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The MegaFlash

Started by Bryce, 17:04, 05 August 11

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Hi all,
     after many months of development the MegaFlash is finally here. The PCBs arrived this morning and I've just built and tested the first one, which you can see below. All tests went well. It's sitting on a Maxell CF2 3" Disk in the second picture so that you can estimate its approximate size. Also many many thanks to TFM for developing the software required to program it.

I will start building the others at the weekend. I still have some additional PCBs, so anyone who hasn't ordered one yet, there's still a chance to get one, just send me a PM.



WoW! Can you influence time? That was made in LIGHTSPEED!!!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Sweet. Can't wait to get one.  8)



Quote from: TFM/FS on 17:35, 05 August 11
WoW! Can you influence time? That was made in LIGHTSPEED!!!

No, but I can bugger off early from work if there's something important I want to do at home :D

As you can see in the pictures, I added text in the copper for "R = Read" and "W = Write" and also "0" and "7" so that you don't need to check the documentation to know what settings are set on the device.



The second photo is seriously sexy. I could frame it as it is.


You mean it's not blurred like the first one :D

Btw, for all "collectors" out there, yes, that really is an original "still sealed" CF2 :) I have 5 of them, that I don't intend ever opening (just wanted to make you jealous) :D



Heheh yeah, got a few myself. I don't remember if I've got any sealed Amsoft disks though...


Quote from: TFM/FS on 17:35, 05 August 11
WoW! Can you influence time? That was made in LIGHTSPEED!!!

The reason he can work this quickly is: he clearly is not human.

Watch what happens, everytime bryce returns from work:

Obviously this is no original footing. For one he's the male counterpart, but I guess you'll get the idea. ;)
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Hmmm, that's a pity, I was looking forward to having a good fondle of those pert baps after a hard days work :D



Awesome  ;)

I also just realised how much easier and userfriendly it will be using one of these than the old hardware. Burning your own hardware eproms isnt that hard or expensive, but the hardware to do it keeps getting incompatible rapidly (feel like Windows gets a new version every 10 minutes). Also how many pcs even have a parallel port today .. and in 10 years who know if usb even exist. Some motherboards dont support floppy drives either anymore.
Then there is the actual use of using roms. The old hardware isnt exactly a "smooth" run. Handling the roms is one thing (aka dont want to break the chip/legs). Some roms sometimes need to placed in a correct spot for it to work or work with other roms. So sometimes you need to change roms manually .. or need to turn on/off roms .. usually flicking small switches on the rom board (all fairly timeconsuming and fairly risky).

The Megaflash however is future-proof and easy to use as well. Win+win  8)


Hmmm, shite weather, but a busy day :)



Oh! I can see mine  :D  congrats



A proper little manufacturing line :)

If you finish them all before sending them out, please do take a photo of them all together!


Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Thank god for german weather :D


It been fuckin raining all day, what a pain in the ass, but what else can you do when the weathers like that :D

I will build 14 before I start sending them out, so I'll take a picture of those, if it's a "group photo" you want.



Can't wait  :)

Are you going to test them all before sending ?


Quote from: norecess on 02:14, 07 August 11
Are you going to test them all before sending ?

Since Bryce is currently producing MegaFlash units, let me try to give an answer.

As soon as you will get your MegaFlash, you can use the "Flash Check" option of the MegaFlash ROManager software. But Bryce will do some more tests anyway. Quality is very important for us here at FutureSoft  :) . And Quality Control is IMHO NOT the duty of the customer  ;)
So you can be sure, it will work 100%.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hey TFM,

Can't wait for mine to arrive to use your software - it looks really sweet. Just one question, is there a manual anywhere? Also, will the ROM version be released any time soon? I guess it only makes sense for it to be the first ROM installed...

[EDIT] Oh well, I guess the wiki page will have to do as a manual!


the last run before the end ?  :D


Well, Bryce has been awfully quiet. His eyes must be sore from all the soldering :)


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:33, 07 August 11
Hey TFM,

Can't wait for mine to arrive to use your software - it looks really sweet. Just one question, is there a manual anywhere? Also, will the ROM version be released any time soon? I guess it only makes sense for it to be the first ROM installed...

[EDIT] Oh well, I guess the wiki page will have to do as a manual!

Well, I already told Bryce to send me my board as last one. So I hope it helps a bit. About the software, I framed the window like you mentioned it. Some other cosmetics will come up in the next days/week (I missted time this weekend, have a presentation tomorrow).
Yes, there is a munual on disc. The file is called  "-RMA.TXT". Just TYPE it in Mode 2. However, I also have to overwork the documentation of the DSK. I have to mention something about ROMs 0 and 7 and checksums, so on...

About the ROM version, I will start to work at it as soon as the actual ROManager software is finished and pleases everybody. Then I have to make it only once, else I would have to deal too much with updates. But this should not take more than a month or so.

Thanks for your interrest and motivation.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


So you've done (or are doing) everything and more :) Fantastic, thanks lots indeed! And now we will be able to load the manual through a ROM-based word-processor... :D

Good luck with your presentation!

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