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Plus2CPC. Plus cartridge slot for the CPC

Started by abalore, 09:35, 27 May 21

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Quote from: Philippe Lardenois on 12:41, 04 October 21
Is there a way @abalore to launch a 32K or 48k rom from the cartridge ? 16k roms are ok for me. But wonder if it's possible ?
Do you mean a multi ROM converted game, like Pyjamarama (2 ROMS)? Most likely not without patching it. Because they have been converted for a very specific situation. You may need to find the ROM switching routine and adapt it to work with your ROM numbers.
If we are talking of a game designed for cartridge, like Alcon, of course you can have 32K, 48K and up to 512K.


After helping a friend to configure his system with MX4 board + M4 board + Plus2CPC, I can give some advices to make it all run flawlessly.
In the M4 board, do not use the slots 0,1,2. Also set the "Rom number" to other than those, and keep the option "Lower-rom Enabled" off.
With this setup, you should be able to switch between Plus2CPC and M4 just by using the switch button in the Plus2CPC.

Philippe Lardenois


@Philippe Lardenois


I am interested in using these games compilations on my GX.

I am wondering if the compilation cpr's that you have created are using the games that have been converted to run on the GX4000 (no keyboard interaction required).
I'm not sure how others feel, but my thought is that .cpr files should maintaion GX compatibility as much as possible.

The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki


Quote from: 00WReX on 00:15, 07 October 21
I'm not sure how others feel, but my thought is that .cpr files should maintaion GX compatibility as much as possible.

There are many games that are not converted to GX (they require keyboard, or 128KB), and there is no reason for a CPC user to not enjoy them using the Plus2CPC board.
This is a thread about the Plus2CPC, so the files uploaded here are meant to work on it. Some will work on the GX, some others not, but it's not a must.


Fair enough, I was not intending to offend anyone.

I think this project is a great idea.
I'm want to purchase one myself, I will PM you.
Thanks for the compilations, I can at least try them on Dukes M4 board until I get a Plus2CPC myself.


The CPC in Australia...
Awa - CPCWiki


This is a great project! I was away from the scene a bit but I believe this is CPC cartridges done right.

As for asking for extra stuff on the adapter side, I think the simplicity of the design means it can be adapted and improved without breaking compatibility with the cartridges. This is the beauty of it.

If this gets traction, I can see myself buying physical releases like from as cartridges, with a simple adapter at first and upgrading the adapter as more complex designs are created that would fit my needs, all without breaking compatibility.


I love the idea as well and I'm super happy to support this as developer, to the extent of my abilities of course :D

If you ask me, what does this need to be PERFECT? I would say:

  • The Plus2CPC should be be open hardware, and it should be as easy as possible for people to build/buy the adapter. Meanwhile, a number of existing add-ons can load CPR files (and emulators support it).
  • Same for the cart PCB; and I don't know if those are available already, but same point: easy and cheap to build, so the resulting physical edition is as cheap as possible.
  • I don't know about this one but... are the shells for the CPC+ cartridges available? Ideally we would have an alternative to 3D printing. The DES approach to this is not bad, what do people think about that?

At least the last two things from that list need to happen before we see a physical release (and I believe DES is already there); say with Poly Play quality -big box, manual, poster, etc-.

I always release my games as free download first, so it doesn't really affect me too much; but if people want a physical release on cartridge, initially it will be harder than cassette or 3" disc.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Quote from: reidrac on 13:51, 24 October 21The Plus2CPC should be be open hardware, and it should be as easy as possible for people to build/buy the adapter. Meanwhile, a number of existing add-ons can load CPR files (and emulators support it).
I agree. It will be at some point.

Quote from: reidrac on 13:51, 24 October 21

  • Same for the cart PCB; and I don't know if those are available already, but same point: easy and cheap to build, so the resulting physical edition is as cheap as possible.

I'm using this one:

Quote from: reidrac on 13:51, 24 October 21

  • I don't know about this one but... are the shells for the CPC+ cartridges available? Ideally we would have an alternative to 3D printing. The DES approach to this is not bad, what do people think about that?
I disagree with using other formats than the Plus cartridge, for several reasons:

- 464Plus, 6128Plus and GX4000 users already have all the required hardware. So any game released in this format will be directly playable for them, without buying anything else.
- The Plus cartridge format is an original design by Amstrad. That makes it a more valuable item for retro lovers, at least for me. Using an alien GBA cartridge in our beloved CPCs is just not the same feeling.
- The Plus2CPC adapter is really cheap, because of its simple design.
- 3D printing the cartridge shells is not a problem for me, I'm starting tests with a resin printer which will allow to print hundreds of high quality shells in short time.


Quote from: abalore on 16:35, 24 October 21
- 3D printing the cartridge shells is not a problem for me, I'm starting tests with a resin printer which will allow to print hundreds of high quality shells in short time.

That's fine!

My point was that if (and this is a big if) I'm going to make a physical release, I won't be 3D printing the shells.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Quote from: reidrac on 18:34, 24 October 21
That's fine!

My point was that if (and this is a big if) I'm going to make a physical release, I won't be 3D printing the shells.
I'll post my experience printing the shells for Alcon here. Only time will say if it's a good idea.


My first try of a resin 3D printed cartridge. It's a one block model for the PCB to be loaded from the bottom.
(to the forum admin: please allow JPEG extension for attachments, so I don't need to rename all of them to JPG)


Number of cartridges in a single print: 8

Time: 5h

Time per cartridge: < 40m


WoW! They really look awesome. Since quite a long time I try to find a source for Cartridges. Hopefully they are available for the community soon (PCBs and ACIDs are done since years). --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


They look pretty good! How does the PCB stay in place?
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Quote from: Skunkfish on 16:46, 03 November 21
They look pretty good! How does the PCB stay in place?
I have two versions: removable and fixed.

The removable has a screw through the PCB hole. The screw is later hidden under the label sticker.

In the fixed version the PCB is just glued to the rails with epoxi resin.

Both versions have also a cap inserted in the bottom that hides the circuitry.



Original cartridges on CPC classic:

* Barbarian II seems to work.
* Tintin on the Moon works. (Checked by me on msxVR CPC virtual machine (emulator) with CPR cpc classic support.
CPC classic doesn't paint CPC+ overscan Presentation Screen but music sounds... you press fire and voilà!! you enter to game menus , etc.


Abalore have played Barbarian II, Mystical and Tintin on the Moon CPC+ cartridges in the CPC classic ...

and you can listen the music of Navy Seals, Dick Tracy and Robocop II (both title and in-game).

Add Skeet Shot  (lightgun only) music on CPCclassic


Quote from: gerald on 17:23, 28 June 21For the brave that have a Plus2CPC and a C4CPC, here is a updated version of CprSelect that handle both Plus and CPC.
If you see any issue with it, just report  ;)
Just have tested the version of CprSelect (together with firmware version C4CPC V1.00.07) and it seems that it doesn't work properly. The menu shows no content and the last line is flickering / looping somehow.
@gerald: ...any idea about this?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 14:25, 07 September 22Just have tested the version of CprSelect (together with firmware version C4CPC V1.00.07) and it seems that it doesn't work properly. The menu shows no content and the last line is flickering / looping somehow.
@gerald: ...any idea about this?
Lasted CprSelect is V1.4 :

Can you give it a try ?


Oh, thanks Gerald. I missed this message.
But still doesn't seem to work.
I'll get the "no cartridge" message (of the folder / DIP-switch where no cartridge or cpcselect file is installed) or the standard message of DIP 0. Seems to be right > the connector Plus2CPC and C4CPC works.
I've added the cpcselect file on folder "F" and if it is selected no screen content (black screen) will be displayed.
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX


Quote from: HAL6128 on 11:51, 11 September 22Oh, thanks Gerald. I missed this message.
But still doesn't seem to work.
I'll get the "no cartridge" message (of the folder / DIP-switch where no cartridge or cpcselect file is installed) or the standard message of DIP 0. Seems to be right > the connector Plus2CPC and C4CPC works.
I've added the cpcselect file on folder "F" and if it is selected no screen content (black screen) will be displayed.

What Plus2CPC version do you have?


Quote from: HAL6128 on 11:51, 11 September 22I've added the cpcselect file on folder "F" and if it is selected no screen content (black screen) will be displayed.
The picture on the left show that the C4CPC is starting on "/_C4CPC/E", no F. Are the dip switch properly set to all ON ?
Also, new cprselect cartridge file should replace the old one. C4CPC will take the first it found in the directory entry (so old the one  ;D )


Quote from: abalore on 14:53, 11 September 22
Quote from: HAL6128 on 11:51, 11 September 22Oh, thanks Gerald. I missed this message.
But still doesn't seem to work.
I'll get the "no cartridge" message (of the folder / DIP-switch where no cartridge or cpcselect file is installed) or the standard message of DIP 0. Seems to be right > the connector Plus2CPC and C4CPC works.
I've added the cpcselect file on folder "F" and if it is selected no screen content (black screen) will be displayed.

What Plus2CPC version do you have?

I'm not at home. I will have a look. Where I can get the information about it?
...proudly supported Schnapps Demo, Pentomino and NQ-Music-Disc with GFX

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