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No HxC Rev C available?

Started by Neil79, 13:22, 27 June 14

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yay Oh mummy!

do do do do  :laugh: :laugh:
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As I was helped by Token  :)  Here's my guide for newbies like myself with the HxC slim

0) Buy one of these to save the hastle after buying an HxC

1) Make sure that the red stripe is on the right side when coming out of the Amstrad and on left side when going into the HxC SD SLIM

2) Make sure both switch 1 and switch 2 are both ON and all the rest are off

3) Make subdirectories for games on the SD card, 8GB is recommended ( Label them A-Z ) with games A in A, B in B and they have all been converted to *.HFE

4) Download the manager here and extract to SD card
HxC Floppy Emulator Manager - NoRecess

5) Load the SDCard HxC Floppy Emulator and set "Enable auto boot mode" and "Force Loading Autoboot.HFE at power up " - SAVE CONFIG FILE

6) Place SDcard in, boot the Amstrad and everything else :p Then do Run"HXC

7) Homebrew games or music can be run after slotted with the command Run"Disc
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It can be a pain but that card is very powerfull, you can use so many hardware, like old samplers etc. I'm waiting for Gotek but won't sell my slim.


How do I clear the slots and play a two disk game?
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Quote from: Neil79 on 21:18, 10 July 14
How do I clear the slots and play a two disk game?


[CTRL] + left or right

[H] for HELP

Press the button more than a sec to come back to slot 0


Quote from: Neil79 on 21:18, 10 July 14
How do I clear the slots and play a two disk game?

Relaunch the HXC Manager from either the Autoboot or |hxc

this will then allow all 15 disk slots to be reassigned. your 2 disc game can then be mapped to 2,3 or 4 slots and the buttons used to swap between them.....

Or was the question more related to the Gotek? In which case just get an HxC ;)

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: Token on 21:34, 10 July 14[DEL][CTRL] + left or right [H] for HELPPress the button more than a sec to come back to slot 0

Cheers ^

Quote from: CraigsBar on 21:37, 10 July 14

Relaunch the HXC Manager from either the Autoboot or |hxc

this will then allow all 15 disk slots to be reassigned. your 2 disc game can then be mapped to 2,3 or 4 slots and the buttons used to swap between them.....

Or was the question more related to the Gotek? In which case just get an HxC ;)


So if I'm playing a game and it tells me to insert another disk, I just click the little tiny black switch on the HxC slim?
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Quote from: Neil79 on 21:45, 10 July 14

Cheers ^

So if I'm playing a game and it tells me to insert another disk, I just click the little tiny black switch on the HxC slim?

yep. the button will go up to the next slot.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 21:53, 10 July 14

yep. the button will go up to the next slot.

Awesome! :D Cheers
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EDIT:Stupid me




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Meh I was doing it right in the first place! Not sure what's going on :(

Ok I load up the HxC manager, select R-type disc A in slot 0 , disc B in slot 1 then quit and save.

Running the command Run"disc and it says it can't find disc, typing in cat and it shows a dot and a 0 file size, same with the second disc.

If I press the switch on the HxC device to go through both discs and HxC then back to slot 0, the game shows up fine  >:(

( This seems to be a problem with the two disk games especially homebrew and demo scene only )
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Weird... which firmare are you using on the HxC?


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I'm now getting a Drive A: Read Fail, when typing in CAT :(  - Fixed that, the HxC device needed a reboot
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Jeff gave me some help on the official HxC forums!

After selecting this

and using SDCard_HxC_Floppy_Emulator_Manager V2.5 ( NOT 3.0 )

So far it's working!

8) 8)

It actually looks better and is easier to read the files in the manager as well :)
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Really? Why not v3? Can you give the link to the thread?


Quote from: Gryzor on 21:02, 14 July 14
Really? Why not v3? Can you give the link to the thread?

"Why not V3"

Errr because it would show the game up as "blank" and wouldn't load after being slot and saved , whereas V2.5 would  :blank:

V2.5 just works and is easier on the eyes, can read the listing better
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Heh, no, this is the symptom, I meant what the underlying problem is. I'll go take a look :)

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