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SYMBiFACE III in development

Started by ., 20:15, 30 April 18

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Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 14:12, 04 May 21SD card is not supported for use, not even under Symbos.
SD card is only available for system files.

According to the available functions, it could be supported in a similar way to the USB stick, or is there some additional restrictions?


Quote from: m_dr_m on 22:11, 02 May 21
Is there an official homepage for this ROM?
Do you share the source?

Quote from: m_dr_m on 12:33, 03 May 21

  • Power cycle takes 17 seconds to boot, even when SF3_INI hasn't changed. Is it normal? What can be done to accelerate that?
No it's not normal. My SF3 is much more faster. (wrong USB-Stick/SD-Card?)

Quote from: m_dr_m on 12:33, 03 May 21

  • Apparently, we cannot access SD card from SymbOS (I've tried via both Master/Slave IDE, both points to the USB). Does CubeMDos SFIII version allows to access it?
(it could be generally supported, there are only (i can't remember) five positions of the ASM-Code to change the MassStorage from USB to SD. Why needed? => But there are more things todo, like RSX + needed Space in the ROM + needed Time to do that.)
Maybe when i get extremly boring - very extremly - i will add SD-Support


Amstrad is the expansion for SFIII  ;D


Quote from: Fran123 on 12:03, 26 May 21
Amstrad is the expansion for SFIII  ;D
Pues es verdad, a este paso...


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 20:15, 30 April 18
We are going to make a better version, and I am interested in ideas what the CPC user would want for new possibilities

  • support for usb keyboard

  • math coprocessor



Thanks for your ideas,
Haha, Amstrad is the expansion for SFIII.
The RSF3 gets another option.

RSF3 is an expansion of the Amstrad

Amstrad is the expansion for RSF3.


RSF3 works "stand alone" without Amstrad

Currently writing the RSF3_OS code.

unfortunately I also have problems with global chip shortages,
I have 10x RSF3 in stock, after that it is a 45 week wait for parts. :o

you see here the FM radio App
- Touch screen control.
- Symbos control
- Amstrad control
- IR remote control


your amstrad news source in spanish language :



I had fun in Basic making a multi-webradio version for SF3 / RSF3, and easy to modify, replacing the program \CPC\SOFTWARE\WEBRADIO\WEBRADIO.BAS
The Basic program provided as an example only allowed one to be read. There were a lot of lines to modify in different places to be able to simply replace an internet radio. It was also necessary to convert the IP port from decimal to hexa then decompose it into 2 high and low weight values.
Now with this version, just press SPACE to move to the next webradio station.

Currently the program has 12 webradios.

And to add or remove, it's very simple:
  • in line 50: specify the total number of webradios.
  • from lines 1400: the data contains the name of the radio, the IP address, the port, and the format of the stream.
I attached the Basic program : You cannot view this attachment.

I think the sound is really nice with the CPC speaker.

A demonstration video (and at the end I show where to modify in the listing) : Webradio_by_Poulette73


Cool! I will have a look!  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX



I brought up to date the Basic program for listening to FM radios.
Basically there was only an automatic SCAN function.

I added 4 keys to have finer adjustment of the frequency (+/- 1 Mhz) and (+/- 0.1 Mhz), as well as a level meter to indicate the reception level.
Sorry for the minimalist reception result with only 2 radios found: poor reception with a small indoor antenna. There are other wired models that are much longer and more efficient.

A demonstration video: FM Radio by Poulette73


Download link of the update please  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Of sorry, I had forgotten... 
I put it on SLACK RSF3, but I couldn't think of it here.  :D


Well, here are probably slightly more members.  ;) Thank you!  :)
It's a good thing to see it here.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



Among the different modes available in the MSX SE-ONE card emulated with the RSF3, this time I was interested in the MIDI synthesizer function.

First of all I thank @Hans from TMTLOGIC for all the documentation he provided me. 👍
Because I was not familiar with the MIDI command set and interfacing with the SE-ONE.
I started from scratch to do the Basic program.

Program Features:

  • 18 note/key musical keyboard.
  • 7 octaves.
  • 128 instruments.
  • AZERTY/QWERTY compatible, and Latin/International notation system.
  • Volume and balance management.

QWERTY screen version :

Commands available:

  • Change the octave with LEFT and RIGHT arrows.
  • Choice of the instrument with UP and DOWN arrows.
  • Volume management with F8 and F9 keys.
  • Balance management with F5 and F9 keys.
  • Exit the program with DEL.

A little demonstration to finish.



This time I had fun with capturing codes from an infrared remote control with RSF3 card.
First with a simple example of infrared code query in Basic.

Then modification of a game in Basic : Tetris DotBAs (2022) by Francesc ALCAUCER, to replace the redefinition of the keyboard keys with the capture and reading of I/R codes.

The modification is allowed because it is under the GNU license.
"This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public"

A video for the presentation.


Wow, that's very cool! :)



The first infrared remote controller for the CPC?
Very nice! Super cool, yes!
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Another 2 new games in Basic modified to work with an I/R remote control and the RSF3 card: Nibbler (1984) and Devil Highway (1987).

Nibbler (1984)

Devil Highway (1987)

And the result on video :



This time I tested the management of a USB mouse in Basic with the RSF3 card.

RETURN allows to switch between graphic (640x400) and text (40x25 in MODE 1) coordinates.

Using a Logitech optical USB mouse with 3 buttons and wheel.

The usefulness remains quite limited in Basic.
But its use may be of interest in a game or an application programmed in Z80.

A short video to show how it works (movements, buttons, wheel).


This mouse looks like a good match for the CPC and possibly will work with both Symbiface 3 and Multiplay.

(although it's not a cheap mouse)



I have just tested the SID function emulated by the SE-ONE, which is managed in the RSF3.

Simon Owen's SID Player has 2 functions:
  • with the F1 key: we are in real mode "SID + Z80"
  • with the F2 key: we are in mode "AY + Z80"
    => this is the one you hear when you launch the player without SF3 or RSF3.

I made a video to show the difference, the result is obvious !  :o

We have to be honest : these Commodore 64 SID music are of great quality ! 👍

At first I made this video using the CPC's internal speaker output.
But the comparison with external speakers was not fair at all, given the lower quality of the internal speaker...

So I remade the video again using the jack output on the left of the CPC, in order to also use the external speakers when in "AY + Z80" mode.

This way the test is fair: in both cases, the sound comes out through the external speakers.

Finally, as I had the speakers connected, I took the opportunity to show again some web radios and some musics played by the SE-ONE.


Cool CPC setup btw.  ;D ;D ;D --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


your amstrad news source in spanish language :


Crazy setup (not negative) :).
Impressive what has been done (hw developments) the past years for the CPCs.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX

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