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Modding the amstrad 6128+ to use the HXC OSD Menu having some issues

Started by Sebastian Blanco, 01:26, 22 December 19

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Sebastian Blanco

Have done the OSD mod and seems successfully but there's some kind of issue in the image.

First will explain what i have done:
Generated the new firmware enabled the osd option and changed the option to "gotek u8 pin2" to get the sync signal there.
Now i have an Amstrad 6128 + this model is not in the forum documentation so i checked the shematics:

Pin 2 of the RGB connector GREEN goes directly to that side of  R77 resistor according to the schematics is hooked to the green pin the dac, this goes directly to the output, checked using the continuity tester, added a resistor 330ohm to the wire then hooked this to PIN5 gotek U8 pads.

Pin 118 of the gate array call NSYNC goes directly to R87 i take the sync signal from there verified using the continuity tester and is a direct connection. Hooked this to PIN2 of the gotek U8 pads.

On my gotek i have installed the sound mod, mini led display, rotary encoder this works ok. Here pictures of my gotek and the amstrad plus:

The issue i have is that  the OSD text looks glitchy its like every line jumps a little and make it hard to read, also when the menu shows on the screen it distort the picture when the lines are bright colored the show up very distorted. Also when you load a game it can make the screen show up on the middle of the screen seems like some kind of sync issue not sure.

video of the issue


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Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.

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