updates, may support more machines with Z80+AY/YM onboard.
The hardware requirements (Z80, AY and interrupt frequency, output ports) will be defined in the file header.
That's why code rips (player routine + music data) are needed to play samples and other non-interrupt based sounds.


Quote from: Targhan on 00:26, 28 February 15
Why play YM when I've carefully recorded 1600+ music directly from the CPC? There once was a CPC radio, but Grim doesn't seem interested in making it work again... Maybe someone who knows a bit about server/streaming could set up something ?

Don't forget that YM is not that simple to generate (what about samples, ripping music from demos, etc.).

Hm that'd be an interesting thing to have on the wiki... I'm willing to implement it if someone can develop it :)


Maybe SHOUTcast could do this job. There's a freeware version. I never used Radio software though.


If you like to have your own radio show, you can visit me and we figure things out :)
We use mairlist here. nice software, nice automation, nice room!


So now i have set up "Roland Radio" and run a smal test drive. Enjoy: Roland Radio | Amstrad CPC music & more
I will continue to add more informations, sounds, 8Bit-Pop, Interviews and Live-Shows right after Easter. First i need to party at the Revision 2015 in Saarbrücken! Hope to see a lot of you there.

Pictures of our radio station will appear on our homepage. You also can also follow us on facebook.


P.S.: A big thank you is going out to Targhan for his collection of Sounds.


I don't want to be too pessimistic here, but for me it's Yet Another CPC-Radio.

I remember many other streams with 24h CPC music, which disappeared quickly in the past...

CPCScene, PushNPop, etc...

But I hope you have fun and your stream will resist for years.

May the force of neverending traffic be with you ;-)

Oh, and PM me, if you like that I add your stream into JavaCPC's Desktop...
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


As we finally set up the station right after easter, i will inform you about the source.
at the moment we are testing software and hardware to work permanent with the filebase and streaming servers.


Quote from: XyphoesRe on 13:03, 02 April 15
So now i have set up "Roland Radio" and run a smal test drive. Enjoy: Roland Radio | Amstrad CPC music & more
I will continue to add more informations, sounds, 8Bit-Pop, Interviews and Live-Shows right after Easter. First i need to party at the Revision 2015 in Saarbrücken! Hope to see a lot of you there.

Pictures of our radio station will appear on our homepage. You also can also follow us on facebook.


P.S.: A big thank you is going out to Targhan for his collection of Sounds.
well it sounds great playing on xiialive pro on my HTC one m8 at work!
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Here's a little picture of the studio:


Just a CPC is missing, which plays the music live... ;)  :P :P :P
When you put your ear on a hot stove, you can smell how stupid you are ...

Amstrad CPC games in your webbrowser

JavaCPC Desktop Full Release


It is just the basic setup. CPC is in the other room :-)


Haha! The Crown... Crown of BENG?  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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