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SYMBiFACE III in development

Started by ., 20:15, 30 April 18

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It is already in my possession .. It is time to take the CPC to the limit! thx @TMTLOGIC  :P :P
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nice to see...

If you need help or questions, you can do this on the chat app.

after the holiday there will be a hardware(cpld) update.
to solve a timing problem.

furthermore I am waiting for Rak wireless for a solution for a wifi problem.


ok , i will try that chat  8)
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SF3 and LS3 side at side. That's power!  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


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I am very happy with this hardware, it is something incredible  :laugh: :laugh:
I want to thank the support and help to configure this to : @GUNHED , @TMTLOGIC , @Prodatron , @SOS and @TFM  :o :o :o :o :o
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Yes this card rocks!  I followed on slack your 'adventure' for making symbos working on it  :D ,  I will setup mine now.


MP3 player from basic  8) by @HAL 6128 

your amstrad news source in spanish language :

GUNHED --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


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Programs for the SE-ONE can be found on the website: >> support >> seone
google drive link >> programs >> cpc

For SEONE/CPC users, you can  use the MSX DFU file to upgrade the SEONE.

for SF3 users, the normal SF3 update files, the SEONE is integrated in the SF3 DFU

If you have any questions about the SEONE, please email me and I can help you


Ah, this means, that the SE-ONE is part of the SF3, right? --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Another software audio player for SF3  :P
your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Something has been added to the Symbiface 3 again.

With the arrival of a new adapter, the SF3_CPC can also be used in an MSX computer, and with another adapter can be used in an Enterprise computer. next year the PCW will also be available.

What is needed for it, an adapter, and an update file for the relevant computer.
For example SF3_MSX_xxxxxxxx.DFU

after this update you can reprogram the Hardware (cpld) there is a manual for that (simply by a reset and pressing a button)

after this it can be used in the MSX computer.

can you go back to the CPC ??
yes, repeat the procedure with an SF3_CPC_xxxxxxxx.DFU

The MSX has 2MB RAM, SF3 SEONE and the functions work normally. Symbos support with USB msd will come later
this is still under development just like the Enterprise


A lot of time has been spent in the past year on improving the Hardware (cpld) and new functions in the SF3.
As a result, production lagged behind expectations.

The SF3 is now in stock at Prodatron.
AMSDAP42 also on stock 10x

SOS is busy testing the DSK option for XMASS + SF2, and SF3

If you have been waiting for an SF3 for a while, send me a personal message or an email to tmtlogic(at)gmail(dot)com



User question:

where can I find information about the Symbiface 3 v21

visit the website
search for the google drive link SF3_CPC.

The SF3_CPC is the main directory for the Symbiface 3, manual for the MSX is the same as the CPC version

(it is possible to use the SF3_CPC with an adapter on an MSX, Enterprise and later on the PCW.
for this the SF3 must be updated with the SF3_MSX .... DFU for example, and then the CPLD update must be performed. here is a manual for)

you can be found here:

DFU update files, manuals, examples, ROMS, software



We are testing to get MIDI on the SF3.

This requires a few components.  opto coupler, connectors, 3v3 regulator TTL ic's

Is there an interest in this?

or more intresing in a RS232 connection ,   (only RX TX)


Why not, The more feature the better!
But be aware that people can get a fully functional MIDI interface with USIfAC and a 10 $ MIDI breakout board already, for ~30 $ combined. So it's not going to be easy to be price competitive. And Speak&SID with MIDI is also only ~50 $. LambdaSpeak 3 with MIDI is in the ~ 110 $ range, so that's a bit too pricey IMHO. But both USIfAC and Speak&SID are already fully featured MIDI interfaces, for small bucks.

This is the board you can simply add to any existing serial interface that supports MIDI baud rate (31250) - and we have many serial interfaces for the CPC already (I just saw that there is a new kid in town, the Alberto that has serial interface as well):


Great idea,   only the 5v signal to the UART must be modify
The uart of the SF3 is 3v3

@CPCManiaco and @gflorez tells me than there was a MIDI interface named the "Music Machine".
is this the most used MIDI interface ? 6850
there are another interfaces ?

@XeNoMoRPH  give me
there are more MIDI testprograms . sequencers ?


"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Wow nice to see.
what kind of computer is this?


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 17:16, 21 February 20
wow nice to see.

what kind of computer is this?
It is a reworked CPC mainboard into an ITX case with some extra for native demo/game developers.
The SF3 fit really nice with a riser.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

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