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New yerar, new CPC board

Started by Piotr, 13:29, 07 January 15

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Quote from: TotO on 17:22, 27 August 15
Take care!
CraigsBar have fried his X-MEM and X-MASS by plugging them on it.
I would like to know the issue before the need to fix more boards...
The issue was me! 2 power leads, one 5v one 12v, dangling behind the just CPC, connected then up back to front and fired 12v straight through the m4x to the xmem and xmass.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Just CPC question no. 1,996

Does the floppy connector support 2 drives?
If so is it with a twist (of style) or drive settings (CPC style)?
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Another question about JustCPC. How is programmed the Attiny with the J3 pinouts in the board? Which is needed?


The problem with GAL, X-mem card and Just CPC solved. On Monday I will send free replacement chips to the people who bought the assembled PCB. Also in monday i update page about Just CPC and answer for questions . Sorry for delay but my primary job is more important on the moment.


Quote from: Piotr on 19:17, 12 September 15
The problem with GAL, X-mem card and Just CPC solved. On Monday I will send free replacement chips to the people who bought the assembled PCB. Also in monday i update page about Just CPC and answer for questions . Sorry for delay but my primary job is more important on the moment.
Fantastic news. Many thanks.

No need to appologise, we all understand that these wonderfull Hobby Projects have to take 2nd place over earning a living. Personally I think it is amazing the work that You, @gerald , @TotO , @talrek etc do on the hardware side.

Thanks again and I look forward to receiving the Bug Fix GAL :)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: Piotr on 19:17, 12 September 15
The problem with GAL, X-mem card and Just CPC solved.
Can you elaborate on what was the problem ?


@Piotr: Any news on loading/saving from/to  audio in / out?

It'd be nice to have a fix for both problems if possible.

Thanks for your effort. We all understand that work is first :)


Gerald, i cheating  ;D and override problem for now, i'm to busy and don't have enough knowledge to fight with GAL. Maybe later i connect logic analyzer and do snapshots with HAL and gal diffrences.

50 pieces of orginal HAL ,amstrad 40031

Anyway, with orginal HAL just CPC board + X-mem working ok.

Ronaldo i check it today but later.


Ronaldo, i check loading via tape in port, all looks ok.....

Just CPC and OTLA, fast loading via tape in socket and PC - YouTube

Try OTLA, sound volume on maximum. Where i can download software in tape format??


@piotr Is there any chance that you can sell me an original HAL chip? (I bought a blank PCB)



Quote from: Piotr on 12:51, 13 September 15
Try OTLA, sound volume on maximum. Where i can download software in tape format??
I didn't tried OTLA games, but if a modified loader like that works, a normal one should have no problem at all.

I have made a CDT and a WAV of one of my games, could you please test it?

I'm going to perform some more tests on my board.

Thanks for your time :)


I check it and is loading too (wav file) AIMP player.


Quote from: Piotr on 13:26, 13 September 15
I check it and is loading too (wav file) AIMP player.
Which of the ports is tape in? I use the one nearest the expansion port as a play city mixer? I assumed the other was audio out.... Neither seem to work with tapdancer and breakingbaud.cdt
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


@Piotr: I tested again. When I connect to tape-in nothing happens, no matter which audio I try or how high the volume is. When I connect to audio-out (I input the tape sound through audio-out), sound is played on my TV, but nothing else happens.

Could it be a fault in my board?

Another question, is there any way to save audio to tape? Does audio go through audio-out when saving from BASIC?


All tape in circut is : socket marked tape in is connected straight to pin 25 of 8255 IC , so is only two points: bad signal level, or broken 8255.  Saving is not possible without modding  board.


@Piotr: Sorry, man. I didn't test it properly, After some better test I made it work. It was a problem with audio quality. It seems to be pretty sensitive to quality and volume. After some tests, I've adjusted it and now it works fine.

Sorry for making you lose your time. It was my fault this time.


Quote from: ronaldo on 14:05, 13 September 15
@Piotr: I tested again. When I connect to tape-in nothing happens, no matter which audio I try or how high the volume is. When I connect to audio-out (I input the tape sound through audio-out), sound is played on my TV, but nothing else happens.

Could it be a fault in my board?

Another question, is there any way to save audio to tape? Does audio go through audio-out when saving from BASIC?
Same here..  But the tape in needs MASSIVELY high volume. None of my modern devices go high enough.

HTC one m8 - no
Acer a3-a30 - no
IPod classic - no
HTC hero - no
HTC one X - no


Old RadioShack shoebox tape recorder and I loaded "dead on time" and "switchblade". Success!

Still no joy from breaking baud, but that is a fussy bugger tape anyway lol.

Edit: Breaking Baud loads using the macbook pro on max volume with cdt2wav. but the mixing of the tape loading sound and the soundtrack means it sound dire on the just cpc 128k.

ok well at least I can confirm tape load works.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Too weak audio signal, i test on my nokia and Kindle fire and not loading too, only from PC. Hmm i do amplifier fitted under 8255.

Also , i list some orginal HAL 40031 chips for sale for people who buy board for self assembly here ,

Orginal Amstrad 40031 IC for Just CPC 128 clone

Sorry about price but is no easy and cheap get orginal Amstrad chips.


As I know, the PAL 40031 IC is not required for X-MEM owners.
By the way, better to use originals PAL for fixing real CPC... (I assume that "only 5£" shipping is a joke)
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: TotO on 20:26, 15 September 15
As I know, the PAL 40031 IC is not required for X-MEM owners.
No PAL, no C3 mode  ;)


Toto is my IC, so let me dispose of them?Echh,  You only criticize. It is sad. Do you try your X-mem and Porky gal? Do you see what happend?


Quote from: gerald on 21:04, 15 September 15
No PAL, no C3 mode  ;)
As you know, you can set the X-MEM in 464 mode to have it without PAL.
That avoid to use a PAL IC if not required.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Quote from: Piotr on 06:19, 16 September 15
Toto is my IC, so let me dispose of them?Echh,  You only criticize. It is sad. Do you try your X-mem and Porky gal? Do you see what happend?
I said to not buy them if peoples already own a X-MEM, to avoid to lowering the stock and save ICs to repair real CPCs.
Is a criticize? Let me laught... It is more common sense. (you are more annoyed by my remark about your excessive shipping price)
Sure, they will have to link some contacts. I don't know if the JP soldering points are available on your board for that.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)

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