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The MegaFlash

Started by Bryce, 17:04, 05 August 11

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@norecess: In theory I'm with you all the way. ROMs should be used for utilities that make use of the fact that the entire RAM is still empty / Basic still running, etc. But I still love the fact that I can load my favourite game, instantly at any time, without looking for a disk or scrolling through directories and I think it's a very cool new function for the MegaFlash. It might not be for everyone, but I'm sure there are many users who'll take advantage of this. There's 32 ROM positions, so even with all your favourite utilities, there's still room for your favourite game :)

@Hal6128: You can directly connect ROMEN to ROMDIS (via a diode) which will disable ROM 0 and the lower ROM in the CPC (which is what FODOS and a few other expansions did), but this doesn't disable ROM 7, because ROMDIS doesn't disable ROM 7. Yes a 1K resistor between the 5V and CE. It's not 100% required, but it's better practice and lowers the current required when the CPC is switched to this selection.

@Steve: No a PIC is too slow to emulate an ACID, you would need to use a CPLD, a PAL/GAL or lots of real TTL, the calculation occurs in realtime, which can only be replicated with real gates, CPUs are terrible at this type of task. Not sure what you mean about the Audio ports though? Sounds interesting, explain further.



The cassette port of a cpc664/6128/plus is used to connect a tape recorder for the loading and saving of programs, I thought it would be good to allow the possibility of connecting the cartridge to this port for programming, instead of saving to tape, you would be saving to cartridge.
It would need a PIC or similar to convert the wav./tape signal to the signals necessary to program the flashrom.
You would not write to the cartridge very often so write speed is unimportant. it may be that 2k/baud is enough, I don't know.



For the gamers, someone could write a "co-pilot" rom which would monitor how well the user is progressing through a game and if the co-pilot decides the user is struggling it could insert cheat codes to help the user get through difficult parts of the game, if this were done without the user being aware of it, the user could feel good about completing the game "without help". 8)


OK guys, yesterday I received my MegaFlash..
but I think I'm lost.

About ROManager...
Documentation is very bad. So far, I only managed to load OVL rom.
Every other file either gets a "bad command" error or RED border with a non-stoping beep!!!

Any help ?

6128 (UK keyboard, Crtc type 0/2), 6128+ (UK keyboard), 3.5" and 5.25" drives, Reset switch and Digiblaster (selfmade), Inicron Romram box, Bryce Megaflash, SVideo & PS/2 mouse, , Magnum Lightgun, X-MEM, X4 Board, C4CPC, Multiface2 X4, RTC X4 and Gotek USB Floppy emulator.


Thank's for the positive feedback ;)  Now let's see what I can do for you:

- Please download the newest version of ROManager first (Ver 1.35).

- Let me know what do you miss in the documentation? Which questions are open?

Obviously you have trouble loading and installing ROMs. If you can send me a DSK of that disc, which causes the problems, I will hopefully be able to help you.

A RED border and a beep tells, you that you try to load a file that does not exist or that the disc has an error. So commonly something's wrong with a file/disc operation.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thanks for reply...

I have latest version!
I try to flash Symbos roms, Discology, Masterfile 128, Protext and Parados
ALL FAIL as I stated in previous post !!

However must say I succeeded with Romanager rom, QuickCMD and OVL roms

So I have wrong images I suppose ??

I'm using Demoniak's ManageDsk v.020 to write disk images for my 6128.

6128 (UK keyboard, Crtc type 0/2), 6128+ (UK keyboard), 3.5" and 5.25" drives, Reset switch and Digiblaster (selfmade), Inicron Romram box, Bryce Megaflash, SVideo & PS/2 mouse, , Magnum Lightgun, X-MEM, X4 Board, C4CPC, Multiface2 X4, RTC X4 and Gotek USB Floppy emulator.


Documentation is not bad, actually, I was able to do everything just by glancing at it... If it fails for you then there's definitely some sort of problem...


Quote from: fgbrain on 18:29, 24 September 11
I try to flash Symbos roms, Discology, Masterfile 128, Protext and Parados
ALL FAIL as I stated in previous post !!
However must say I succeeded with Romanager rom, QuickCMD and OVL roms

Are you sure you're adding AMSDOS headers to the files when putting them into the DSK images?

ROManager, QuickCMD and OVL ROMs all have AMSDOS headers because they are supplied as DSK images.  The other one's won't as I expect you've downloaded just the ROM image files from the net...?


Quote from: fgbrain on 18:29, 24 September 11
Thanks for reply...

I have latest version!
I try to flash Symbos roms, Discology, Masterfile 128, Protext and Parados
ALL FAIL as I stated in previous post !!

However must say I succeeded with Romanager rom, QuickCMD and OVL roms

So I have wrong images I suppose ??

I'm using Demoniak's ManageDsk v.020 to write disk images for my 6128.

Well, you didn't attach a DSK like I asked you for. So I can only guess... but we will fix that issue  :)

Take a  look at the ROMs which you tried to install from disc. Do they have a file-size of 16 KB on disc?

If yes, you can install them only with the FutureOS version of the ROManager (please use only yesterdays version), because they have no file-header. And ROM files without header (16 KB size usually) can't be loaded by AMSDOS.

That happens with ROMs from the net, if you get them al PC files, they usually have no Amsdos file-header any longer.

If your ROMs actually have a file-size of 17 KB, everything should work, because they do have a header.
If you still have problems, then attach a DSK here and I try to check for the problems.

And btw. don't expect my software to install SOS  :P  Only joking  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hi fgbrain,
        the good news is that if any ROM worked, then the hardware is fine. I guess you've made a simple error such as saved the ROM files as ascii instead of bin when you added them to the dsk file. I've attached a dsk with some of the ROMs you've mentioned saved correctly, give them a try and let us know if that works.




Thanks, your dsk worked fine. I now realize that I have to save rom files as binary.

Your software is nice, but how can a first-time ROM user (like me) see what's wrong?
You should include a message about such errors..
About the border red/green changing, it's nice but you don't write anything about it on screen!
Hope you fix this issue -mainly for other future users.


6128 (UK keyboard, Crtc type 0/2), 6128+ (UK keyboard), 3.5" and 5.25" drives, Reset switch and Digiblaster (selfmade), Inicron Romram box, Bryce Megaflash, SVideo & PS/2 mouse, , Magnum Lightgun, X-MEM, X4 Board, C4CPC, Multiface2 X4, RTC X4 and Gotek USB Floppy emulator.


Well, I really did assume that everybody knows about file-headers. I must admit I was wrong.
However I will think about how to make ROManager also working for a novice.

Due to technical reasons it's not possible to write on the screen as long as the MegaFlash is switched to the write mode. Therefore communication is done by color changes and beep's.

Use the FutureOS version, to get around all that troubles. 8)

In addition I must say, I do have a real life and I don't have 24/7 for CPC projects (even I would wish that if would be the case). So be patient. Thanks for your comments. Your help will surely help to improve software.

EDIT: I tried to update the ROManager documentation. However, it IS already mentioned that 16 KB header-less files can be processed by the FutureOS version of ROManager only. Well, even the best doc's can't help people who don't read it. To complain then is a bit insolent  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Oh, i completely forgot to mention: you can use a "official" Symbiface 2 ribbon cable to hook up your Megaflash if you want. Do note that the cable needs to be hooked up in reverse (like if you hook up the Edge/centronic end to you cpc as normal .. then the board needs to be reversed at the board end):

Good to know if your pet/child desides on cheving up one of your cables .. using the megaflash cable on a symbiface2 is gonna be a tight fit tho.


Quote from: TFM/FS on 00:44, 25 September 11
Well, I really did assume that everybody knows about file-headers. I must admit I was wrong.
However I will think about how to make ROManager also working for a novice.

Well personally I did not remember about ASCII/bin, but what I was presented with the relevant dialog I was like "ASCII? Hell no!" :D But yeah, it'd be good to include some error messages...


The SymbiFace cable is that long!  :o I prefer expansions to be right behind the CPC, with just enough space to keep the neighbouring power/monitor sockets free to use. I'm sure the SymbiFace had a reason to use such a long cable (size of expansion PCB perhaps), but the longer the cable, the more chance that it will receive external interference from the monitor or other devices. But why was it twisted? Does the CPC side connector usually get connected the other way up? Otherwise the Red/Blue wire is actually pin 50 and not pin 1 as it should be.



Well, i think the answer is in that the symbiface2 connector (board end) actually does a U-turn (i think) inside the connector. Like from the MF board connector the ribbon goes straight to the right .. but with SF2 board connector it goes right below and then twists up again in a U-turn and back into the top of the connetor to finally exit fully to the top left. The Edge connector is used exactly the same with both cables when hooking up to the cpc.

The SF2 board is basicly the size of a 3,5" HDD so it can sqeeze in between the cpc and monitor. Problem is that the SF2 also needs to be powered externally (and its also a bit silly if you dont have a mouse and hdd(s) connected too) so its practical to have the whole setup next to the cpc instead.


MegaFlash: Tiny cable for a tiny extension. Love it!  :-*


Quote from: SyX on 18:51, 09 September 11
The weekend is about to start, because that i have prepared another "game rom" for the MegaFlash (and other romboards :P ), in this case i have made a rom pack with Bomb Jack I & II in 3 roms. You will need to put the first rom in any position that the firmware initialize (or in any position if you are using the Booster rom) and the other two roms can be in the rom position that you like.

The RSX commands are |BJ1 & |BJ2  ;)

Great Weekend!!!  :D

I received my mega flash late on Monday and left for a family holiday very early on Tuesday morning, so I only had a quick play...and that will be it for almost 2 weeks. Loved it and missing it already  :D

But I do have a laptop with me that has and emulator, so I'm trying out some Rom's for when I get back.
Just going through this thread again and noticed that Syx was converting some games to Rom...Head over Heals & Bomb Jack...did any others get done ?

Are the game conversions to rom being placed anywhere on the wiki ?

One I would like to see would be Harrier Aattack as I think this would fit on a single rom.

The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki


Hi 00WReX,
         I compiled a list (with download links) of all known CPC ROMs, so this will give you a good idea of what's available. you can find it here:
I haven't heard any more about the game conversions either though. But the Micro Style ROM v2.11 does have a few small games on the ROM :)



Yeh, thanks Bryce. Was checking out that table you put together before the megaflash had even arrived.  ;)  nice list...

Was just wondering mainly if any more games have been converted ?

Thanks for the heads up on the Micro Style ROM.

The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki


Quote from: 00WReX on 14:29, 19 January 12Was just wondering mainly if any more games have been converted ?
I made an article for the RUA magazine where i explained how to make a rom with a game unprotected, because we have started a serie about "how to crack games" and my article was the perfect companion. I have attached the rom with the game, "Android One".

Of course, if you want that i take a look to some particular game only say it (Harrier Attack to the list ;) )


Can you add it to the ROM Table Page on the wiki too?


Johnny Olsen

Quote from: 00WReX on 13:43, 19 January 12

One I would like to see would be Harrier Aattack as I think this would fit on a single rom.

I have made a Harrier Attack rom many years ago - I have a 16 k ram used as rom sitting back in my rombo rombox.



Added Bryce!!!  ;)

Nice Work Johnny Olsen!!! (the list is empty now :P)


Nice...thanks guys  ;)

The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki

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