USIfAC II:Convert a PC or USB stick to Amstrad HDD,access dsk's,and many more!

Started by ikonsgr, 08:17, 01 December 20

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Some more hints about using esp modules:

- If you previously used a usb stick, better power off and on amstrad.

- If you have problems with |WIFI, try to set proper serial port speed with |SET command, and then use |COM, which is a special lightweight terminal, designed specifically for communicating with wifi/esp modules using AT commands. Check USIfAC's User's manual for a list of common AT commands and a link for the complete list of commands that can help in troubleshooting.

- After booting with esp module,you should wait for a few seconds before giving |WIFI command in order for the module to boot properly. Also, if esp module is previously connected to an access point (which is then saved on esp module),and you want to connect on the same Access Point, you should wait ~10 seconds after booting, before giving |WIFI command, in order for the module to boot properly and connect to the known access point. If you give |WIFI too fast you most probably get a: "WiFi module not found" error message.


Quote from: Fran123 on 06:46, 24 October 22I wanted to build a small navigator. I used a 4A powering.
By the way, if you mean "build a kind of internet browser for the Amstrad CPC", that would be amazing. No idea if that would be possible.


Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 13:31, 24 October 22
Quote from: Maitresinh on 13:11, 24 October 22Thanks

Would you have a link to a (simple ?) flashing process ?
i like to use Nodemcu flasher (can be used with any esp8266) its quite simple.... (in the win32 or win64/release folder)

connect FTDI serial usb to the ESP8266s RX, TX, +3.3v and GND..(if your esp has usb like the nodemcu board just connect that, no FTDI cable needed)
ground GPIO0 to set the esp into flash upload mode...
load up nodemcu flasher...
select the com port that matches the FTDI serial port...
goto config tab
uncheck all boxes on the left except the top one...
hit the top gear icon..
select the HS06F014 ESP-01S.bin file
from the drop down on the right select 0x00000
goto advanced tab,
baudrate to 115200
Flash size to 1Mbyte
flash speed 80Mhz
SPI mode DIO

go back to Operation tab
...hit flash...

if all goes well it should populate AP MAC and STA MAC and the flash will upload...

from there youre done... but i like to check its working by loading up like putty or something, connect to the COM port... and send "AT"... if it returns Ok ya good to go.. if not, its probably a baudrate issue.. try to connect again at say 9600bps or .. till you find the right setting for it to return 'OK' from 'AT' command 
once youve found that connect it to the USIFAC and run the |SET command to change to the baudrate you found... then |WIFI to scan and connect to your network

there is a page here that maybe of help...

I suppose the Nodemcu is powered bu the usb.
I've found this tutorial

And is suppose you've got to use a breadboard for wiring like here


Quote from: Maitresinh on 21:22, 24 October 22
Quote from: Fran123 on 06:46, 24 October 22I wanted to build a small navigator. I used a 4A powering.
By the way, if you mean "build a kind of internet browser for the Amstrad CPC", that would be amazing. No idea if that would be possible.
Well, it would be very limited. The main goal was download files.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 19:28, 24 October 22Some more hints about using esp modules:

- If you previously used a usb stick, better power off and on amstrad.

- If you have problems with |WIFI, try to set proper serial port speed with |SET command, and then use |COM, which is a special lightweight terminal, designed specifically for communicating with wifi/esp modules using AT commands. Check USIfAC's User's manual for a list of common AT commands and a link for the complete list of commands that can help in troubleshooting.

- After booting with esp module,you should wait for a few seconds before giving |WIFI command in order for the module to boot properly. Also, if esp module is previously connected to an access point (which is then saved on esp module),and you want to connect on the same Access Point, you should wait ~10 seconds after booting, before giving |WIFI command, in order for the module to boot properly and connect to the known access point. If you give |WIFI too fast you most probably get a: "WiFi module not found" error message.

Thank you John,

But as you know I already know all these 3 tips, as I have been using ESP Wifi modules for at least 2 months.
We have already discussed all this by PMs.
And I know the documentation by heart and all the advice on this subject...  ;)

As a reminder, I know very well how to use the ùSET, ùCOM, and ùWIFI commands because my ESP-12 module works perfectly.

The subject is : why ESP-01 and ESP-07 modules are not detected by USIfAC II ?

Is there anyone on the forum who only uses ESP-01 or ESP-07 (not ESP-12) with the exact procedure used for flash, software and files ?



"As a reminder, I know very well how to use the ùSET, ùCOM, and ùWIFI commands because my ESP-12 module works perfectly."

Is it possible to show a Photo of the ESP-12 Module you use Please

Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


@WacKEDmaN :

ESP-01 module :

ESP-01 Serial Adapter/3.3V 5V to connect USIfAC II :

USB Flash Key for ESP-01 :

ESP-01 connects directly to the USB flash key, so no wires : there can be no mistake.

ESP-07 module :

USB Flash Key for ESP-07 :

But I am certain of my connections, impossible to be mistaken.
I've done this enough times... There are only 4 wires (RX, TX, GND, VCC)
No problem with Flash Size, Speed mode (QIO/DIO), Flash Speed, or firmware files...
No problem with, and how enable, normal mode or flash boot mode. I know all that.
If I did something wrong : Flashing module wouldn't work.

Thanks for your help again, it's very nice, but, I'm not looking for someone to debug the flashing method I'm using.
Please review all previous posts. I feel like I'm constantly repeating myself.

Is there anyone on the forum who uses an ESP-07 module (or ESP-01) ??

And who actually managed to make it work on the USIfAC II ?

@Audronic :

This is my ESP-12 (ESP12E) module :


Quote from: poulette73 on 06:26, 25 October 22The subject is : why ESP-01 and ESP-07 modules are not detected by USIfAC II ?

As WacKEDmaN point out, this is most certain a problem with esp modules. The reason of non detection, is obviously because esp modules are not responding properly. So, i should follow his suggestions for troubleshooting.


Quote from: Audronic on 07:30, 25 October 22Is it possible to show a Photo of the ESP-12 Module you use Please
Keep Safe
This is the 12F/12E i tested with USIfAC II:


Hard to believe that my two ESP-01 modules, and my ESP-07 module are broken...
I can imagine it for only one, maybe... but not for 3 modules.

And I'm not going to buy a 4th one to rule out the possibility.

Moreover, they seem to work correctly since they are normally powered (GND and VNC pins) and the communication works perfectly in both directions (TX and RX pins) during the flashing procedure.
If that were not the case : there would be no acquittal, either sync problem, or flash failure.

I'm going to stop intervening, because we went off-topic, far from the initial subject of USIfAC II.
Sorry. 😉

I'll come back if anyone owns and uses an ESP-07/ESP-01 Wifi module. 👍



Thanks for the Photo of the ESP-12f/12E
There were so many to choose from, the photo will help

Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.



Thanks for ALL of the photos
It will help with the one I will have to purchase

Keep Safe

Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


@WacKEDmaN : please be respectful to others. Patronising other users is not really tolerated.


Ok,a couple of minor updates:

- A new 6f firmware is uploaded,a good guy mentioned me that although it can save files containing characters: ~,!,- ,USIfAC II can't load them. It appears that at some point in the past, i have excluded those characters from filenames in loading routine (specifically CAS IN OPEN). Practically this can only be a problem if you mount usb stick with files using long filenames, which will be converted to DOS 8.3 names containing "~" character. Anyway,i've removed the exclusion so now you can use these characters in filenames too.

- From now on i will use a DC3 50pin header, which might prevent pins from bending when you plug/unplug a ribbon cable connector:

You cannot view this attachment.


Great news John, I mentioned it in PM this idea of connector. 👍

Would you have a link where we could get some to adapt to the USIfAC II ?


Quote from: poulette73 on 20:43, 30 October 22Would you have a link where we could get some to adapt to the USIfAC II ?
This is from ebay, select 50L



I'm interested in buying one, are they still available ? Where can I order ?
I hope it's the right place to ask this (sorry I didn't read the 43 pages in the thread :) )
I love my M4 but I'm fed up with the lack of direct FDC emulation, that is required for so many demos. This works 100% with the USIfAC II, right ?

Also, are there OS agnostic utilities for the device now, or do you still need a Windows PC to make the most of it ?
I'm on Mac and I don't necessarily need a GUI, just a CLI utility will be fine. I'm happy to compile it myself too.

Thanks !


Quote from: reno on 00:14, 03 November 22Hello,

I'm interested in buying one, are they still available ? Where can I order ?
I hope it's the right place to ask this (sorry I didn't read the 43 pages in the thread :) )
I love my M4 but I'm fed up with the lack of direct FDC emulation, that is required for so many demos. This works 100% with the USIfAC II, right ?

Also, are there OS agnostic utilities for the device now, or do you still need a Windows PC to make the most of it ?
I'm on Mac and I don't necessarily need a GUI, just a CLI utility will be fine. I'm happy to compile it myself too.

Thanks !
I've included the relevant info on ordering -

QuoteAnd now, for the best part, i can offer:

- Stand alone Board+usb host module (if you have an MX4 or similar board) for  24 euros

- Board+usb host module+edge connector cable for 27 euros

- Board+usb host module+centronics connector cable for 29 euros

All prices include registered/tracked postage!

Anyone interested, please contact at:

All the tools aren't really necessary, but afaik are windows only.
I just copy files to a usb stick and go mostly.
I believe that the fdc emulation is pretty accurate but i've taken to focusing on "raw" files over disk images out of personal preference.
CPC464 & CPC6128 + USIfAC II + Revaldinho 512k(universal cpld ver) - Schneider CRT TV
Administrator of Amstrad Discord :


I received both boards today, thanks for the quick postage @ikonsgr!

When connecting just the USIfAC II, the 464 starts and I see the USIfAC II announcement text, then the machine reboots and hangs after printing the copyright message. If I then press the reset button it starts properly and I can use |USB to access the USB stick. 

If I also connect the RAM/ROM board then the same thing happens at startup. Loading the ROM manager, it doesn't list any ROMs at all. Pressing Tab gives "Improper argument in 302".

I've tried connecting an external 5V supply and removing the jumper but it didn't change the behaviour.

Any help much appreciated
CPC 464, CTM 644, USIfAC II, 512K RAM/ROM, FD1 & DD1, mouse, Multiface II


Quote from: NigeNigeNige on 13:59, 03 November 22I received both boards today, thanks for the quick postage @ikonsgr!

When connecting just the USIfAC II, the 464 starts and I see the USIfAC II announcement text, then the machine reboots and hangs after printing the copyright message. If I then press the reset button it starts properly and I can use |USB to access the USB stick.

If I also connect the RAM/ROM board then the same thing happens at startup. Loading the ROM manager, it doesn't list any ROMs at all. Pressing Tab gives "Improper argument in 302".

I've tried connecting an external 5V supply and removing the jumper but it didn't change the behaviour.

Any help much appreciated
This looks like a minor conectivity problem with Amstrad's Edge connector. Make sure that connector is well cleaned and has good contact with the ribbon cable.


Quote from: ikonsgr on 18:35, 03 November 22This looks like a minor conectivity problem with Amstrad's Edge connector. Make sure that connector is well cleaned and has good contact with the ribbon cable.
I've cleaned the edge connector but it's still the same. My other interfaces (MF2, DDI-1, 64K) are working fine. I think it's a board/firmware issue
CPC 464, CTM 644, USIfAC II, 512K RAM/ROM, FD1 & DD1, mouse, Multiface II


Quote from: NigeNigeNige on 13:59, 03 November 22When connecting just the USIfAC II, the 464 starts and I see the USIfAC II announcement text, then the machine reboots and hangs after printing the copyright message. If I then press the reset button it starts properly and I can use |USB to access the USB stick. 
Quote from: WacKEDmaN on 21:45, 04 November 22sounds close to the same problem im having.....

@NigeNigeNige curious...which gate array is in your system? 40007?

@ikonsgr youve never tested with a 40007 correct? it was designed around the 40010? ...does your board have the 2nd slot for 40007? maybe i could send you one to test with? (i know there shouldnt be a difference, its looking like there is)

I had the same with four different Schneider 464s. All with 40007. I guess it's time to recognise that there is a general incompatibility with some 464s and that it's not just an exception.


My 464 with 40007 also refuses to cooperate with the USIFAC II. Same symptoms here. Constant reboots or lockups.
So I have to agree that there is something that makes the two of them incompatible.



Quote from: d_kef on 16:23, 05 November 22My 464 with 40007 also refuses to cooperate with the USIFAC II. Same symptoms here. Constant reboots or lockups.
So I have to agree that there is something that makes the two of them incompatible.

I wonder if it's the revision of the board that is messing with tolerances? My 464 is a first revision(basically hella old) tall key model and I haven't had a problem with it at all that wasn't to do with old firmwares being weird.
CPC464 & CPC6128 + USIfAC II + Revaldinho 512k(universal cpld ver) - Schneider CRT TV
Administrator of Amstrad Discord :


Quote from: Devlin on 18:02, 05 November 22
Quote from: d_kef on 16:23, 05 November 22My 464 with 40007 also refuses to cooperate with the USIFAC II. Same symptoms here. Constant reboots or lockups.
So I have to agree that there is something that makes the two of them incompatible.

I wonder if it's the revision of the board that is messing with tolerances? My 464 is a first revision(basically hella old) tall key model and I haven't had a problem with it at all that wasn't to do with old firmwares being weird.
My 464 is also a tall key model.
I don't remember the exact mainboard revision but I'll open it up and take a look.


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