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Git proxy for CPC?

Started by m_dr_m, 18:02, 28 September 21

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I'd like to update github or other (*) from my CPC.
Git is a monstrosity, so I'm thinking of a simple proxy on a equally monstrous machine (e.g. ibm pc, commodore amiga ...):

  • You upload your files via ftp from the CPC.
  • A server somewhere would monitor the ftp site.
  • If a special file is changed (e.g. "commit.txt"), it would invoke `git commit`.
  • The ftp site would be the instantaneous source of truth, yet we would have an history of changes.

What do you think?

(*) github: I'm happy with the fact that microsoft is spending money to host open-source. The downside is that you have to check the terms&condition carefully and consistently.


Not a big deal, but the "proxy" (more like a FTP/GIT gateway) will require push permission to the GitHub repo
Schneider CPC 664 • X-MEM • Vortex F1-X Drive • CTM 644 • DMP 2160
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The first step seems the biggest to me... If you're using the M4Board, this should be pretty easy actually to transfer the files to a PC, which could then trigger the commit.

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I don't have any other machine but my CPC.

That's why I was considering something online. The trigger mechanism should be similar.
And that's not as big a step as you think!

Either way, that's not something I plan to do myself.
I know there are a lot of modern computing enthusiasts here, and was expecting it would interest someone doing such a thing.


Quote from: Poliander on 19:46, 28 September 21(more like a FTP/GIT gateway)

Thank you for the precision. I also enjoy exactitude.
I was thinking of proxy more in the sense of:
Check the drums on this one!


There are scripts floating around which monitor directories and automatically push changes made to that directory into a git repository. It is basically just setting up a FTP server and monitor a subdirectory (to begin with).

See here for example:
Schneider CPC 664 • X-MEM • Vortex F1-X Drive • CTM 644 • DMP 2160
Schneider CPC 6128 • Z-MEM • M4 Board • MultiPlay + Amiga Mouse • OSSC


I think the best solution for CPC would be...

An UniDOS plugin that lets you map a CPC folder to a GIT repository.  I am not sure though how difficult it is to integrate with GIT.


I don't think it is possible to implement SSL on a CPC (without specialized hardware)
Schneider CPC 664 • X-MEM • Vortex F1-X Drive • CTM 644 • DMP 2160
Schneider CPC 6128 • Z-MEM • M4 Board • MultiPlay + Amiga Mouse • OSSC


Maybe an unidos node acting as FTP client connected to a remote FTP server folder maped to a virtual drive?
CPC 664

Empiezas a envejecer cuando dejas de aprender.
You start to get old when you stop learning.


But how would you commit/push? New RSXs I guess?
But would a SAVE directly mark any file as staged?
And how to resolve conflicts in a nice way?

All this seem quite complicated to perform on a plain CPC... but I might be wrong!

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Disark - A cross-platform Z80 disassembler/source converter
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Imperial Mahjong
Orion Prime


Quote from: Poliander on 08:39, 02 October 21
I don't think it is possible to implement SSL on a CPC (without specialized hardware)
True. SSL cannot be handled by our pour Z80.

Quote from: ajcasado on 21:10, 03 October 21
Maybe an unidos node acting as FTP client connected to a remote FTP server folder maped to a virtual drive?
In fact, it already exists and that's why Madram was asking about some git stuff thru FTP. :P
But I did not communicate on it because we need to figure out about some issues which might still be related to the firmware of the M4 Board.
Duke already fixed one major issue last week (related to M4 firmware internal watchdog), but not everything works as it should yet.

If you are curious about it, I created a small video last month:

And of course, this FTP drive could be easily extended to support other network cards than the M4 Board.

The syntax to mount the FTP drive is actually:


Wow, that's awesome!!
CPC 664

Empiezas a envejecer cuando dejas de aprender.
You start to get old when you stop learning.


I guess that this app should make the job:
CPC 664

Empiezas a envejecer cuando dejas de aprender.
You start to get old when you stop learning.


Great find, thanks!

Their FTP example is for `Biz team`. I guess we should add `CPC team`.


Quote from: m_dr_m on 10:10, 08 October 21Great find, thanks!
You're  Welcome!!
Quote from: m_dr_m on 10:10, 08 October 21Their FTP example is for `Biz team`. I guess we should add `CPC team`.
Absolutely  8)

CPC 664

Empiezas a envejecer cuando dejas de aprender.
You start to get old when you stop learning.


Quote from: OffseT on 23:01, 03 October 21
If you are curious about it, I created a small video last month:

Relating to the other stuff on - if the OPL3LPT card can work with the Willy 2020 adapter, can the CVX4 (COVOX Compatible) one also work?


Back on-topic...

Is the FTP node available for download yet? It looks to work awesomely...


Quote from: zhulien on 16:30, 08 October 21

Relating to the other stuff on - if the OPL3LPT card can work with the Willy 2020 adapter, can the CVX4 (COVOX Compatible) one also work?
If I remember, PulkoMandy said in the a thread, certainly the willy thread, that it couldnt as I had the same question.
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Quote from: zhulien on 16:41, 08 October 21
Is the FTP node available for download yet? It looks to work awesomely...
Not yet.

We still have to figure out some issues and it is not clear if they are related to M4 Board firmware or to Z80 code (there is at least one firmware issue which was already fixed by Duke).
BTW, developments were suspended a month ago due to a broken M4 Board.  :(
I should be able to investigate again next month. 8)


The CVX4 won't work, but why would you need that, you can just use a Digiblaster compatible interface on the CPC printer port and it will be just as good? Does Futur's still have some version of the Soundplayer card in stock, or should I build a new batch of these?


Quote from: OffseT on 10:45, 21 October 21Not yet.
I downloaded the M4 rom node code available in the unidos site. There is code for the FTP support in it but not enabled to assemble by default.

I enabled the FTP part and assembled it, but the node functionality is not there, I guess that this is not the last developing version of the node.

At least I can connect to my router FTP server and show the logical drive FTP: with the |drive rsx command.

Anyway, its a very promising stuff, thanks for the effort.
CPC 664

Empiezas a envejecer cuando dejas de aprender.
You start to get old when you stop learning.


Quote from: ajcasado on 20:05, 21 October 21
I downloaded the M4 rom node code available in the unidos site. There is code for the FTP support in it but not enabled to assemble by default.
Yes, it was just some preliminary FTP test code.
Not really usefull for the end users yet.

Current (unreleased, waiting for final fixes) version contains the full featured FTP implemenation.


Quote from: PulkoMandy on 19:56, 21 October 21
The CVX4 won't work, but why would you need that, you can just use a Digiblaster compatible interface on the CPC printer port and it will be just as good? Does Futur's still have some version of the Soundplayer card in stock, or should I build a new batch of these?

You should create a new thread for asking about making a batch of soundplayer (few people will read a thread about using a git proxy on CPC).
I could use one myself.
A stupid question, would it be too complex and costly  to add a small RAM buffer so commands could be used such as :

- 1st header + sending x bytes,
- 2nd header + play the bytes x to y,
- 3rd header meaning stop sound.

Thay way only a very little CPU would be used to play sound during an application.
Amstrad news site at Genesis8 Amstrad Page


Quote from: zhulien on 16:30, 08 October 21
Relating to the other stuff on - if the OPL3LPT card can work with the Willy 2020 adapter, can the CVX4 (COVOX Compatible) one also work?
You can use your LambdaSpeak III for such things. I adapted Prodatrons Digitrakker for that. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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