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New yerar, new CPC board

Started by Piotr, 13:29, 07 January 15

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I know that there are DDI's clones, but I really think that better put it on the main board.

This DDI Clone have an edge conector but no passthrough connector, then you need one more cable to attach hardware like the SF2 and this, trust me, this way the CPC gets way inestable, mine even not power on correctly all the times when i put the SF2 and the passthrough cable.

At least put 2 or 3 mx4 connectors on the board and let the people expand the cpc with a connector more reliable like the mx4. But at the end, the FDC better on the main board!!  :laugh:

It's my opinion though


Price raising.... Also i almost  reach limit of pins  in my design software 748 /1000) .250 pins what i have i keep for keyboard/mouse/tape/printer port/and slot for extensions.  Upgrade software to 2000 pins,  cost is 250 euro, so sorry i don't have choice . Also is not big deal to redesign DDI board.


Echh im crazy but i extend Diptrace. So flopy controller go on board and next 64 ram too. Happy? :D


oh my f*** god!

today i'm very busy, as soon as i can i'll send you a PM with an idea that I had yesterday !


Send me cash, not idea  ;D



Quote from: Piotr on 09:54, 13 February 15
Send me cash, not idea  ;D

Spread the price of the upgrade across the cost you sell the PCBs for.



64kb ram added ,floppy added, printer port added , so it is 6128 now , big mess :



i didn't tell you what my idea is!! so don't say anything yet ;)


Quote from: Piotr on 12:40, 13 February 15
64kb ram added ,floppy added, printer port added , so it is 6128 now , big mess

Amazing! Can't wait to see how small you can keep it with FDC, keyboard and mouse interfaces...



A 6128 is good! To make a real CPC next generation it needs more RAM and Flash(=ROM), an RTC (Dallas f.e.) and couple other standard expansions.  :) 
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Really good news! 6128 is perfect for enjoying cpc!


Quote from: TFM on 18:19, 13 February 15
A 6128 is good! To make a real CPC next generation it needs more RAM and Flash(=ROM), an RTC (Dallas f.e.) and couple other standard expansions.  :)
I'm happy with 6128 spec. If you want more, just add it with a motherx4 and xmem, xmass, play city, mini booster, etc.....
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 21:53, 13 February 15
I'm happy with 6128 spec. If you want more, just add it with a motherx4 and xmem, xmass, play city, mini booster, etc.....

Well, that's exactly what I already to with a real CPC6128.  ;D
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 22:32, 13 February 15

Well, that's exactly what I already to with a real CPC6128.  ;D

But you can't put it on a little case unless you use a chainsaw!!


Friday 13,........ i connect board to 9 volt......... Echh, run again but i waste lot of time. So today only fast load test:
CPC clone, fast load test direct from PC sound card - YouTube

About RTC is any schematic and standart?


What are the features we get adding a RTC? I am a noob


in addition to the obvious known what time and hour it is (some games or apps can benefit of that), a real and precise ramdon number generator (real useful for games).

Anyway i think that all the expansions that come after the "6128 specs" should be allowed to be disabled via jumpers to stay on the 6128 specs or to go ahead, the first benefit wil be avoid compatibility problems and stay 100% standard.


Personally I think it is best to have it at 6128 specs plus PS/2 mouse and keyboard interfaces.

As discussed in another thread, the "standard" RTC is not compatible with X-MEM, MegaROM, SF2 etc. Also, it is not currently supported by SymbOS. The other option is a SF2 compatible version, but this requires more implementation work as it is not ROM based AFAIK.

Having a PS/2 based 6128 with a smaller motherboard and a connector for a mother X4 is perfect for adding everything else, I think :D


The PS/2 mouse adapter would need a switch/jumper to disable it, otherwise it will disrupt the signals if a Joystick is connected.



In mean time, board converted to 6128, stability tests in progress. But looks fine.

Full Batman demo .

My amstrad CPC clone prototype, now is 6128 ;) - YouTube

Board looks like total disaster but working fine ;)
So , is time to finsh drawing and routing  and order second prototype.


Quote from: Bryce on 13:14, 14 February 15
The PS/2 mouse adapter would need a switch/jumper to disable it, otherwise it will disrupt the signals if a Joystick is connected.


Here is one example, i think that upgrade de cpc specs is a very tricky work, because that ANY (even little) incompatibilty problem introduced by any upgrade will ruin the board.

The upgrades have to be carefully chosen (and essentials) like keyboard connector, and even this, it must be easy to dissable it via jumpers or something like this.

For the rest of upgrades, simply put some mx4 connectors and make mx4 cards that can be disconnected.


Echh, people ,people.  Idea was simply 464 plus slots for expansion cards. Now is full 6128 ,  so  nothing more , STOP, ENOUGH !!!  ;D All internial extras can be disable via jumpers or dipswitch.  Anyway, COVOX added.


Quote from: Piotr on 14:52, 14 February 15
Echh, people ,people.  Idea was simply 464 plus slots for expansion cards. Now is full 6128 ,  so  nothing more , STOP, ENOUGH !!!  ;D All internial extras can be disable via jumpers or dipswitch.  Anyway, COVOX added.

You're totally agree, 6128 is enough. The rest, via expansions, like mx4 or whatever.

If any, and only beause with this, the CPC will totally free of his case, is a ps/2 interface for keyboard (not need mouse) like ps2cpc on the other thread, and even this expansion must be jumper enabled!. Not forgetting that the original keyboard lines must end on a connector to allow people to connect the original keyboard (the only 100% precise and software compatible!)

@Piotr for me what you made until now is more than a miracle, is a gift for the CPC community that i don't think that we really realised how important is what you achieved with this board, for me you're a new god on this community.

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