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Kryoflux and the CPC

Started by VintageAdvantage, 17:16, 27 May 20

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So, I got a Kryoflux 3 years ago and never used it. Now is the time!I have a 3", 3.5", and 5.24" inch disk drive. All connected to the CPC. Now, what steps are required to connect the Kryoflux to the Windows 10 laptop via USB, and how do I image a DSK to a real disk from Windows 10? What Windows 10 software is being used for that? I Kryoflux just being recognized as a normal A: Windows drive, and I can then use one of the CPC DSK Writer programs? What are you using?

I know I can RTFM and I will do, but might be nice to hear somebodys wisdom and snake oil first.


First, you need to connect one of the drives to the Kryoflux card, the card itself to a usb port on your PC, and finally you use the software you can download from the Kryoflux web site to image your disks.


Quote from: robcfg on 20:03, 27 May 20
First, you need to connect one of the drives to the Kryoflux card, the card itself to a usb port on your PC, and finally you use the software you can download from the Kryoflux web site to image your disks.
And how about WRITING disks?

In the meantime, I'll have to take a break in order to digest all that info that you have given me... 


It also works from the command line with the "dtc.exe" command. Just follow the manual (MFM format for the CPCs)
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