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New yerar, new CPC board

Started by Piotr, 13:29, 07 January 15

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Quote from: TotO on 06:24, 16 September 15
As you know, you can set the X-MEM in 464 mode to have it without PAL.
That avoid to use a PAL IC if not required.
the 464 does not handle C3 mode like a 6128. You get the ROM at 4000 if enabled, while it should be at C000.


Quote from: gerald on 09:21, 16 September 15the 464 does not handle C3 mode like a 6128. You get the ROM at 4000 if enabled, while it should be at C000.
Sure, but it is a false problem looking the >10000 existing CPC softwares.
Only Future OS installed in ROM cause that drawback with its pointer (should be fixed by not using C3).
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Damn, i planning release Just CPC plus on Christmas, on orginal ASIC... But now i worry about Toto .Very nervous men, when see orginal asic on my board , can get heart attack or something...


Quote from: Piotr on 16:40, 16 September 15
Damn, i planning release Just CPC plus on Christmas, on orginal ASIC... But now i worry about Toto .Very nervous men, when see orginal asic on my board , can get heart attack or something...
I'll have one please... Shhhh we won't tell TotO
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


ok, it will be an underground edition, I will was selling at night.


Quote from: TotO on 09:48, 16 September 15
Sure, but it is a false problem looking the >10000 existing CPC softwares.
Only Future OS installed in ROM cause that drawback with its pointer (should be fixed by not using C3).

FutureOS needs a working &C3 RAM paging mode because it writes to the screen RAM from ROM. In &C3 the Video-RAM gets moved from &C000 to &4000 while the ROM is still at &C000, so an OS function can access screen RAM (at &4000) from ROM (&C000).

Ok, you may not find so much software using that feature, because there IS just not much real ROM software out there. BUT every CPC6128 and 6128 Plus can handle this mode.

Maybe one day I have time to care about this, but why? FutureOS can run with 64 KB, but it's made for 128 KB and more. I admit it's sad for the 1 or 2 KCc users actually being interested in FutureOS, but at the moment I start coding for an audience of 1-2 I would have too much to do. Meanwhile I care about the big groups of FutureOS users (3-4) wanting me to do the same things. And btw. it's really hard to know what people want!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I know about your C3 usage.  ;)
But, it is not related to KC only... 464/664 users can't properly use Future OS too. May be a poll should help to know.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: Piotr on 16:40, 16 September 15
Damn, i planning release Just CPC plus on Christmas, on orginal ASIC... But now i worry about Toto .Very nervous men, when see orginal asic on my board , can get heart attack or something...

But where do you expect to get the ASICs from? As long as the ASIC is ok, it's always a better solution to repair the original plus. So you would need to remove an ASIC from a working or repairable plus to make your board? What sense does that make?



Quote from: TotO on 17:08, 16 September 15
I know about your C3 usage.  ;)
But, it is not related to KC only... 464/664 users can't properly use FutureOS too. May be a poll should help to know.

I know about that.  ;)
But, get me three potential users together, who have no 6128 / Plus and I will seriously care about it. I doubt that there are 3.  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 21:27, 16 September 15
But where do you expect to get the ASICs from? As long as the ASIC is ok, it's always a better solution to repair the original plus. So you would need to remove an ASIC from a working or repairable plus to make your board? What sense does that make?

Unless he has a stock of ASICs already. The suggestion was that he did.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Bryce, from the same place from where I have 40010 and 40031.


Quote from: Piotr on 06:51, 17 September 15
Bryce, from the same place from where I have 40010 and 40031.

And where is that?


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Bryce,  on internet? Anyway i speak with my supplier, nobody ask about this chips and others from many years. Now, when i buy it is a flame.  What is strange becouse few times i give offer for cooperation on this forum. Eerybody ignored me or push me down. So , not my problem anymore ;) I do it for fun, not for stress ;) And last 20 pieces 40031 in home, today delivery ;)


Hi! Aehm.... sorry, this isn't looking like an ASIC. However...

Don't take it personal if people ask you where you get ASICs from. It took me years to get ACIDs eventually, not I have no idea where to get real ASICs for the Plus. So please don't feel bad if people just ask you where you get them from. Everybody is just curious.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


If there is a just plus on the cards, I want one lol. Just so you know ;)

Oh did you say amplification on board for the tape in was possible as an after market mod? If so how, and how much ;)

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: TFM on 18:34, 17 September 15
Hi! Aehm.... sorry, this isn't looking like an ASIC. However...

Don't take it personal if people ask you where you get ASICs from. It took me years to get ACIDs eventually, not I have no idea where to get real ASICs for the Plus. So please don't feel bad if people just ask you where you get them from. Everybody is just curious.  :)
Looks like some could be available here : Semiconductor: 40489 - AMSTRAD-IC GATE ARRAY
But buying a NOS GX4000 is cheaper  ::)


76 Euros plus shipping...  :o
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Craig i need to do small cheap PCB board and order it, i have some other projects almost ready too , inc 4MB for Just CPC and PCB for convert GX4000 to 6128 plus so i plan order all pcb in one time for cut postage cost. I working on it.


Quote from: Piotr on 18:00, 17 September 15
Bryce,  on internet? Anyway i speak with my supplier, nobody ask about this chips and others from many years. Now, when i buy it is a flame.  What is strange becouse few times i give offer for cooperation on this forum. Eerybody ignored me or push me down. So , not my problem anymore ;) I do it for fun, not for stress ;) And last 20 pieces 40031 in home, today delivery ;)

It look you're putting down yourself here.
One asked you where you got them and your answer is 'on internet'[nb]which transate to DTC in French[/nb]. How useful is that ?


I don't know why so much criticism on @Piotr

I don't know for sure, but that amount of units of different chips, at that prices... for me is clear that Piotr has contacts with the industry, perhaps some of those chips that he gets never will be on ebay for nobody because of this.

What i'm pretty sure that this chips that Piotr gets,  if he didn't do the just CPC, they will stay on shelves forever, it's a question of statistics, the majority will not be used never. however this way we get NEW cpc's on the road... but no, let's criticize Piotr, better have this chips on the shelves forever, it's like that this chips on Just cpc will just fade away of the planet, and they can't be used anymore to repair other cpc's if we want... yes, the chips don't will fade away if they are used on a Just CPC!

He anounces a cpc clone: criticism, he anounces a cpc+ clone: criticism, he anounces a sound card for the cpc: criticism, he anounces memory expansions: criticism, he anounces xxxx expansion: criticism.

I don't get it, i REALLY don't get it guys.

What do you want? other scenes have his computer clone since years, it's normal, things change, things are renewed and improved (ps/2 keyboard, expansion... etc)

Tell me, how many people are developing hardware for the CPC nowadays? 3 - 4? and what they get? CRITICISM.

It's normal that so many people left the cpc scene years ago (hardware and game developers), i can understand it, is so disappointing to waste your time in make something that will be bashed constantly, whatever you do, it will be bashed, if it is a game then it have bad graphics or is a speccy port or why not do double buffering or 128k, if it is hardware, why do you use original chips, why you not use original chips, why don't you make it more small, why don't you make it external when other people will say why don't you make it internal... and so on and so on and so on...

Do you think guys that this is the way to maintain this scene?

don't you see that this way we only get ghettos where 2 people have ps/2 keyboard (and don't want that other ghettos have this), other 2 people have 4mb of memory expansion, 5 people have HDD, but only 3 have a dedicated rom that they programmed and don't want that the ghetto1 that have a ps/2 keyboard (and don't share) have his roms... etc.

I really think that this is wrong, this is not the way to go with the scene and if we continue criticize each others (not only in this thread, they are a lot) the people will leave the scene sooner or later... at last this 2 or 3 ghettos will be tired of this, at the end they will leave too and the scene is OVER.

do we want this? think of it...


Quote from: Joseman on 15:04, 18 September 15
I don't know why so much criticism on @Piotr

I don't know for sure, but that amount of units of different chips, at that prices... for me is clear that Piotr has contacts with the industry, perhaps some of those chips that he gets never will be on ebay for nobody because of this.

What i'm pretty sure that this chips that Piotr gets,  if he didn't do the just CPC, they will stay on shelves forever, it's a question of statistics, the majority will not be used never. however this way we get NEW cpc's on the road... but no, let's criticize Piotr, better have this chips on the shelves forever, it's like that this chips on Just cpc will just fade away of the planet, and they can't be used anymore to repair other cpc's if we want... yes, the chips don't will fade away if they are used on a Just CPC!

He anounces a cpc clone: criticism, he anounces a cpc+ clone: criticism, he anounces a sound card for the cpc: criticism, he anounces memory expansions: criticism, he anounces xxxx expansion: criticism.

I don't get it, i REALLY don't get it guys.

What do you want? other scenes have his computer clone since years, it's normal, things change, things are renewed and improved (ps/2 keyboard, expansion... etc)

Tell me, how many people are developing hardware for the CPC nowadays? 3 - 4? and what they get? CRITICISM.

It's normal that so many people left the cpc scene years ago (hardware and game developers), i can understand it, is so disappointing to waste your time in make something that will be bashed constantly, whatever you do, it will be bashed, if it is a game then it have bad graphics or is a speccy port or why not do double buffering or 128k, if it is hardware, why do you use original chips, why you not use original chips, why don't you make it more small, why don't you make it external when other people will say why don't you make it internal... and so on and so on and so on...

Do you think guys that this is the way to maintain this scene?

don't you see that this way we only get ghettos where 2 people have ps/2 keyboard (and don't want that other ghettos have this), other 2 people have 4mb of memory expansion, 5 people have HDD, but only 3 have a dedicated rom that they programmed and don't want that the ghetto1 that have a ps/2 keyboard (and don't share) have his roms... etc.

I really think that this is wrong, this is not the way to go with the scene and if we continue criticize each others (not only in this thread, they are a lot) the people will leave the scene sooner or later... at last this 2 or 3 ghettos will be tired of this, at the end they will leave too and the scene is OVER.

do we want this? think of it...
Exactly. All the hardware we have now is wonderful. We are too small a community for the in fighting. Come on guys, justcpc is an awesome board, I a sure that just plus will be equally great. These chips are lying around let's use them, it's not like there is a shortage of cpc's or plusses at the moment, and Piotr is not suggesting we pull chips from working boards. As I said elsewhere, all hardware guys should be proud of the devices made and the extension to the cpc  that together you have achieved.

Let me applaud you all

@Bryce, @Gerald, @TotO, @Talrek and @Piotr

Thanks guys ;)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


We all should develop a more thick skin. This is a forum, we only read text. We all mostly speak English as 2nd or 3rd language, ok. It's very easy to have misunderstandings.

People are interested, so they ask. People have ideas, so they tell.

I get shit to hear about my projects every day, if I would take it to the hear then I would have killed myself alrready 13 times or so.

Let us all focus on positive aspects.  :) :) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


I agree with TFM. I see no real criticism, just questions and reactions blown out of all proportion. People have had some valid questions and they're trying to get answers;I don't think anyone jumped to illogical conclusions.

let'scalm down everybody, shall we?


There was no criticism, however if he says his source is "the internet", then I doubt he has sources in the industry. Besides, these are vintage parts, no-one in the current electronics industry would have or stock these parts. Companies like Dönberg are re-sellers. They source parts and try to sell them on for several times the original price. I'm not a fan of such companies. If Piotr has a reliable source (not reseller) for ASICs it would be nice to know, but it's up to him whether he wants to publish or share this information. If you really want some, go search for them yourself, I'm sure that's how Piotr found them.



Quote from: Piotr on 19:17, 12 September 15
The problem with GAL, X-mem card and Just CPC solved. On Monday I will send free replacement chips to the people who bought the assembled PCB. Also in monday i update page about Just CPC and answer for questions . Sorry for delay but my primary job is more important on the moment.
@Piotr , did these replacements get posted yet? I have not received one yet.

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode

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