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SYMBiFACE III in development

Started by ., 20:15, 30 April 18

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is there someone who has experience MQTT?
I want to add this function to the SF3


There are plenty of tutorial for MQTT for Arduino and ESP etc. available online.
I'd say start there.


Hehe dat weet ik ook wel lambdaMikel
that is not the question....


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 00:06, 11 December 18
Hehe dat weet ik ook wel lambdaMikel
that is not the question....
Maybe share some details what you want to do...?
Or make it an open source project to get people "engaged"?
Because I guess many developers probably are on that "tutorial level"... maybe tell people
what you want of them or what kind of "developer" you are looking for, what level, for what.

Just ideas... was actually trying to be constructive (and not asking about 464 support either)  :D

Or, as we say in Hamburg -  Niet slecht bedoeld   :P


Is there any useful RSX for Basic?
Is it possible to boot from this some file manager, and start Amsdos program by mouse?

If not, I don't see the point what for buy this.
In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


Quote from: ZbyniuR on 06:19, 12 December 18
Is there any useful RSX for Basic?
Is it possible to boot from this some file manager, and start Amsdos program by mouse?

RSX's are in development, if they would be useful, difficult Question  :D
(which RSX do you expect?)

You have normal access to the USB-Stick, e.g. plug in a 16GB FAT32 Stick and access them as a normal Drive "D".
Games you can start e.g. with the normal "RUN"-Command or the Launcher/YANCC.
This part is finished and worked


No rush, but if you ask...  |cd,  |md,  |dir,  |del,  |copy,  |format,   |mount,"name.dsk","A"  |fastprint, 

Boot for example "start.bas"  because Basic is easy to edit for average user, and there could be start any launcher or font, keys map, picture or welcome sound. :)   Roll in mouse work as key arrows up&down, it could be nice too. To roll light stripe in menus or text in old word processor. Recognize MS-DOS disk 720K, as standard. And back after reset to the same cataloge. This kind of stuff.

Boot and choose program by mouse without keyboard on 8bits will be very impressive for others computers fans.
And not necessary with windows. Don't you think? :)

In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.


Quote from: ZbyniuR on 07:54, 12 December 18
No rush, but if you ask...  |cd,  |md,  |dir,  |del,  |copy,  |format,   |mount,"name.dsk","A"  |fastprint, 
Boot for example "start.bas"  because Basic is easy to edit for average user, and there could be start any launcher or font, keys map, picture or welcome sound.   Roll in mouse work as key arrows up&down, it could be nice too. To roll light stripe in menus or text in old word processor. Recognize MS-DOS disk 720K, as standard. And back after reset to the same cataloge. This kind of stuff.
Boot and choose program by mouse without keyboard on 8bits will be very impressive for others computers fans.
And not necessary with windows. Don't you think?

Ok, we must sort some things

There are 2 (3) existing parts, do you can test e.g. in Winape:'s-with-xmass
This programs are compatible to Symbiface 3 too.

A lot of RSX you posted, are still supported from CubeMDOS.

Not supported (at the Moment):
|Format:      Floppy-Format:
                    Not planned for CubeMDOS (not dependent of the the Symbiface-Hardware).
                    Problem: CubeMDOS-ROM is nearly full...., when i implement format-RSX, i Need a 2nd ROM. So you can choose an existing ROM with
                    You can Format it with Windows, Linux, MacOS or whatever-OS.
|mount,"name.dsk","A":   Very interesting thing, I have already thought about that. The Topic has currently slipped backwards (lack of time)
|fastprint:    Is not dependent from Symbiface-Hardware, Maybe AddOn-ROMS with this feature exist?

Autostart.bas: The Feature is (Maybe) planned for CubeMDOS, but in lack of time slipped backwards too...

Mouse-Support for YANCC & Launcher: Maybe, never thought about it.


Quote from: ZbyniuR on 07:54, 12 December 18

No rush, but if you ask...  |cd,  |md,  |dir,  |del,  |copy,  |format,   |mount,"name.dsk","A"  |fastprint,

Boot and choose program by mouse without keyboard on 8bits will be very impressive for others computers fans.

To get mouse support would be difficult to get right as there are many types over the years, but can be done with joystick. As for some sort of graphical interface, one could easily develop it much like the Linux GRUB/LILO boot loaders of the past using cursor keys and Enter/Space.

As for |mount,"name.dsk","A" - Would you always want a "DSK" file to be linked to drive A or prefer to have a virtual disk partition which can be much larger?



Come on guys, be a bit more positive.  :)  This will be another great expansion for the CPC and it (as far as we can read in previous posts) will provide the requested features.
In addition I will support it with FutureOS in some detail (ROMs upload, RTC, Mouse). --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I am always for new CPC hardware... not every new piece of CPC hardware must be a fit for every user; if it is mostly for SymbOS users, why not, certainly also has its market. It is just the more users you can interest in it (including non-SymbOS users), the more sales you will have, right?


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 20:02, 12 December 18
if it is mostly for SymbOS users, why not, certainly also has its market. It is just the more users you can interest in it (including non-SymbOS users), the more sales you will have, right?

Important are the Software/Games-Developer. Which developer will be support Features of this Card?

If nobody writes software for the native Amstrad-OS, then there is no software.

If nobody writes support for SymbOS, then the card is useless for Symbos.

Some Features of this Card will be supported for native-OS, when the Card gone final (we will see, what the future will bring).


... hence - make it open source, then people can write software for it.
Or have good documentation. I guess in order to write software for it,
one has to be in good contact with the hardware developers, right?


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 20:27, 12 December 18
... hence - make it open source, then people can write software for it.
Or have good documentation. I guess in order to write software for it,

First we need a finished Card (it's actual WIP).

I'm actual writing a set of RSX for the Card, i must see, how my progress would be.
I will probably later publish the source-code of my  SF3- ROM.


the more the card will be affordable and easy to find, the more coders will be interested in coding for it.


@SOS - Yeah, I agree format flash partition on PC will be much faster, so it's not useble to do this on CPC.
You right fastprint have nothing common to SF3, but fast loading and fast printing look as faster computer. Too much ROMs mean costly, and possibly compatible confusion. All useful RSX should be in one ‎piece.

More ideas for RSX:   |type,file  |show,picture  |play,AYfile  sounds heavenly. :)

@rpalmer - I thought there is only two kind USB mouse, one compatible with PS/2 (can be connect as simple adapter), and second with dual-protocol support, to possibility transmit signals from keyboard and mouse together to one port. Other subject is few kind of transmission in cordless mouse. I have no idea how it recognise, but after that SF3 just have to put right code by PIO to keyboard buffer.

RSX |mount could be useful to properly work old Amsdos programs (for example ArtStudio), which can choose only A or B drive, and can see only max 128 files in catalog. So how I can choose file from D:Picture/Scene/CPC between ‎hundreds of files?  And DSK files should be see as one of folders, to copy and move files into DSK from other folder (or back). And between virtual disk on partition as B, and real disk in A.
With this kind of mechanism will be possible using most old programs from partition. So we don't have to wait for new programs to make use this new hardware. I believe it could help to sell this more. :)
In STARS, TREK is better than WARS.



hey guys.

In belgium I bought a cheap 464. especially for the external memory test. I will be working on that in January.
A number of functions are added every day.
during the start-up of SF3, an INI file is read.
you can change this INI File yourself
you can, for example, set it up
- your wifi settings
- Loading ROMs from the Internet, for example, github
- Loading Roms from SD and USB
- resetting the Cpc

there are various functions to read and write Roms.

now I have added a usb / sd mp3 player today


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 17:25, 22 December 18
hey guys.

In belgium I bought a cheap 464. especially for the external memory test. I will be working on that in January.
+10 from me  8) Very good!


Extremely interested in this project :) has there been any updates recently?


the pcb of the new version sf3 2.1 was sent yesterday to make
if all this works, the moment comes when it is for sale.
it is a big project. the firmware will also not be completely finished. but the sf3 can be updated


Quote from: KANDYMAN-IAC on 04:49, 11 January 19
Extremely interested in this project :) has there been any updates recently?

- USB-IDE-ROM is finished + tested (only one small unimportant Bug is open, which i will fix somedays)
- WIFI: Telnet (to demonstrate the working WIFI-Commands) is in Alpha/beta-State, i can connect and work with Telnet, but Bugs open
   (my actual todo)
- OLED, Buzzer + LED's: RSX Ready, Beta Status
- ROM-Part: ROM7 + Lower-ROM-Replacement works  :) (TMT's part) (not all CPC's support the ROM7 replacement),
  RSXs like Upload, Disable/Enable, List, works too, Alpha Status


Very wonderful!  :) :) :)  If the final PCB is out then please put me on your selling-list. This way I can test my software for the SF3 by myself and don't need to bug SOS  ;) :)
BTW: Thank a lot to SOS for help testing some things.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


I hope version 2.1 works well. Its more than 60 changes , 4 layer PCB +/- 800 connections
GUNHED I put you on the list

SOS makes the SF3 usable  :) he has an  great driver written for the USB fat32 stick.
Now, we tested the wifi routines. but there are some bugs..


Thank you very much. I can try to help with ROM management as soon as I get one.  :)  However, it's always better and take enough time to make things perfect. No need for a rush  :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


we can read the EXP line with a basic program?
it is on a PPI in the CPC

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