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SYMBiFACE III in development

Started by ., 20:15, 30 April 18

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You can already see on the site, we are working on a new version of the SYMBiFACE III
At the moment, a prototype has started that has the following functions:

USB mass storage device FAT32   is tested with an speed of 700Kb/sec
USB wireless mouse
512 KB RAM
RTC + batt.
OLED display

All this functions are tested by SymbOS
Drivers are written through Prodatron

We are going to make a better version, and I am interested in ideas what the CPC user would want for new possibilities


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 20:15, 30 April 18
USB mass storage device FAT32   is tested with an speed of 700Kb/sec

Is the speed from the CPC or from the interface to the USB?

If from the CPC then how did you get such since at 4MHz the CPC cannot even get close (is about 180Kbytes).



it is the ARM transfer speed. the data is handled with fifo,s, on the z80


What ARM are you using?
What clock rate?
Is the firmware "open" such that people could patch it / re-flash it?
How about the address decoder etc? Xilinx CPLD or something else?


Improved sound chip maybe?  ;D
Snapshot like winape
machine code monitor
your amstrad news source in spanish language :


IMHO ROM would be very,very,very intersting too, so then a second Extension card is no longer necessary.

i dont know, if it's possible to connect a usb-keyboard, with or without a special CPC-Extension-ROM (or patched OS-ROM).


- Add general purpose GPIO: digital, relay, analog
- Maybe 6digit LED display
- Maybe even add a socket for
- Users can do anything they like with that setup then
- However, firmware needs to be open such that users can upload their own firmware
  and required drivers for ClickBoards


Thanx for you ideas,

the demand for a multi IO board with mikroe board has been asked more often by me.
I'm not going to make this because there are only a few people who can program this
However, you will have to work it is not all bite-sized chunks at all.
You can download example programs from Mikroe

I also started Arduino ( an button with a led ) three years ago  :P


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 21:58, 01 May 18
the demand for a multi IO board with mikroe board has been asked more often by me.
I'm not going to make this because there are only a few people who can program this

Ah, yes it's such an obvious idea indeed!
Not sure how many sales you are expecting, but I think the people that would be buying such a device are pretty knowledgeable ;-) 
I am assuming at least 30 % of all potential buyers would (potentially) be able to program it, if you document some API. And the
click boards already come with some good documentation. It's either SPI or I2C. Once you have support for this in your firmware with
some decently documented API functions, it might be possible to open it up like this.
Look at the people we have here....   ;) This is not Walmart customer base.


Is the SF3 RTC compatible to the SF2 RTC?

Can we have detailed technical details? I think about supporting parts of the SF3 with FutureOS.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


The rtc is not compatible with se sf2
however, the sf3 have  a different address.
and the handling of these instructions is much easier.
we are still working on testing.
At the end of May we have a meeting with Prodatron, after which you get more information


Excellent, I'm really looking forward :-) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



I will remember your idea for a mikroe header. still fits somewhere on the pcb.
firmware will not immediately support this but can then be updated later.


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 16:13, 02 May 18

I will remember your idea for a mikroe header. still fits somewhere on the pcb.
firmware will not immediately support this but can then be updated later.

Right, that can come later  :)  Unfortunately, not all Click! boards have same pin layout, but there are patterns, especially for those which the CPC community might be interested in. Those communicate via SPI, UART, or I2C. I see a couple which would be very interesting. I think the user can gain a lot. What's better than one click! port? Two, of course  ;D

There are a lot of very interesting click boards, including LED display, LED matrixes, LCD display, OLED screen, real time clocks, GPS, EEPROMS, to whole MP3 player modules etc. And they are all in the 20 to 40 $ range. Not to speak of all the sensors which would be really trivially to integrate (but then, who would need a lightning or alcohol detector on a CPC - well, might be good to have one for the next CPC party  :laugh: 

If not you, then somebody else will do this at some point I think  ;)


- Instead of 512 kB RAM, up to 4 MB would be nice
- Lan/Wlan and compatibility to M4-Board
TGS is back

Download my productions at:


SOS wants to change its FAT32 rom for this symbiface 3. when this works there will be make a larger version. indeed with 2 or 4 mb Ram. and ROM maybe fast and stable wifi chip
If it is compatible, I do not know yet. it is not an esp8266.
I am still working on tests

it is difficult that I do not want to work against Duke. I respect the versatility of his wifi card


4 MB RAM would be absolutely awesome, just please try to stay compatible to existing solutions.

This means you address 512 KB each using port &7Fxx, &7Exx, ...&78xx.

8 * 512 KB = 4 MB.

Using ports between &7000 and &77FF would couse troubles though. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Add floppy emulator, ROM, wireless, mp3 player and multiface, and you'll have one board to rule them all! Hehe


I am already busy with research, this will take some time.
MP3 will indeed also be released, it will be largely compatible with the SE-ONE music file player.
I therefore stop with the further production of this card SE-ONE / CPC


is possible to add vga/hdmi output ?


How would the USB Mass storage work?
Would the USB device appear as a HDD to Amstrad or as another Floppy Drive?
Also 4Mb+ Memory would be nice as well as SSA-1/DK Tronics Speech Support.
Would it be possible to add CPC+ (Sound, Graphics & Cartridge ) features to non CPC machines?


Quote from: Sonic7600 on 11:30, 19 July 18
How would the USB Mass storage work?
Would the USB device appear as a HDD to Amstrad or as another Floppy Drive?
It works good  :D

The USB-Device occurs as Drive "D" HDD with FAT16 or FAT32 Support. You can create the Partition on your Windows/Linux/MAC-Computer.
Details you can see:'s-with-xmass
The ROM will get an update soon: Symbiface is finished, HXC/Gotek Integration is finished too, but i wait for a beta-tester.
When the HXC is tested by a second person, the version goes live.


Would it be possible to transfer files from 3.5" Romdos D20 disks to USB using this device?


Quote from: ComSoft6128 on 13:32, 19 July 18
Would it be possible to transfer files from 3.5" Romdos D20 disks to USB using this device?
I never check these formats.
You can try this with WinApe with Parados,CubeIOS + YANCC.
When this works (i think so!), it will be work with the Symbiface 3 too.
(please inform me, when this didn't run, than i will take a closer look (i think, i have an old floppy in our roof))

(Your question is independent of the Hardware of the Massstorage-Device)


The first steps of the new Symbiface III
Thanks to SOS for all CPC support

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