
Is there any recent project to connect a PC (PS/2) keyboard to the CPC?

Started by Joss, 18:42, 27 August 12

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Quote from: gerald on 13:30, 27 February 22The we use 74138 Y2 output to detect write to register C of the PPC which whould be

According to the diagram included in the PS2Cpc 1.0b zip file, A1 and A0 are flipped compared to that, and C on the 138 is actually CS, not WRN.... and that's how the board was made and how it's connected up. Are the diagram and board schematics incorrect?  :(

If I change the PS2Cpc connections so that the 138 is connected as per your table above (pin 1=A0, pin 2 = A1, pin 3 = WRN ... and I therefore assume pin 4 = CS?) the keyboard reverts to no input other than the number pad enter key.


Quote from: megatronuk on 13:51, 27 February 22Okay, swapping A1/A0 back to the original position brings the keyboard back to approximately the same state as before, the new key mapping with C0-C3 correctly connected is:

1 (up arrow)
2 (down arrow)
3 2
4 1
5 3
6 4
7 5
8 6
9 7
0 8
- 9
= :9
q (no output)
w (no output)
e break
r e
t (no output)
y (no output)
u r
i (no output)
o u
p (no output)
[ -
] (no output)
enter @
a Z
s right arrow
d a
f d
g s
h g
j f
k j
l h
; l
, :5
# :2
z backspace
x z
c (no output)
v X
b C
n B
m N
, space
. ,
/ M
\ /

Everything is shifted by one line. That's usually a side effect to the interrupt handler being too slow to update the output when selected keyboard line change.
Can you retest with the original HEX file ?
You also seem to have a issue on AY bit 3 that was not there before.


Sure, I'll give it a go with a reflash from the original hex file from the 1.0b sources.

Both the original .hex file you provided in the 1.0b source as well as the same code recompiled with the 'inline' attributes defined produce the same behaviour and same key mapping.

The inline version is built with:

$ avr-gcc --version
avr-gcc (GCC) 5.4.0
Copyright © 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


Quote from: gerald on 16:25, 27 February 22You also seem to have a issue on AY bit 3 that was not there before.
I haven't changed any of the connections to the AY chip - they have all been left as-is and I'm 100% certain that continuity between them all is perfect - but to be sure I've just re-checked each of the 8 pins now; they all check out, no loose connections, no bridges.


I Hope the solution can be found, and I'm sure it will be.
Looking Forward to a re-release of confirmed circuit diagram and Firmware :D


Quote from: Graham on 18:02, 28 February 22I Hope the solution can be found, and I'm sure it will be.
Looking Forward to a re-release of confirmed circuit diagram and Firmware :D
Yeah, I hope so! I really do need a working PS/2 keyboard I/f to be able to use this CPC... I have incredibly tight restrictions on what I can have out at any time, so the only way I can use it is if it is up on a shelf out of the way, so a KVM switch is my only option for almost all of my retro computing kit. I think the only system I'm missing a remote keyboard for now is my BBC Master... Speccy, Atari XE, MSX, ST, Amiga are all working through a Belkin PS2 KVM!


im trying to build this up on a breadboard currently...
it seems the keyboard is active (num led is lit)
but most the keys dont work.. some keys (very few) are pumping out multiple characters...

im using a US keyboard... im guessing the key codes that the US keyboard sends are different to the UK keyboard key codes..

does anyone know if that sounds right?!... i could try adding the US keyboard layout to the code...

edit: update...i resoldered everything.. and now it works perfectly! no issues whatsoever!


no matter.. sorted..


..anyone help me get the | key to show up!
my ps2 keybaord has the | key next to the backspace key.. pressing it gives # ...and shifting that key gives nothing...
if i press  " i get '
if i shift " i get @  ( " is ps2 key near enter.. i know its swapped to 2 key for cpc)

i cant seem to get the pipe | to show up no matter what i do....every other key is fine...

hmm.. seems  if i hold shift... hold L and press ' the | shows up... but with the L in front!...strange!
edit: seems i can even jsut hold shift, hold space and press '  makes it show up... ..i might be able to live with that!


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