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Just picked up this little beauty from Ireland

Started by beaker, 15:58, 03 October 13

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Hm, that's a nice one, and getting there. However, at 10mm wide it's a bit too much I think...?


It's cheap enough, I guess I'll order one and see how it goes?



I'll try and order some of the el band Bryce linked to as well if the el wire does turn out to be too thick. There shouldn't be a problem adding a 12V socket to the case and use CPC 12V power supply just to power that should there?  :D

Hmm, I am not sure if it will be possible as the keys appear to travel all the way down to the plastic base and there's not enough of a gap to run the cable between the keys.

Sykobee (Briggsy)

Ah yes, that looks like that will kill off this idea, unless you spend all day drilling tiny holes in the plastic base and putting the lighting behind it. I guess you could put the wire around the outside of the keyboard (i.e., on the underside of the case) for an illuminated keyboard outline as a compromise.

The Last Bandit

Are you trying to light up the actually lettering on the individual keys or just give the whole keyboard a bit of a 'glow' ?
Individual keys would be a nightmare, maybe paint them with luminescent paint (remember that Only Fools & Horses episode  :D )

Or simpler option would be run the lighting tape around the inside edge of the top case where the keyboard comes out.


lol I do, and he painted his mum's tomb with the paint as well  :laugh:

Thanks to Bryce, I now have a new tape counter for the 464  :D The reset button is a bit smaller than the original but I quite like it, and is certainly better than having no reset button at all  ;D


Wow, so it does fit! I really didn't think it would. Congrats.
Did you replace the whole unit or just borrow the reset button?



No, that's the whole new unit, literally just arrived at lunchtime so I tried it in there and when I saw it fit I just taped it onto the case with a bit of masking tape and took the photo :)

Well chuffed, thanks  ;D


I just swapped the reset button and facia form the new one to the old one. Check it out, they're practically identical in size :)

The only differences appear to be the base and the spindle but both appear to have been manufactured in Japan. What do you think, is it possible to use the other internal parts to fix a broken tape counter? Would it be worth adding a link to the Wiki with details on where to buy?


Slightly annoying that the back of the 464 goes down at an angle so I had to mount the USB connector higher than I would have liked so there's a dirty great hole under the USB connector, and I made the hole a few millimeters wider than it needed to be... I think I am going to break out the putty tomorrow and fill in the section under the USB connector to make it a bit more presentable like I did on the front of the case  >:(



The hole is rather large, but it's very neat, I'd leave it like that.




Indeed the hole is nice in the photo, and since it's on the back... oh well!

Too bad the luminous thingie idea doesn't seem to work :(


Didn't like the USB hole being that big, so new size  :D



Looks well done. Is it supported from the back? Otherwise it might start to crumble if you regularly plug/unplug  the USB.



I made it out of the metal epoxy as that stuff seems to go off like a rock when it sets then I swapped the bit of DVD case on the back and covered it in a thinnish layer of Araldite which is the strongest glue I can think of so fingers crossed that should hold. I'm going to sand it down a bit more tonight and use some fine plastic filler to finish it off. Then on with the spraying :D

I might have to get an air freshener though, that Araldite stinks!

The Last Bandit

Haven't read the whole thread... but what's the USB port for ?


Bryce invented a PS2/USB mouse adapter a few years back.
PS2Mouse - CPCWiki

I am basically turning this CPC into the Bryce machine with the lowerROM, MegaFlash, mouse interface, and the DDI-2 when it's ready for release.

I've got to ask, is that you selling the NeoGeo MVS-1F on With Fitzsteve is building an arcade cabinet on Amibay using one, I thought I might try one myself after I've finished this CPC  :laugh:

The Last Bandit

Yep that's me selling the MVS & Sega STV & the awesome Superguns :)



Looking great mate, I think I know the epoxy you're using, chemical metal or something similar. I would suggest you do fix something behind if you haven't already. I used to fix a lot of cars and unless you fix it in properly, it is liable to snap off, especially with as Bryce says you're inserting and removing the USB plug frequently, the plastic may flex a bit under the strain not to mention accidentally catching the plug on the bottom of the epoxy.

Fiberglass resin is also really good for these sorts of repairs too.

Have you considered satin black instead of gloss black, the reduced shine would better replicate the CPC's original finish.

Great work though it's going to look fantastic!
For all the latest Starquake remake news check out my website -


Horrah, my switch finally arrived so I managed to install it and only drilled through my thumb and forefinger - result!  :laugh:


This machine won't work at all, k, you removed the electronic inside... what were you thinking  ?


A success, by all accounts. The best empty case I've seen, and all for the cost of two fingers!

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