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The MegaFlash

Started by Bryce, 17:04, 05 August 11

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Quote from: Bryce on 15:32, 23 August 11
Btw, is the routine in the BASIC ROM or the lower ROM? If it's in the lower ROM, then you can't put it in Position 0 (well you can, but it won't work :D ).

Really?  I thought you could Flash position 0 and it over-rided the internal OS?


No Position 0 will over-write the BASIC ROM, not the OS ROM. The OS ROM is paged at a different address range, so the MegaFlash (and most other ROMBoards) can't replace the OS. To do that you need something like this:



Ok, at least I found that out before getting to far with it...!

Maybe I'll make a less buggy version of the Booster ROM instead.


Well, i have passed a great afternoon messing with my MegaFlash  ;D

It was a great idea to include Maxam ;), with it, it has been very easy to check that my "minirom writer" works perfectly :)

It's based in the sources that TFM put a few weeks ago, and i need it, because my diskdrive hasn't arrived yet, because that, i'm using my netbook how a cassette player  :laugh: (with my turbo loader of course  ;D ). If somebody is using the MegaFlash with a 464 or similar diskless configuration, tell me and i will polished it  ;)


Quote from: Kris on 07:48, 23 August 11

I just made some trials with the 1.32 version and the park/unpark function is working well till now.
Any chance to have a ROM version of the 1.32 rom_ manager ?

Great news! Thanks!!

ROM version? Absolutely, but be patient up to (let's say...) 1.35. Because I like to add some more functionality (drive select for load & save etc....). I will start to create the ROM version as soon as BASIC and FutureOS disc versions are running well, bug free and have been tested by some people. So let's say we speak about 2 weeks maybe.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: SyX on 19:38, 23 August 11
.... i'm using my netbook how a cassette player  :laugh: (with my turbo loader of course  ;D )....

Pretty cool idea  8)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Thanks, but without your sources, it would not be possible  ;)


Quote from: SyX on 20:36, 23 August 11
Thanks, but without your sources, it would not be possible  ;)

Well, 90% of my work I try to do in the old hacker ethics about the free flow of information. Which means the source shall be released. (But honestly, usually only very few people are interrested).
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 20:43, 23 August 11(But honestly, usually only very few people are interrested).
I know that feeling, although i usually publish the sources, normally the people interested in them, write me to ask about them and give feedback.


Yes, feedback is always good  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM/FS on 19:58, 23 August 11
I like to add some more functionality (drive select for load & save etc....). 



After finally realising that the Wiki just doesn't like brd files (it doesn't give you a warning, it just ignores you :D ). I have now uploaded the layout file for the MegaFlash for those who'd like to make their own (zipped to keep the Wiki happy). But be warned, it's neither an easy board to build nor to solder.

The file is an Cadsoft Eagle 5.11 brd file.



Hi Bryce

my MegaFlash was delivered today, and I've had a bit of time to set it up tonight
only played around with Maxam 1.5, but haven't loaded up any additional ROMs yet - and so far, so good!

thanks - it's great piece of work!


Quote from: Bryce on 08:56, 24 August 11
After finally realising that the Wiki just doesn't like brd files (it doesn't give you a warning, it just ignores you :D ). I have now uploaded the layout file for the MegaFlash for those who'd like to make their own (zipped to keep the Wiki happy). But be warned, it's neither an easy board to build nor to solder.

The file is an Cadsoft Eagle 5.11 brd file.


I always ask myself why these files are called "brd" files. I mean it sounds like a "bird". Is it because the soul of a PCB flies away like a brd - eh bird - when you screw it up? Or is it because you get a bird "einen Vogel bekommen" if you try to solder it by yourself?

However, I'm glad that Bryce produces the hardware. Real Great work!!!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hi Brice,

I have tried also the MegaFlash properly, the MegaFlashROManager Software from TFM fits extremely fine with the hardware.

I have here two naive questions (perhaps already asked, if it is the case, sorry) :
- I can't see/use now the roms 16 to 31 from Basic, yet available in the MegaFlashROManager,
- if one rom fails and freezes the system, it seems to me you need to unplug the material with the CPC off and plug it with the CPC on when you deal with the ROManager, is there any other solution ?

Otherwise, this piece of hardware is robust, tiny and does the job !
Thanks again for this great work.


Quote from: gros_minet on 20:06, 24 August 11
I have tried also the MegaFlash properly, the MegaFlashROManager Software from TFM fits extremely fine with the hardware.

Thanks a lot!  :)

Quote from: gros_minet on 20:06, 24 August 11
- I can't see/use now the roms 16 to 31 from Basic, yet available in the MegaFlashROManager,

Well, usually you can see the ROMs from 1 to 15. But if you have the BOOSTER ROM installed at 15, then you will also see the ROMs from 16-31.

Quote from: gros_minet on 20:06, 24 August 11
- if one rom fails and freezes the system, it seems to me you need to unplug the material with the CPC off and plug it with the CPC on when you deal with the ROManager, is there any other solution ?

Can you switch the MegaFlash off? You also can park ROMs. Bryce can help here more :-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Sorry, I didn't really understand the second point. Can you explain it better? In french is fine too if that's easier.

@TFM: brd stands for "board" not "bird" Doh  ::) :D   Just as well, with "gros minet" being nearby :D



Hi gros_minet,
        I re-read your post and I think I know what you mean, you're talking about having to remove the Flash IC when a corrupted image has been installed: Yes there's a solution mentioned further up in this thread here:
I wasn't expecting that many people to be installing dodgy images, only developers testing new software, but obviously I was wrong. I thought it would only be needed in rare emergency cases. If there are many people who intend installing questionable ROMs on a regular basis, I can add step-by-step mod instructions on the Wiki.



Quote from: Bryce on 08:24, 25 August 11
I wasn't expecting that many people to be installing dodgy images, only developers testing new software, but obviously I was wrong. I thought it would only be needed in rare emergency cases. If there are many people who intend installing questionable ROMs on a regular basis, I can add step-by-step mod instructions on the Wiki.
I'm surprised too, i'm making all the roms combinations in the emulator, before to send them to the MegaFlash ... it looks that there are more hackers in the CPC, Great!!!  ;)

Other thing that it could be helpful, it's making between everybody a chart in the wiki with the roms sorted by categories (disk, serial, copy tools, ...), telling if the rom need an special hardware or an specific rom position or is incompatible with other rom; and a rom version and checksum (MD5 or SHA1) for be sure that  the rom is correct and has been tested in the MegaFlash.


As if you read my mind... In a fleeting moment of boredom this morning, I started a page to cover exactly that:

I used an edited version of my ROM description as an intro and Cholos ROM list sorted into catagories with a few additions that were missing from the list. The list is by no means complete, so add any other ROMs that you notice missing. I will also check my collection at home, to see if I have any others.

Very few of the ROM Files are actually hosted on the Wiki. I'm wondering, whether we should upload these somewhere? Are there any known copyright / licensing issues with hosting the ROM files?



Hi everyone,

Yes, Bryce, you have guessed my second issue, it was that, sorry for my poor explanation.
Quote from: Bryce on 08:24, 25 August 11
I re-read your post and I think I know what you mean, you're talking about having to remove the Flash IC when a corrupted image has been installed: Yes there's a solution mentioned further up in this thread here:

Concerning my first issue, thanks to TFM.
Quote from: TFM/FS on 20:19, 24 August 11
Well, usually you can see the ROMs from 1 to 15. But if you have the BOOSTER ROM installed at 15, then you will also see the ROMs from 16-31.

So thanks again for these two (precise and quick) answers, have a nice day.


Ok, pretty easy day today, so I've no made a table of all the ROM Software available, which you can find here:

This is far from finished, there's no links yet and lots of info is missing. Feel free to append any information in the table and also add any ROM software I have missed from the list.



Quote from: Bryce on 08:56, 24 August 11
After finally realising that the Wiki just doesn't like brd files (it doesn't give you a warning, it just ignores you :D ).


Well, yeah, apologies for not adding every freaking file format out there :D Alternatively, you could have upped a zip file :p

As for the ROM table: great job!!!!


Quote from: SyX on 11:30, 25 August 11
I'm surprised too, i'm making all the roms combinations in the emulator, before to send them to the MegaFlash ...

Oh, that's a potential pitfall. Because the CPC works with various ROM combinations, that will not work with emulators. In addition, different emulators are able to work with different ROM combinations. My suggestion is: If a special combination will not work with one emulator, just try it with another emu (or even the real CPC)  :)

Quote from: Bryce on 12:12, 25 August 11
As if you read my mind... In a fleeting moment of boredom this morning, I started a page to cover exactly that:

Good work! ;)

BTW: A table that tells more about a ROM could indeed be of interrest, but it should than have a raw that tells about ROM number limitations. For example an DOS ROMs must have a ROM number smaller than Amsdos. Or RDOS must have a ROM number samller than any other DOS / Amsdos. ... If we have such a table, if would be my pleasure to contribute. ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


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