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The MegaFlash

Started by Bryce, 17:04, 05 August 11

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That *is* nice. 10x6cm, vs the 8x6cm of the 2029 one. Plus the black color is much nicer... I wonder if they ship to Greece.

Ynot.zer0 MegaFlash arrived on Wed/Thur this week, but due to work I've not had a chance to test it until today.  I plugged it into the 6128+ and it had 3 ROMs onboard.  I tested Maxam, worked great.
I plugged it into the 6128 (behind my 256k Ram extension) and repeated.  Again, worked great.
I have an HxC setup as internal drive, I copied the Roms from Cholo to 4 DSK images, converted them to .hfe and using TFMs wonderful RomManager I copied the Roms to the MegaFlash.
You guys have made it sooooo simple and powerful.  I'm a very happy CPC-er  8)


Nice. Isn't that the way it should be? :)



Unfortunately the Booster ROM messes up with Maxam's HELP command, so you can't even list the ROMS you got, let alone the commands... :(


Quote from: Gryzor on 23:33, 20 August 11
Unfortunately the Booster ROM messes up with Maxam's HELP command, so you can't even list the ROMS you got, let alone the commands... :(

Locate the BOOSTER ROM at position &0F (15), and Maxam just between 1 and 14. That way will work.

ROMs with smaller numbers are initialized later, later means that their commands are taken in cases two ROMs provide commands with identical names.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


That's where they are. Booster in slot 15 as instructed elsewhere, Maxam in slot 7 as it came from the factory. Still no luck.


Oh, don't place MAXAM at 7. ROM 7 always must contain AMSDOS.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Um, sorry, my bad; obviously it's not 7! :D


Well, just a guess.... I think the ROM that messes up MAXAMs !HELP command is located at a position that has a SMALLER ROM number than MAXAM. May you check them out? Good luck!!!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Well, I did experiment with placing and removing ROMs high and low, and when I took Booster out it worked again. But I'll try the board with nothing (except for the ROMs it came with) and then add Booster @15 to check with as clean a board as possible...


Ok, I just confirmed, loading Booster screws with Maxam's |Help,n command :(


Got my Megaflash today, YAY!  ;)


Cool. Let me know what you think when you've had a chance to try it out.



Quote from: Gryzor on 18:51, 21 August 11
Ok, I just confirmed, loading Booster screws with Maxam's |Help,n command :(

Well, I used Booster ROM at position 15 and MAXAM at position 4 in an Emulator. That works. It remains a mystery.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


News form Bryce: ROManager Version 1.32 seems to park properly. Can somebody please confirm?
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus



I just made some trials with the 1.32 version and the park/unpark function is working well till now.
Any chance to have a ROM version of the 1.32 rom_ manager ?


Quote from: Gryzor on 18:51, 21 August 11
Ok, I just confirmed, loading Booster screws with Maxam's |Help,n command :(

The Booster ROM code is really messy and quite buggy so expect it will cause problems.

I've disassembled the code and am working putting the code patches directly into the CPC OS ROM which of then can be flashed into position 0 on the MegaFlash.  This means you won't need the Booster ROM at all.

Will let you know how I get on.


But you'll need lots of different versions depending on the type of CPC.



My MegaFlash has arrived!!! :D :D :D

I will test it this afternoon  ;) But the first impression is GREAT, so sexy :D :D :D, very well build and even smaller that i thought  8)

Wonderful Job Bryce!!!  ;D


Glad you like it. Let us know what you think after messing about with it.

Btw: I've edited Cholos list of ROMs here:
to include links to the Wiki pages with information about the ROM, Hardware devices and companies. This makes it a bit easier to decide what you want to try out. I also noticed while doing it, that a lot of ROMs are missing, so I will go through my ROM collection when I have time and add some more to the list.



Hi Bryce

In the parts list you have the card edge to cable adaptor listed as "50 flat cable connector".  My question it where can this be found.  I have looked on the RS and Farnell websites and went blind trying to find it.




The part hasn't been manufactured for years, so it's more or less impossible to find. The only place I know where they are still available is from Eliot:
He sells these and many other hard to find CPC Parts. A great service.

(Eliot is also a CPCWiki member, so you can probably contact him through the Wiki forum too).


P.s. Just in case you intend building one yourself, I will upload the Layout files (brd Format) tonight. But should you want a built and tested one, I still have a few left over.


Quote from: Bryce on 11:42, 23 August 11
But you'll need lots of different versions depending on the type of CPC.

Yes, but the routines are all pretty much identical, just in different memory locations.

Once you've cracked one of them, it's not hard to create other versions.


I know, I just meant that with a fixed BOOSTER ROM you have one ROM that works on all machines, whereas if you patch the BASIC ROM, you end up having several versions. This might be annoying for someone who uses the MegaFlash on several differnt CPCs (as I do).
Btw, is the routine in the BASIC ROM or the lower ROM? If it's in the lower ROM, then you can't put it in Position 0 (well you can, but it won't work :D ). ROM 0 is Basic, not the OS ROM.


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