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MegaFlash CaseMod

Started by Bryce, 20:21, 22 September 11

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 Thanks Bryce for your help with the modifications and making the Megaflash practically n00b proof. First off I should say I have no understanding of electronics and little experience in soldering so in my mind the case mod was a great idea with next to no drawbacks. Secondly, sorry for butchering what was once a thing of beauty.
I decided to just do the power LED and reset button parts of the modication as I am not going to be changing the ROMs every 5 minutes and wanted to leave the box as uncluttered as possible. So about a week after Bryce emailed me with the pin numbers and locations I got time to put it all together. I tested the connections that were fine, plugged it in, switched on the CPC and got a black screen and the LED didn't light up.... until I hit the reset button....  ???
... still at least I'd soldered the resistor to the positive leg this time...
I then had to unsolder 2/3 of the connections as I'd used a common ground from the switch to the LED and replaced the push to break connection switch with a push to make connection switch (told you I was a n00b) and now it all works.
It's built mostly from spares I had: the box is quite large which is fine for me as I figured it would give me more space to work and is the right colour. I glued in some brackets I cannabalised from some curtain-stop-end-things. Oh and the LED is way too bright.
But hey it works! (just won't be giving up my day job just yet)
Attached are some pictures.


This looks beautiful, congrats mate...

I can't see the fun of it if you're not changing ROMs all the time, but what the heck, it's great :) What ROMs do you use?


@beaker: Looks great. What value resistor did you use in series with the LED? It should be about 1K, then the LED shouldn't be too bright. although it does look like a "High-Bright" LED you've used. they are very bright no matter what resistor you use (as the name would suggest).

@Gryzor: Many users seem to have had an "install and try" phase with the MegaFlash and then settled for a selection of their favourites. If you've done this, then you might not need access to the switch or jumpers very often.



@Beaker: Great work! Looks awesome, especially on the Plus!

If you have any suggestions for the software, let me know  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


 Sorry for the long winded reply.
Thank you for your kind comments.
I am more than a little embarrassed to say I've been very lazy and not actually put on any ROMs at the moment, sorry.  :o
I've only had the Plus a few months and I tried to rig up the parallel cable (see picture) to transfer the rom images to disk via my laptop but I kept getting the timeout errors (checked everything thrice in regards to the pin outs and continuity if the connections) so that was a bit of a non-starter. The laptop is only 4 years old so I wasn't too surprised after reading another old post in the forum.
I also bought the HxC floppy emulator (in other picture) around the same time as the Megaflash and am going to use that but have been a bit undecided on how to implement it. I was originally going to remove the floppy drive and mount it in there as I've seen in some pictures but now my current thinking is the Plus has been previously modded with a tape interface that works great using the soundcard of my laptop, and the disk drive is perfect so rather than sacrifice anything I was wondering if it's possible to also mount the HxC inside the Plus, and have an ABBA switch mounted on the case to switch the drives and make it as universal as possible? What I am not sure about is if I can split the power source and data lead connections so they can run both? I was also thinking about adding something to the case and mounting the LCD at a 45 degree angle to make it easier to read rather than cut a hole in the top of the case and have the LCD facing up. Any comments/suggestions would be great, or would it be easier to just loose the disk drive as I'd originally planned?

@ Bryce: You're right, it is a "high-bright" LED. I had a pack of 3 of them so decided to use one with the 1k resistor you suggested. Well I think it was a 1k resistor. I know I have 2 other sets, one 75ohm and one 220ohm. The third set I had no clue what it was so I entered the coloured bars into a website that told me the order I entered them in didn't conform to any standard but reversed was 1k so I am assuming it is (or I entered the colours in wrong in poor light). I don't know much about resistors so I followed what you said incase I blew the LED.
@Gryzor: I was planning on trying FutureOS and SymbOS. I've also spent the last 11 years coding in Delphi and the last 5 odd years coding in C#/ as part of my day job and was thinking it would be kind of fun of go back and learn some machine code on the CPC as I feel I missed out back in the day when I just used the machine to play games and do the odd type-in from AA. It's just finding the time these days...  :D  I also noticed that the Cholo rom pack has the Multiface 2 ROM in it. Excuse my ignorance, but is it possible to add another switch to the box  and solder if to one of the pins to halt the running game as the real multiface does? I presume not and it's a bit more involved as the multiface 2 also has 8k of RAM.
@TFM/FS: Once I do get my rig set up and if I can think of anything I'll let you know, thanks.  :D


Well, this is just my personal POV. I wouldn't sacrifice the B-drive. You can use the HxC a B drive. This has two main advantages:

- You will get new games on 3" (I know there will be some in 2012), and it's great to have that original drive.

- If you install XD-DOS or ParaDos (both ROMs) in the Megaflash, then you will have 700 KB formats for drive B. And that's fully supported by the HxC floppy emulator. And you still can unplug it and connect your CPC to a 3.5" drive.

Also an ABBA switch helps you not to loose your internal drive.

Good luck! And keep us updated about your cool mode :-)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hi beaker,
      I'd also recommend using the HxC as an external drive and add an ABBA switch (a lot of games won't load from B: ). The ABBA switch for the plus is quite easy to do, no messing about with IC pins like the 6128, check the description here: . You can easily transfer files from the PC with the HxC, so you don't need that parallel cable either then.

The Multiface ROM is useless without a Multiface.

The resistors you have should have the following colours:
1K = Brown-Black-Red
220R  = Red-Red-Brown
75R = Violet-Green-Black



Thanks, I'll go with your recommendations. I guess first thing I need to do is make up an external cable and source a 5 volt power supply  :D
I suppose if it all goes horribly wrong I can always get the cased version of the HxC here:

@bryce: Thanks for the information on the Multiface. If I buy one, will it work between in tandem with the MegaFlash if it's sitting between the CPC and the Megaflash (sorry if you've already answered this in another thread)?  I see from a previous thread it should be fairly easy to crimp the right connector onto a multiface with the original edge connector ( that assume will be easier to come by over the Plus variants although I'd love to have a go at making your expansion converter at some point.

The resistor I used had 5 bands (brown, black, black, brown, green)

Thanks again for all your help.


The other bands signify the tolerances: +/-20%, 10%, 5%, 1% etc.

Why do you need to source a 5V supply? what are you supplying the CPC with? Just make an extension/splitter from that source.

I'm not sure what ROM No. the Multiface ROM was addressed to, if they clash you would have to modify the Multiface to disable its ROM and install the ROM image on the MegaFlash. Otherwise there is no reason why they shouldn't work together.


I assume "brown, black, black, brown, green" was a random example, because that doesn't seem to be a valid colour combination.


Hi Bryce, sorry for my ignorance but just to confirm I bought the Plus with a power lead outputting 5V DC 2.5A at the plug. I had assumed that that wouldn't be enough to run both units? So all I need to do is splice the lead with 2 other wires (positive to positive etc) and the add correct connector (or raid my old broken P4 for the floppy connector) for the HxC? That would be a very neat way of doing it, thanks  :D

That's also great news with the Multiface 2. I'll have a go at that after the HxC is connected and see how it pans out. I wonder if it would be easier to solder a socket on for the ROM if there's room in the multiface case so I can add or remove it if required....

As far as I can tell those are the colours on the resistor. This is the website I put them into and it came back with 1kΩ 0.5% although I am a bit worried they don't match the 1K one example you gave. I've attached a picture of both the plug and resistors.


Ah, you bought the expensive resistors with a tolerance of 0.5%! :) They use the 5 band system, my example is for the 4 band system - Put Brown-Black-Red-Gold-None into that calculator and it should give you 1K 5%. I didn't expect you to have that type, I only use those in rare situations where the exact value is important (very rarely the case in the TTL circuits found in 8-bit machines).

The original power supply for the 6128+ was rated at 2.4A, but the CPC only uses a little over half of this, with a few spikes when using the disc drive. The HxC works in the mA range, so there is easily enough juice there for both, so as you said, just splice off a new connection. That's how mine is connected and it works fine with a 6128+, 512K of expansion RAM, a speech Synth, MegaFlash, an S-Video Modulator and the HxC all connected at the same time.



Quote from: Bryce on 16:30, 01 December 11
Ah, you bought the expensive resistors with a tolerance of 0.5%! :) They use the 5 band system, my example is for the 4 band system - Put Brown-Black-Red-Gold-None into that calculator and it should give you 1K 5%. I didn't expect you to have that type, I only use those in rare situations where the exact value is important (very rarely the case in the TTL circuits found in 8-bit machines).

Right, the Digiblaster may serve as example when the 0.5% tolerance resistors are welcome :-D
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 16:30, 01 December 11
Ah, you bought the expensive resistors with a tolerance of 0.5%! :)   

lol, well you know, one was being chauffeured home to the mansion in ones Maybach when one came across a quaint little electronics shop, I believe went by the name of Maplin. I had my man tell the shop assistant what one was planning to do and was sold those resistors. Maybe one should have left the Maybach and Cheuffeur at home and taken the Aston Martin instead so one didn't appear to rich...  ;)  I wish, lol  ;D

Being serious again, thanks for all your help, I am learning so much although obviously I am only scratching the surface. I think those resistors came with the LED's when I bought them.

Your setup sounds awsome, I honestly wouldn't have thought it would power that much... I've so much to learn about electronics.


F*@K your Aston Martin, I've a horse outside! (Beaker is probably the only one who actually gets that joke).

Two things have to be remembered: 1 - If a PSU is rated 2.5A, then it can probably deliver 3A without an issue, they are always understated. 2 - If a computer is supplied with a 2.4A supply, it probably only needs 1.8A at most (Original C64 is an exception to this rule, which is why so many original supplies failed).



Wouldn't the butler rather than the master refer to himself as "one"? ;) (The latter might of course feel compelled by divine grace to use We in majestic plural...)

Little anecdote from Bavaria: Locals around Lake Starnberg reportedly took offense (to the point of not accepting the multi-million donation of his art collection) at Buchheim's (the late author of Das Boot) saying in an interview something like this: "Sure I'm driving a Rolls to Aldi. It's got the biggest trunk." :D


Never mind, I saw an Aston Martin at McDonalds. So why not Rolls & Aldi.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 21:05, 01 December 11
F*@K your Aston Martin, I've a horse outside! (Beaker is probably the only one who actually gets that joke).

lol, and if you try to clamp my horse, he'll kick you in the face?  ;D

Quote from: OCT on 21:32, 01 December 11
Wouldn't the butler rather than the master refer to himself as "one"? ;) (The latter might of course feel compelled by divine grace to use We in majestic plural...)
You could be right; I was thinking of Prince Charles' of England who has the habit of referring to himself as "one" which is endlessly mocked by impressionists. I sort of assumed all toffs (upperclass) talk like that.

Quote from: TFM/FS on 22:12, 01 December 11
Never mind, I saw an Aston Martin at McDonalds. So why not Rolls & Aldi.
We still have one old lad in town who takes his Donkey and Cart to Tesco super market  :)


Had to watch the video again. Although I've probably seen it 1000 times, it still makes me laugh. But you probably have to know Limerick (and understand the accent) to find it really funny.



"Would you be my girl?" And she says: "I will, of course! If you grab me by the pony-tail and ride me like a horse."


*whistle* *whistle* Fuck your Honda Civic! I've a horse outside! *whistle* *whistle*
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Just to spare some people the time.

Shergar - famous racing horse
Tír na nÓg - not the land of legend but another racing horse it seems
NCT - National Car Testing Service

Billie Piper:

bag of yokes : bag of ecstacy pills - that's Irish slang, had a bit of trouble with that one since I kept hearing "yorkes".

The accent during the song isn't too bad, but I barely understand the people talking before the song begins. But then I've never been to Ireland.
Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Well researched! Tír na nÓg literally means "Land of the Young" As the Irish myth goes, Oisín was the only "Earth Person" allowed to go there, where he would stay young forever. But he got homesick and wanted to go back. He returned on a horse, but was told if he got off the horse he would gain all the years he had skipped instantly and die. Can't remember why, but the fool did get off and died. (The song might actually be referring to the horse in the Myth).

People with large mouths and lots of teeth are often compared to horses in Ireland, Billie Piper comes under this category  ;D

Bag of Yokes can refer to any bag of drugs, but most often ecstasy (so I've heard ;) )

The bit at the start: The guy is asked whether he has any words of wisdom for the man on his big day. His "fine" advice is more or less: "Don't be doing any dumb stuff on their own like one of those couples (whatever that's supposed to mean) Don't be afraid to go to house parties, even if there's children involved and drink and drugs and whatever. I was brought up in a house like that and it didn't do me any harm". - True words of wisdom.



Quote from: Bryce on 09:34, 02 December 11
Had to watch the video again. Although I've probably seen it 1000 times, it still makes me laugh. But you probably have to know Limerick (and understand the accent) to find it really funny.


It is a fantastic video and yes, probably helps if you know Limerick  ;D Alas, I am following his mates in regards to the car...  ;D


Hmmm, it's quite "Boy-Racer", but you loose points for not having any stickers along the side, no dents, no furry dice/CD/Handcuffs hanging from the mirror, having paid your road tax/insurance and no florescent lights underneath. Probably still considered cool in Galway, but only semi-cool around the Moyross area. :D



It's all true  :'(  I just couldn't bring myself to do it... not even buy the black chalkboard paint and paint the bonet. The only thing I ended up doing was getting some larger alloys and low profile tires and even then I paid to get the original ones refurbished (which are now stored in the garage)...


I kept hearing "I've got my hearse outside". Probably not the best car for picking up the ladies in... ;)

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