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The common emitter amplifier program

Started by steve, 20:17, 25 August 11

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Does anyone know where I could find this program?, it is demonstrated on this video starting at 15.50, but I do not understand Greek.



Is it the particular program you are interested in having, or do you want to learn how to calculate the gain of a typical common emitter amplifier circuit? If it's number two, I can probably write the program in 10 Minutes, but I don't have a copy of that program, nor have I seen it before. Looks cool, if somewhat simple.



Thanks Bryce, I really want to try this program as I am very surprised to see something like this on the CPC, I want to see just how much it detail it includes.
Around '84/85 I bought one of those fun school maths programs, it was a waste of money, but this program looks like it might be better.
I do not actually intend to design any amplifiers though, but Thanks for the offer. :)


From what they show in the video, it looks like they just draw two or three standard Common Emitter Amplifier Circuits and then let you change the resistor values and possibly the hfe values etc. Then it calculates the gain. I doubt it does much more.
The programs title would suggest that neither Common Collector, Push-Pull, Darlington, Class A, Class B, Op-Amp or any other type of Amplifiers are covered.



I am surprised that there is even that much to it.
I may spend a day or three typing the program into my CPC as it is listed in the video, but being lazy, I am hoping to be able to download the program from somewhere.
It might then be an interesting exercise to expand the program to cover more topics.
Slightly off-topic but imagine what a 512KB CAD cartridge might include.


I wrote a small BASIC program back in the 80's to draw and simulate TTL circuits. It also had a TTL IC Database with all the 74xx series with gate type and pinouts. It was simple but very useful, I must check if I can find it on my disk collection :)



Quote from: Bryce on 14:43, 26 August 11
I wrote a small BASIC program back in the 80's to draw and simulate TTL circuits. It also had a TTL IC Database with all the 74xx series with gate type and pinouts. It was simple but very useful, I must check if I can find it on my disk collection :)


Oh you really should release that one! Then I can learn TTL and VHDL ;-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


After inserting and CATing both sides of all 80 of my 3" disks, I have come to the conclusion, that I no longer have the program (and my fingers hurt)... unless of course I saved it to tape, now where's my box of 200 tapes? ....



You don't use a disk-cat'ing program to store the contents?


They exist?? Now you tell me! My catalogue system was badly written pencil scribbles on the disk labels, which I gave up doing after the first 10 or 15.



Yes they do; unfortunately I don't have one, but I'm pretty sure there was a type-in in AA that worked just fine...


There is a great one form CPCAI, you just put the disc in, press a key. And it makes everything for you even the printing of sized labels for the discs. Well, it was fascinating, but since I remember(d) the contents of my discs usually I never used it really.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hi  ;)

As for disc databases You could have a look at the following program. The idea was good, but I never got around to using it myself. It wasn't user friendly enough in my opinion, and it was to small for my disc collection

There is also a nice program made for DES (can't remember the name of it at the moment), which could have solved it, if the program had been developed further.


Terje Grind

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