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The MegaFlash

Started by Bryce, 17:04, 05 August 11

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I've copied Harrier Attack over to the Wiki aswell and added it to the ROM Table.



Do you need a Chuckie Egg rom ?

Start with: "|EGG"



Cool, can you add it to the ROM Table list too?



Ummmmmmm, NO!!!  ;D

I dont know how to do that with that wiki stuff. I am sorry, for stupidness....

Tom / Pentagon


Ok, I'll do it....  Done.



Hi Bryce,

i'm interested to buy one Megaflash if you are making it yet.

It's possible? Thks in advance.


Hi Ismael,
          can you register an account here in the Wiki, then I can PM you all the details.



Finally I had my two weeks of years leave and I'm back since yesterday. During my vacation I had time to work with the real MegaFlash [nb]Any kind of software I did for it was developed on an emulator, because I don't have a CPC in the usa, where I work[/nb]. Now here are my results.

- Roman and ROManager (Basic version) work most of the time, but some times not. If not, it helps to initialize the Flash [nb]That means to switch the Software-Data-Protection OFF. The SDP seems to get switched on by itself once a while.[/nb]

- The FutureOS version of ROManager does not work.  >:(  I don't know why right now, but I will find out.

However, I haven't had much time and problems may show up due to my hardware (which was not used for a year).
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


EDIT: Actually I probably did test the FlashGordon (FutureOS) Version on a MegaFlash - so the MegaFlash (FutureOS) Version may be working.
Sadly I can not check that before next year...

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 16:08, 28 May 13
However, I haven't had much time and problems may show up due to my hardware (which was not used for a year).

Not using the Hardware for a year wouldn't have any negative effects on the Hardware. All contacts are protected against oxidation and there's no battery or other parts that would deteriorate over time. Other than the Flash chip, which has a defined lifespan, it should theoretically work forever[nb]This has not been tested :D [/nb]



one of these I would definitely buy


TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hey TFM (resurrecting the thread...)

Just a little clarification!

I'm having some difficulties with my MegaFlash and I thought I'd re-flash AMSDOS and BASIC for my 6128. I got the files from the CPCWiki page, however I was wondering how I should convert them into a disk (using ManageDSK) - with header or without?

Also, even if I delete ROM0/7, they still appear in the list, I guess these entries are pulled from the machine?



If you switch ROM 0 and 7 off at the MegaFlash, then you always see them with ROManager.

Else (IIRC) it doesn't matter if the ROMs have a header or not. However, I suggest you to give them headers on the CPC side, so you can use them with other apps. or simple load them w/o a problem.

Before installing ROM 0 and 7 make sure, that the appropriate ROM is switched ON on the MegaFlash.

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 21:41, 15 November 13
Else (IIRC) it doesn't matter if the ROMs have a header or not. However, I suggest you to give them headers on the CPC side, so you can use them with other apps. or simple load them w/o a problem.

Memory refresh  :P [nb]at least for AMSDOS version, I don't know about FutureOs version[/nb]

LD HL,SA_NM ;Address of filename in memory
LD DE,&4000 ;Target RAM address


OR A,A:JR Z,FERR:CP A,&16:JR Z,FERR ;BASIC(0) or ASCII(&16) file found!     <-------------------



CALL ROM_DISP:INC A:JP Z,ROM:DEC A ;display all 16/32 FlashROMs, select one.

CALL INS_ROM1:JP ROM ;install ROM from first E-RAM, ROM-select in A





So you better add a header or be prepared for a new transfer  ;) [nb]As I did the 1st time[/nb]


Oh, well, now I checked by myself (CC keeps my busy).

You got an old version. The actual version for Basic also supports headerless files.

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 22:43, 15 November 13
You got an old version. The actual version for Basic also supports headerless files.
From included source code :
AAA MegaFlashROManager_BASIC_V1.45 2013-02-19.dsk        : does not support ASCII (headerless) file
AAA MegaFlashROManager_FG_BASIC_V1.45 2013-03-02.dsk  : does support ASCII file

However, "_FG" is for FlashGordon. Will it work on Megaflash as well?


Thanks, TFM, much appreciated :)


Well, the MegaFlash and the FlashGordon version use basicly the same source. I just set a variable before I assemble the source. So the differences are located only in parts which actually deal with the Flash.

If somebody finds a problem (in the newest update!) please let me know.

Next year a plan to do an update, well, wouldn't call it a mayor update, but I will add some functions.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I could (at last) test the UltraBryce (tm) (c) (r) Megaflash at Alchimie X.

I was quite surprised by the speed at which it flashes... :laugh:

Also the utilitary tool to do that is quite well done... the interface (key used) are not always ... er... not what I would be used to use, lol... but it works well and is actually simple to use. :)
First thing I did was to put itself on the ROM anyway.

Thx Bryce and TFM, because of you I can almost run SymbOS...
Noww I got to disable this background in order to even move mouse ponter somewhere... ;)

Just need an IDE HDD and a real time clock and +512K RAM and a second disk drive and a special mouse just so I can run pacman or screensaver on it... :P

I also tried to put FutureOS, but obviously it wasn't the set of icons I did... nor the PLUS version with hardsprite pointer and so on...

TFM I already told you : you shoudl really make a slightly fancier version with desktop being able to evolve according to the actual configuration and so on... would just use one more 16K bank on the Flash/ROM box... not a big deal on those 512K ROM cards anyway...

Or else something so we can configure properly our ROM version.
My CPC will never have 8+ Data storage peripheral, 5 disk drives, 3 HDDs and so on...

Also as I don't have real time clock, too many space is used by those counters for time and date...

And I would like to have my icons used one day. You can even put some chickens on it if you want.
Also an "help" bar which would display the name/use of icons when the pointer is on them... and so on... sorry another out of topic.


Quote from: MacDeath on 17:58, 19 November 13
I also tried to put FutureOS, but obviously it wasn't the set of icons I did... nor the PLUS version with hard-sprite pointer and so on...

And I would like to have my icons used one day. You can even put some chickens on it if you want.Also an "help" bar which would display the name/use of icons when the pointer is on them... and so on... sorry another out of topic.

Well, after finishing Cyber Chicken, this is the number one of my to do list. I will create a comfortable tool to alter your icons in which way the user likes. That means: You will be able to exchange the GFX of every icons.

Quote from: MacDeath on 17:58, 19 November 13TFM I already told you : you should really make a slightly fancier version with desktop being able to evolve according to the actual configuration and so on... would just use one more 16K bank on the Flash/ROM box... not a big deal on those 512K ROM cards anyway...

Or else something so we can configure properly our ROM version.
My CPC will never have 8+ Data storage peripheral, 5 disk drives, 3 HDDs and so on...

Also as I don't have real time clock, too many space is used by those counters for time and date...

You should check out the Spartan-Bit. If enables you to get rid off unused icons, so the screen is much more clear. Use ConfigOS utility to activate the Spartan functionality.

The reason for having Icons at fixed spots is to enable the user to work with every FutureOS computer. In contrast on different PCs the Icons are always somewhere else and you need to start searching for them. This tedious waste of time will not happen on CPC (using FutureOS).

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Don't forget to add the state of the art... A f9 key.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


F9 is useless anyway... ;D


Glad you like it (at least the hardware) MacDeath and thanks for your review.



@TotO: What shall F9 do for you?

@Bryce: How charming.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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