ULIfAC:Usb Mass storage,WiFi, 512KB Ram/32XROM Board/256K Ram+16X Rom Board!

Started by ikonsgr, 11:39, 24 March 23

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Quote from: Josip on 19:15, 14 December 23No, will try now.

EDIT: Tried, need to press reset after power on machine, after that it says booting and this screen appear

Great! You have just convert your CPC464 to a CPC6128 with 256k expansion ram ;-)
Btw, this needing for reset, might indicate some problem with the usb stick, if a usb device is too slow upon booting it might cause such boot problems. I remember @Audronic mentioned that he resolve similar problems by using a different usb stick.


Will try with another usb stick, but i am happy now, works :)


@Josip, believe me, if you try once the "464 to 6128" conversion (especially if you hadn't any previous experience with a real CPC 6128), you will NEVER use your CPC 464 without it again!  ;)


I made some changes and update the 3a firmware, that might have better results with "sticky 464".
So, @Josip or anyone having the "hang-up upon boot/reset" on a CPC464, try to update with this firmware (REV3a, for the moment, NOT an official firmware):
Note this is the plain hex, WITHOUT the bootloader, so you can use either PICKIT to update, or if you have REV3. board, you can use the simpler method with the usb2serial cable too.


Updated, left files on USB stick that automatically enables CPC6128 mode.
After power on, needs to press reset once, and after that works without any problem.

Is anything else that can i see as change?


Quote from: Josip on 18:55, 18 December 23Updated, left files on USB stick that automatically enables CPC6128 mode.
After power on, needs to press reset once, and after that works without any problem.
Is anything else that can i see as change?
So, now instead of needing to press reset twice, you only need to press once?
Did you also try it without automatic rom mounting (just rename/delete config.txt file in usb root dir)


Yes, now only one reset is needed.
No, will try in next days.


Ok, removed files, and again i need to press twice reset or RAM/ROM button to start device.

With these files to start in 6128 automatically, just one press is needed.


Quote from: Josip on 19:18, 19 December 23Ok, removed files, and again i need to press twice reset or RAM/ROM button to start device.
With these files to start in 6128 automatically, just one press is needed.
I see...Well,in any case,it seems that this modification indeed helped with your "Sticky 464", as now you can use ULIfAC (with just pressing reset button :) ), while before you couldn't use it at all right?


I could use it, but i need to remove USB stick and then after restart computer booted, then i inserted stick, need to enter mount command for USB stick.
But again after restart problem will occur.

At least now it is usable, thanks for your work.


We have passed the 500 limit for both boards, 400 USifAC II+ 105 ULIfAC sold worldwide!


Quote from: ikonsgr on 19:47, 20 December 23We have passed the 500 limit for both boards, 400 USifAC II+ 105 ULIfAC sold worldwide!

This is probably the most versatile hardware for CPC today. Unmatched in terms of price/performance!


I just had a contact with someone having this weird CPC 464 freezing problems upon booting with a ULIfAC board (which fortunately with REV 3a fw, can easily overcome by just pressing reset button 1 or 2 times), but this time, he sent me a couple of photos of his CPC464 and i verified that it's indeed an early version with "tall keys" and a GA40007 with heat sink installed.
So, as my CPC464 is a later version (with normal keys and a GA40010 installed) with which i never had such problems (either with USIfAC or ULIfAC), i would like to ask anyone with these old "Sticky" CPC464's, to test a new fw (Rev3b) i upload here, and note if it resolves the problem, or if there are any differences in Amstrad booting behavior.



Ok, removed files that are booting machine directly to 6128 mode, and just pressing reset once, computer boots as normal 464.
Can switch to 6128 without problem.

Great stuff :)


Quote from: Josip on 18:27, 14 January 24Ok, removed files that are booting machine directly to 6128 mode, and just pressing reset once, computer boots as normal 464.
Can switch to 6128 without problem.
Great stuff :)
So, is there any difference with previous fw? Does CPC464 boots without needing to press reset anymore, either with "auto boot to 6128" or not?


Before i have to remove stick to boot, and then put stick back and it will work until i restart computer, then i need to repeat procedure with remove stick, reset insert stick again.
Now works with with only one reset on cold boot (stick is plugged in device), after reset boots normally to 464 mode

Did not tried with files on stick, will try to put files on stick and check.

Probably in next few days.


Quote from: Josip on 19:49, 14 January 24Before i have to remove stick to boot, and then put stick back and it will work until i restart computer, then i need to repeat procedure with remove stick, reset insert stick again.
Now works with with only one reset on cold boot (stick is plugged in device), after reset boots normally to 464 mode

Did not tried with files on stick, will try to put files on stick and check.

Probably in next few days.
So, i guess there is no difference with previous rev 3a fw, which also needed one reset, right?


No, i needed to press twice reset or ram/rom key. 
With cpc6128 files only one reset was needed.

Now, just one reset is needed to start machine, so there is improvement comparing to previous firmware.

Will try with 6128 to see how machine works.


ok, so if now only one reset is needed to start in normal 512k mode, it might start in "auto 6128" mode , without freezing problems at all.
In any case, it seems that there is indeed an improvement, so i will use this fw revision for any future ULIfAC boards, thanks again for the support ;)


Just to confirm, with files for starting auto 6128 mode, works without any problems :)
No reset needed, just boots.


@Josip can you please try this firmware and tell me if it works the same with the previous latest fw? (which also had the best booting results, right?)
I expect to need to press reset only once if no "Auto boot to 6128" is active, and boots automatically without problems if "Auto 6128" is active.


Ok have flashed this FW.

Behaviour is the same.
Without files to boot in CPC6128 mode, regular CPC464 one reset is needed after machine is powered on
With files to boot in CPC6128 mode, boots without any problem, no reset press is needed.


Quote from: Josip on 17:56, 21 January 24Ok have flashed this FW.
Behaviour is the same.
Without files to boot in CPC6128 mode, regular CPC464 one reset is needed after machine is powered on
With files to boot in CPC6128 mode, boots without any problem, no reset press is needed.
And i suppose it doesn't freeze after resetting Amstrad too, as with the previous fw, right?
Anyway, thanks for the feedback, i've simplify the init code a bit, and i wanted to know if it has any differences with "sticky" CPC 464, (unfortunately my CPC464 seemed to work fine even with the 1st fw revision, so i couldn't troubleshoot it myself... :)  )

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