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SYMBiFACE III in development

Started by ., 20:15, 30 April 18

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Will it work with the 464 and 4 MB?
Can you guys please make sure that the Batman Demo runs trough, 100 %, reliably, on all different kinds of 464 models.
We already have a couple of 4 MB expansions that don't work.

Actually, I don't even care for 4 MB... 512 KB working would be good enough!


I know this is coming late. However if would be great if there could be compatibility to existing hardware. Especially RAM, RTC and WiFi. RAM shouldn't be a problem. RTC is super simple in SF2, so it would be great to use the same command and ports (to allow existing software to run). About WiFi, the M4 card from Duke was sold about 500 times, so it is the standard for the CPC. Therefore it would be a big advantage to be compatible to it. Well, this is just my opinion and others will not care about these things, but I wanted to mention it.  :)  Good luck with this interesting project.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Does this mean that SF2 IDE is compatible to SF3 IDE?  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:27, 01 October 18
Does this mean that SF2 IDE is compatible to SF3 IDE?  :)
No, the SF3 has no IDE, it has USB.
The Magic keyword is "Autodetect" and after that "Choose the right Driver"


Awesome Hardware  :o
What are the main current features  ... ? , the same as in the initial post or has any new ones been added?
your amstrad news source in spanish language :


There is a lot of new function for the cpc to play I'm still testing the hardware.
[/size]if the base is tested, I can say what the possibilities are of this sf3 At this moment I have tested the CortexM7 ARM, CPLD,Oled, Buzzer Uart, Vu leds, functions and a part of the memory


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 11:53, 02 October 18
There is a lot of new function for the cpc to play I'm still testing the hardware.
if the base is tested, I can say what the possibilities are of this sf3 At this moment I have tested the CortexM7 ARM, CPLD,Oled, Buzzer Uart, Vu leds, functions and a part of the memory

Not sure what that means (what and how do you test in CortexM7 ARM and CPLD??  ??? )

For Batman demo, the test is relatively simple - run it on a CPC 464 with supported CRTC and let us know if it crashes at some point or not  :D 


Quote from: GUNHED on 23:50, 30 September 18
I know this is coming late. However if would be great if there could be compatibility to existing hardware. Especially RAM, RTC and WiFi. RAM shouldn't be a problem. R

I second that!  Please don't make it a "SymbOS only" device... 


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 18:34, 02 October 18

I second that!  Please don't make it a "SymbOS only" device...

For the RTC i will later play around with RSX's,
RAM is SymbOS independently,
ROM too,
OLED, i played a little bit around with CubeMDOS (RSX's needed?!)
Some Features maybe only works in SymbOS - maybe not - It depends on the ideas.

(e.g. I think, that would be no problem to make a |BUZZ - RSX   ;) )


Quote from: SOS on 18:55, 02 October 18
For the RTC i will later play around with RSX's,
RAM is SymbOS independently,
ROM too,
OLED, i played a little bit around with CubeMDOS (RSX's needed?!)
Some Features maybe only works in SymbOS - maybe not - It depends on the ideas.

(e.g. I think, that would be no problem to make a |BUZZ - RSX   ;) )

So if you have such a device, can you test it with Batman demo on the 464?


Quote from: SOS on 18:55, 02 October 18Some Features maybe only works in SymbOS - maybe not - It depends on the ideas.

Well, IMHO it depends if somebody writes software for it only. That's all.  :laugh:  Prodatron did for years an excellent job in writing drivers/support for Symbos. And that's great. However the M4 board shows us that anything can be kept in the native environment too. And that should be preferred all the time. Of course I do write most of my stuff also for FutureOS. I totally understand Prodatron to do the same, since the native CPC OS has not as much power as Symbos or FutureOS (the native OS has 16 KB only).

The second main reason for hardware can be / will be supported is of course its documentation. The SF2 docs are great, while I have problems to find docs for the Albireo in contrast. Therefore I - once in a while - bump here and ask for docs for the SF3.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 19:10, 02 October 18

So if you have such a device, can you test it with Batman demo on the 464?

Looking forward to hear about the result of that test (somehow I'll have the vague feeling that we won't hear about that very soon...  ;D  )

So, I don't mind people selling their "4 MB mem expansions with 64 KB DKtronics mode" for the 464 if it actually worked. I do mind though if they pretend that it works, and let the buyers discover that themselves (through a very long and tedious frustrating process of trial and error!), than that this is really false advertising. I don't want to see another one of these RAM expansions labeled like this for the 464. At least it should be made explicit what the expansion can do, and what it can't do.

So please provide that piece of info when it comes available.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 23:07, 03 October 18
So please provide that piece of info when it comes available.
Yes,yes,yes , but need time... (maybe we/i must wait for the 2nd prototyp-Card, i only have the V1)


Great, thanks!! I'll buy it for sure if it works  :)


Quote from: SOS on 05:33, 04 October 18
Yes,yes,yes , but need time... (maybe we/i must wait for the 2nd prototyp-Card, i only have the V1)

See this is why it is a good test - it only takes 5 minutes and successfully distinguishes between fictional and actual DKtronics compatibility 😁


Update of the SF3 v2.0

Most of the hardware has been tested.

I can give some specifications and the tests that have now passed.

The SF3 v2.0 has:

2MB Ram
512k Rom
MP3 Chip (player works with Symbos)
RTC + battery
1x USB Fat32
1x USB for Hid mouse
1x SD card for internal storage (ini file update files etc.)
2x8 Vu leds
OLED 128/32 with 3 Buttons
ROM enable switch
DFU switch for manual update
Main power (5v) analog meeting
Connector for debug information FTDI

not tested:

MP3 recording
Onboard JTAG

the 512kb Rom can be uploaded from CPC, USB, SD, Internet
there are 32 roms
- 0-30 rom
- place 31 is the lower rom

Each ROM has an enable bit, this can be changed from the CPC

We are working on an FMC (flexible memory controller)
This piece of hardware will be able to change the memory format
to for example 2MB rom and 512KB ram

software tested:
CubeMDOS / FAT16 + FAT32-IDE OS in ROM7

The game 1943

mp3 running in Symbos

4x ROM symbos

in short, it's going in the right direction.

If there is a Mittwinter meeting in Kirchen, I hope to get there too.


support for the sf2 comes later.
the hardware has already been prepared for this.
you can activate the chip select of the sf2 and the mp3 player with the cpc

furthermore, an sf3v2.1 might be a support for the 464. but I'm not very happy with the way the 464 is being manipulated for memory expansions.

the 2.1 will be the version that we will sell.


Great specs! :) Would be nice if you can make it to the meeting (I got no date till now).
Meanwhile it would be great if you can provide detailed information who to program the SF3. Or is it confidential?

EDIT: Can it be expanded to 4 MB RAM? That would be a gem imho.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


no it is not confidential. but I am still in the period between tests and devinitive commands.
from next week I am going to adjust the manual.

a large part of the functions is equal to the Sf3 v1.0


The price has determined that there is 2.5mb ram on the sf3.
I would have liked more memory, but the price would be more expensive.


What is the difference in terms of prices between 2.5Mb and 4Mb ?


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 17:37, 11 November 18
furthermore, an sf3v2.1 might be a support for the 464. but I'm not very happy with the way the 464 is being manipulated for memory expansions.
Great! 464 support would be nice. Did you have a change running Batman demo yet? 


4mb ram is maybe only 15 to 20 euros more expensive. With Prodatron the price has already been agreed, and I do not want to go over it.
you have to set a limit somewhere ....

I am not busy with the 464.
that will be next year


- Maybe an option for 2 MB or 4 MB RAM. (Didn't see a price anyway, maybe I did over read it).
- I asked for docs because there seem to be at least two persons making software for it.
- Can you please post a link to the manual you mentioned? --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)

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