USIfAC II:Convert a PC or USB stick to Amstrad HDD,access dsk's,and many more!

Started by ikonsgr, 08:17, 01 December 20

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Unfortunately i don't have win10 to test the utility, maybe some other could tell us if it have problems with win10.


LiliCPC, 4K version (+4000 games).

Available in Mega repository in telegram group Amstrad Power. Changes: Bug fixes for previous version, removal of unnecessary files which has favoured a size reduction, 800 new games most of those wonderful ones from kiosk magazines, now the LiliCPC in an autorun with which we only need to select the USB drive we will insert in the USIfAC II, tutorial update (SUPORT folder) and other minor changes.  With the supervision of Ikonsgr and as always all credits to the authors of the games and their hacks. Don't expect new commercial games, only the ones that their authors have distributed for free are listed. For newcomers I recommend to read the manual before you start running games.

There is no support for this launcher/collector. If someone has knowledge of android app programming, it would be great a mobile version of LiliCPC Search created by Ikonsgr.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 10:11, 08 July 22So, first, anyone with this kind of wierd erratic problems on CPC464, can check what GA chip is installed.
Then,you might experiment with 10k pull-up or pull-down resistors on either READY signal (pins in green circle), or master CLC output (pins in Red circle).
so... it took a bit longer to test it, sorry. now for the result: unfortunately no change

Firmware 6e, Gate Array 40007
I first tried pull-up for READY and CLC and then pull-down for both of them: absolutely no change, once I enter |USB and then reset, the 464 is stuck in an endless boot loop.


I forgot to mention one addition i've made since fw 6c (~early this year).
You can disable completely USIfAC II by giving a simple: OUT &FBD1,100
You can then  reset Amstrad and you will get no boot msg, and apart from serial port, everything else is disabled (this is practically like "demoting" board to the old USIfAC I ,which had only a serial port).
Also,if you don't want to reset Amstrad,you can just give another: OUT &FBD1,0 (reset board only),which will disable USIfAC II without reseting Amstrad  ;)
You can also re-enable board by giving: OUT &FBD1,101 and then either reset amstrad or give out &fbd1,0 as before.
This might be handy if you have multiple boards connected to your amstrad and have problems booting.
Also, disabling/enabling USIfAC II board "on the fly", without needing to reset amstrad (by giving 2 simple out commands), might be useful in programs (either basic or assmebly) ,if for some reason you want  USIfAC "out of the way" and then re-enable it :) 


Found a small mistake: out &fbd2,x for selecting the ROM slot

Here is a more complete in/out list from the time when I was gathering all available info to write the USIfAC II driver for HDCPM.

out &fbd1,0 :For resetting the interface (without resetting Amstrad CPC)
out &fbd1,1 :Clears receive data buffer
out &fbd1,2 :Enables a special asynchronous burst mode.
out &fbd1,3 :Disables the special asynchronous burst mode.
out &fbd1,4 :Disables direct mode (e.g. all cat/load/save/run commands will be directed to disk drive)
out &fbd1,5 :Enables direct mode (if usb mode=off then all cat/load/save/run commands will be directed to serial port->connected pc, otherwise, usb flash will be accessed)
out &fbd1,6 :Enables FDC emulation
out &fbd1,8 :disables usb mode
out &fbd1,10 :Set serial speed to 300bps
out &fbd1,11 :Set serial speed to 2400bps
out &fbd1,12 :Set serial speed to 9600bps
out &fbd1,13 :Set serial speed to 19200bps
out &fbd1,14 :Set serial speed to 38400bps(useful for setting Bluetooth module)
out &fbd1,15 :Set serial speed to 57600bps
out &fbd1,16 :Set serial speed to 115200bps(the usually default speed for Wifi Modules)
out &fbd1,17 :Set serial speed to 230400bps
out &fbd1,18 :Set serial speed to 460800bps
out &fbd1,19 :Set serial speed to 576000bps
out &fbd1,20 :Set serial speed to 31250bps useful for connecting MIDI devices
out &fbd1,21 :Set serial speed to 921600 (max speed using wireless Bluetooth modules)
out &fbd1,22 :Set serial speed to 1000000bps(connection speed for usb storage device)
out &fbd1,23 :Set serial speed to 1065600bps(max speed for serial cable/Wifimodule)
out &fbd1,30 :Get status report (like with |STAT command)
out &fbd1,31 :Get image slots report (like with |SMG command)
out &fbd1,51 :enable/disables usb mode (on->off or off->on)
out &fbd1,65 :disables return to root directory
out &fbd1,66 :enables return to root directory
out &fbd1,70-73 :select directly dsk image slot 1-4
out &fbd1,100 :disables USIFAC II
out &fbd1,101 :re-enables USIFAC II
out &fbd2,x :set USIfAC II ROM nr

inp(&fbd5) :get currently selected dsk image slot
inp(&fbd8) :get USIfAC ROM NUMBER
inp(&fbdd) :get serial speed code
inp(&fbde) :get usb mode state (1=enable, =disable)
inp(&fbdf) :get FDC emulation state (1=enable, 0=disable)



Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 01:06, 25 July 22heres a crappy vid of me loading some games with the USIfAC..with 6128 rom ..from both LiliCPC, and DSK image
i found if i hold disk swap..and then release reset i dont need to power down the CPC after a |464 (i also reset via keyboard most of the time..CTRL+SHIFT+ESC saves me reaching over for the button!)
i wish USB would support more than 8 character filenames..(it shows that the amount of effort put into LiliCPC_4K!)..its fine over serial..
Two recommendations for greater satisfaction in the use of lilicpc:

1. Put the lilicpc files in the root folder of your USB, because I have seen in the video that you have a LILICPC folder.
2. make that every time you reboot the usifac take you to the root of the USB with the command OUT &FBD2,5

so in the future, every time you restart you can directly load a game with the RUN"XXX (XXX game code) and not have to constantly use commands |CD etc


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 01:06, 25 July 22i found if i hold disk swap..and then release reset i dont need to power down the CPC
So I tried this too, but not with success in my case. However, it actually did have some impact as once i hit drive select and reset, I got an error message "unknown error in 2295". See screenshot attached. I tried several times, and the result was each time different, but at least, the computer did something. 

@iconsgr this happened, while READY and CLC were pulled down. Once I removed the pull down resistors, drive select had no longer an effect and it was like always: endless loops until I turn off the computer. 


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 21:07, 25 July 22
Quote from: shacpc on 19:19, 25 July 22
Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 01:06, 25 July 22heres a crappy vid of me loading some games with the USIfAC..with 6128 rom ..from both LiliCPC, and DSK image
i found if i hold disk swap..and then release reset i dont need to power down the CPC after a |464 (i also reset via keyboard most of the time..CTRL+SHIFT+ESC saves me reaching over for the button!)
i wish USB would support more than 8 character filenames..(it shows that the amount of effort put into LiliCPC_4K!)..its fine over serial..
Two recommendations for greater satisfaction in the use of lilicpc:

1. Put the lilicpc files in the root folder of your USB, because I have seen in the video that you have a LILICPC folder.
2. make that every time you reboot the usifac take you to the root of the USB with the command OUT &FBD2,5

so in the future, every time you restart you can directly load a game with the RUN"XXX (XXX game code) and not have to constantly use commands |CD etc

yup.. ive got it setup like that now.. moved my folder in there too so i can access it..

ive found i cant load some games over serial for some reason..its either fails to load, or reboots itself..(same files used for USB)..DSK images mostly work fine tho..

put some games that do not load you. make sure they are compatible with 464, when you search for the game in lilicpcsearch, the games that say 128K do not work in a 464. there are some games that you will find with 64K version and 128K version with different load each the games that do not put anything, they are compatible with both systems.
finally, make sure you have copied all the folders and files correctly. if you still have problems, format the USB and unzip LILICPC again in the root of the USB. Remember that the process can take +30 min.


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 21:24, 25 July 22
Quote from: shacpc on 21:13, 25 July 22put some games that do not load you. make sure they are compatible with 464, when you search for the game in lilicpcsearch, the games that say 128K do not work in a 464. there are some games that you will find with 64K version and 128K version with different load each the games that do not put anything, they are compatible with both systems.
yes i know 128k games are not going to work!..
my problem is with serial loading...take for example the game Shorts Fuse (which isnt in lilicpc!).. ive extracted the files and added it to the USB stick.. i access it on usb.. and it loads fine, but if i access it them same files via direct serial, it crashes with "syntax error in 640140 line does not exist in 0"... of course loading from dsk works fine on either usb or serial, but requires |464 mode..(where i dont have access to the usifac rsx commands anymore and have to do the hold reset press disc swap trick)
also noticed some games in lilicpc, work in the start screens, menus, but fail when loading or playing the actual game :/ (from usb)
Short's Fuse yes it is in lilicpc., code 213 . You have to try to be very exact when searching lilisearch. I recommend putting the 4-5 letters and choosing the desired game among those that appear.
There may be some game that does not work, so I would appreciate it if you could send me the XXX loading code so that I can solve it. but I recommend you do a clean installation of LICPC on your USB.
As I have doubts if this game is part of a more updated version of lilicpc in which I am working, I provide you with the launcher file that must go in the root folder and the SF folder that you must include along with its content in the FAVO folder
if it asks you to overwrite, do it


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 01:06, 25 July 22heres a crappy vid of me loading some games with the USIfAC..with 6128 rom ..from both LiliCPC, and DSK image

i found if i hold disk swap..and then release reset i dont need to power down the CPC after a |464 (i also reset via keyboard most of the time..CTRL+SHIFT+ESC saves me reaching over for the button!)

i wish USB would support more than 8 character filenames..(it shows that the amount of effort put into LiliCPC_4K!)..its fine over serial..

Unfortunately the 8.3 filename is a restriction of the CH376 usb host module.
And one recomendation for easier lilicpc access of games:
To avoid |CDR and |CD commands, you can place all 3digit files to root directory and give: OUT &FBD1,66. That way, everytime you reset amstrad,it will automatically return to root directory, and so, you can directly give the code for the next game you want! ;-)


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 11:54, 27 July 22|CD,".." doesnt work over usb too right?
It works, but you don't need to type "..", just give:|CD and it will go up a directory ;)


Quote from: XLV2K on 10:00, 28 July 22does this interface work with the Amstrad CPC plus line?
I haven't tested USIfAC with Amstrad plus, but other people verified that basic functions (direct file mode and FDC emulation) work ok in  most cases.


Quote from: eto on 20:57, 25 July 22
Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 01:06, 25 July 22i found if i hold disk swap..and then release reset i dont need to power down the CPC
So I tried this too, but not with success in my case. However, it actually did have some impact as once i hit drive select and reset, I got an error message "unknown error in 2295". See screenshot attached. I tried several times, and the result was each time different, but at least, the computer did something.

@iconsgr this happened, while READY and CLC were pulled down. Once I removed the pull down resistors, drive select had no longer an effect and it was like always: endless loops until I turn off the computer.

I gave up and sold the 464, so can't test any longer. 


Quote from: ikonsgr on 07:52, 29 July 22
Quote from: XLV2K on 10:00, 28 July 22does this interface work with the Amstrad CPC plus line?
I haven't tested USIfAC with Amstrad plus, but other people verified that basic functions (direct file mode and FDC emulation) work ok in  most cases.
That's great. I would like to purchase one then. Whats the process, do I send you a PM?


I've found an issue with the FM (file manager) program. It works fine with running .BAS and .BIN but if you have a program without extension then it cannot find the file

This part here copies into BASIC memory (corrupts the first line of FM) and then calls RUN
230 FOR i=1 TO LEN(A$):POKE &175+i,ASC(MID$(A$,i,1)):NEXT i

So that works fine for files with extensions but not if file is called test. I've tried putting in a dot (.) at position 9 but that doesn't fix it. Any ideas on this one?
CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


Quote from: darkhalf on 00:21, 06 August 22I've found an issue with the FM (file manager) program. It works fine with running .BAS and .BIN but if you have a program without extension then it cannot find the file

This part here copies into BASIC memory (corrupts the first line of FM) and then calls RUN
230 FOR i=1 TO LEN(A$):POKE &175+i,ASC(MID$(A$,i,1)):NEXT i

So that works fine for files with extensions but not if file is called test. I've tried putting in a dot (.) at position 9 but that doesn't fix it. Any ideas on this one?
I just try to load a small Basic program without extension and it loaded fine using file manager and fw 6d. Such problems sometimes are caused by minor incompatibilities of usb host module and the usb stick you are using.


Thanks for checking. I'm using a 64MB USB stick (yes it is very old!) formatted to FAT just to make sure it is all good

Example game is Aaargh! attached. This comes from the CPCGamesCD_20200330.iso compilation. Many direct load games in here

As is direct load, and the main file AAARGH can be run fine from the ready prompt (run "AAARGH) but will not work from the file manager

I'm not sure if we can attach files here still?
CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


Quote from: darkhalf on 12:17, 14 August 22Thanks for checking. I'm using a 64MB USB stick (yes it is very old!) formatted to FAT just to make sure it is all good
Example game is Aaargh! attached. This comes from the CPCGamesCD_20200330.iso compilation. Many direct load games in here
As is direct load, and the main file AAARGH can be run fine from the ready prompt (run "AAARGH) but will not work from the file manager
I'm not sure if we can attach files here still?
the solution is to launch the games with  LiliCPC for USIfAC II  with the support and collaboration of ikonsgr. In previous posts you have the information to install it on a USB and run it. The idea of loading games directly from uncompressed files "fails more than a sideshow shotgun" for multiple reasons.



Do you have a link to  LiliCPC for USIfAC II I cannot find it 


Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quotethe solution is to launch the games with  LiliCPC for USIfAC II  with the support and collaboration of ikonsgr. In previous posts you have the information to install it on a USB and run it. The idea of loading games directly from uncompressed files "fails more than a sideshow shotgun" for multiple reasons.
What are those reasons? Was this not how USB mode was meant to function?

 I prefer this over having to setup a PC for accessing files (similar to my M4). The current problem is that direct load games from folders normally with USIFAC via USB work fine, however the File Manager was not able to run some files which have no extension. It seems like something which could be probably fixed up in FM

@Ray Post #938 has the link
CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.



I've google translated the LiliCPC documents and put them in my google drive folder (link at #968)
Make sure it is formatted FAT32 (not FAT) since there are too many files in the root folder
CPC464/GT64, CPC464 Plus/CTM640, 2 x CPC6128/CTM644


Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quote from: darkhalf on 02:51, 15 August 22@Audronic

I've google translated the LiliCPC documents and put them in my google drive folder (link at #968)
Make sure it is formatted FAT32 (not FAT) since there are too many files in the root folder

Thanks for the translations too.

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