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Internal ribbon cable for CPC+

Started by francouai, 08:03, 24 July 16

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Quote from: gerald on 17:06, 22 August 16
While he is cloning the Gotek HW, he is running HxC firmware.
I do not know if there is an agreement (licence ?) between piotr and Jeff. If this is not the case, then this should be known.

For a drive to answer A and B while internally connected means that the SEL line at uC interface is always low (bad jumper configuration) or the uC is ignoring it.
Only Jeff can answer the software side and we all know piotr answer from HW side  :doh: .
@Jeff_HxC2001 any chance of an official HxC device in a 3inch drive chassis?

If it is not the case that Licences have been paid then I have been ripped off and I want my money back! The MxC firmware is worth every cent and Jeff should be rewarded for his hard work
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Fo me is  the same circuit that the 6128 usb ,but it have removed jumpers, and add the screen part. Rearanged conexions as the necesity

Take a look:

The firmware is the same for the two i the chip connections are the same.

Search were are connected the lines go to the jumpers drive configuration from your chip.

I think he designed it to work as a and b.

Maybe you can put a good picture of the pcb?

Tytu³ dokumentu


Yeah, I'll see. But the lcd is soldered on, so I cannot scan it. I'll try to get a good picture on the phone later on.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 19:57, 22 August 16
Yeah, I'll see. But the lcd is soldered on, so I cannot scan it. I'll try to get a good picture on the phone later on.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


The sloppy work on pin 2 is not a good sign.
It looks like the connector pinout is wrong, and this is confirmed if the jumper select between A and B.
Drive select signal are on pin 4 and 6, the jumper block is on pin 6 and 8 (Motor On).


Yeah, you are right gerald maybe simply he make a error.

But it make it a post ?. Or exist a piste down the bridge and he burned it or something?.


Quote from: CraigsBar on 19:58, 22 August 16

Please tell me that you were practising your soldering on this board and NOT that Piotr is really selling hardware in this state! That's a disgrace!



Quote from: Bryce on 21:23, 22 August 16
Please tell me that you were practising your soldering on this board and NOT that Piotr is really selling hardware in this state! That's a disgrace!


That's due to the 'lead deprived' solder imho.  :-X
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: Bryce on 21:23, 22 August 16
Please tell me that you were practising your soldering on this board and NOT that Piotr is really selling hardware in this state! That's a disgrace!

That is how it came. I have not stripped the plus one from it's 3d printed chassis to see if it is soldered as 'interestingly' yes I think I can solder pin headers better than that.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: TFM on 21:31, 22 August 16

That's due to the 'lead deprived' solder imho.  :-X

That's not lead free solder.



Quote from: Bryce on 21:23, 22 August 16
Please tell me that you were practising your soldering on this board and NOT that Piotr is really selling hardware in this state! That's a disgrace!


You remember me to the chef ramsey in hells kitchen. Chef bryce hells electronics.

Quote from: CraigsBar on 21:36, 22 August 16
That is how it came. I have not stripped the plus one from it's 3d printed chassis to see if it is soldered as 'interestingly' yes I think I can solder pin headers better than that.

You need it your only option is or unsoldier it and make it b or i don't know.


Quote from: dragon on 22:15, 22 August 16
You remember me to the chef ramsey in hells kitchen. Chef bryce hells electronics.

You need it your only option is or unsoldier it and make it b or i don't know.
OK..... Here is the other board. Still really rough soldering. But is anyone willing to help me out here. These will be the last thing I buy from @Piotr and I can only recommend others to stay clear.

Since the drives are not as advertised, and not fit for purpose I wonder if I can get a refund through PayPal.

IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Well, in my book the soldering looks good. But probably because mine is not better.  ;) :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 22:44, 25 August 16
Well, in my book the soldering looks good. But probably because mine is not better.  ;) :)
Lol, well neither is mine.... but I don't sell mine ;)
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode



"" OK..... Here is the other board. Still really rough soldering.""

By what name does that board go by ??.

OK I found it "3" Floppy emulator"

Thanks   Ray
Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


Quote from: CraigsBar on 22:31, 25 August 16
OK..... Here is the other board. Still really rough soldering. But is anyone willing to help me out here. These will be the last thing I buy from @Piotr and I can only recommend others to stay clear.

Since the drives are not as advertised, and not fit for purpose I wonder if I can get a refund through PayPal.


Paypal normaly gives the reason to the buyer.

Anyway. Technically speaking. If your live inside the u.e and the seller lives in the u.e . The product is cover by the u.e laws. If you are in the same country as the seller.  And you want complaint you can go to local consummers office.

If you live in other country as the seller but inside u.e you can go to the european office consumer and make a complaint. Its free. And they contact to the seller to search a solution.

European Consumer Centres - European Commission


I wonder what the solder blob is doing, connecting pin 4 & 6 (also seems there is a trace going to the jumper block).
Pin 4 Drive select 1 (That would be drive B or ?)
Pin 6 N/C ?

Also it's hard to see if Pin 4 and Pin 2 also interconnects (probably not).. And probably the jumper was routed to pin 6, but should have been pin 4, you tried messing with the jumper there (disconnecting it)?


Quote from: Duke on 18:15, 26 August 16
I wonder what the solder blob is doing, connecting pin 4 & 6 (also seems there is a trace going to the jumper block).
Pin 4 Drive select 1 (That would be drive B or ?)
Pin 6 N/C ?

Also it's hard to see if Pin 4 and Pin 2 also interconnects (probably not).. And probably the jumper was routed to pin 6, but should have been pin 4, you tried messing with the jumper there (disconnecting it)?
on a 3inch drive
- 2 is the index pulse
- 4 is drive select 0
- 6 is drive select 1
- 8 is motor on

On that drive it look like pin 4/6/8 where shifted. To fix this
- he cut the index track going to pin 4 and connected it to pin 2
- removed pin 4 from the connector (I don't get why. once disconnected from index, there sould not be any problem)
- connected pin 4 and 6 together. I also do see why : pin 4 is disconnected and connector has no more pin.

What's missing ? He should have disconnected pin 8 from the track that goes to the jumper (drive selection) and connect it to pin 6.

@CraigsBar : the drive are answering to both A and B drive because the drive select jumper uses the motor on signal instead of a proper drive select (and it look like the Gotek does not care about the motor on signal at all).
To fix it, you need to :
- replace the missing pin on the connector (and remove the bridge beween pin 4 anb 6), to restore connectivity for DS0
- Optionally disconnected pin 8 from the track that goes to the jumper (drive selection) and connect it to pin 4
- place the jumper on outer side of the jumper block to select DS0


Seems you nailed, btw. where do I find the correct pinout of internal 26 pin connector, I was looking at this:
DIY:Floppy Drives - CPCWiki

Edit: found it in the DDI service manual.


Quote from: gerald on 18:47, 26 August 16
on a 3inch drive
- 2 is the index pulse
- 4 is drive select 0
- 6 is drive select 1
- 8 is motor on

On that drive it look like pin 4/6/8 where shifted. To fix this
- he cut the index track going to pin 4 and connected it to pin 2
- removed pin 4 from the connector (I don't get why. once disconnected from index, there sould not be any problem)
- connected pin 4 and 6 together. I also do see why : pin 4 is disconnected and connector has no more pin.

What's missing ? He should have disconnected pin 8 from the track that goes to the jumper (drive selection) and connect it to pin 6.

@CraigsBar : the drive are answering to both A and B drive because the drive select jumper uses the motor on signal instead of a proper drive select (and it look like the Gotek does not care about the motor on signal at all).
To fix it, you need to :
- replace the missing pin on the connector (and remove the bridge beween pin 4 anb 6), to restore connectivity for DS0
- Optionally disconnected pin 8 from the track that goes to the jumper (drive selection) and connect it to pin 4
- place the jumper on outer side of the jumper block to select DS0

Many thanks Jerald, so let me clarify this...

1. Remove the SOlder link between 4 & 6
2. Cut trace between Jumper pin and pin 8
3. Connect the same Jumper pin to the newly restored pin 4
4. Leave the jumper where it is and it will be DS0 and work with my ABBA switch.

Seems simple enough. please confirm that the below crude drawing is correct. Blue is the current config. Red is the changes and the solder bridge to be reomced when te new pin is inserted


I have tried to contact @Piotr through SellMyRetro, PayPal and here... with no response. If he does not get back to me I'll raise a calim with Paypal for a refund. Depending on the putcome of that I'll try the mod on one drive.

Ideally I want both working as drive A if the mod works (And I see no reason why it won't then I can handle that.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Quote from: CraigsBar on 19:34, 26 August 16

Many thanks Jerald, so let me clarify this...

1. Remove the SOlder link between 4 & 6
2. Cut trace between Jumper pin and pin 8
3. Connect the same Jumper pin to the newly restored pin 4
4. Leave the jumper where it is and it will be DS0 and work with my ABBA switch.

Seems simple enough. please confirm that the below crude drawing is correct. Blue is the current config. Red is the changes and the solder bridge to be reomced when te new pin is inserted

Yes, that's correct.


You forgot step 5. Promise yourself never to buy any half-ass badly designed, botched and non-supported crap from Piotr again.



Quote from: Bryce on 10:12, 28 August 16
You forgot step 5. Promise yourself never to buy any half-ass badly designed, botched and non-supported crap from Piotr again.


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Guys, I bought my HXC from Piotr and I'm very happy about delay,shipping and material.
My HXC was originally designed for ZX Spectrum, I just adapted the case to fit into my CPC+.

Piotr  doesn't answer at the moment, as he is on holiday out of country.
I'm waiting him back to order from his shop, a buzzer for my HXC.

Be nice with him, he is not doing HXC for business but only to move forward on AMSTRAD/SPECTRUM stuffs to help us.  8)


Quote from: francouai on 11:52, 28 August 16
Guys, I bought my HXC from Piotr and I'm very happy about delay,shipping and material.
My HXC was originally designed for ZX Spectrum, I just adapted the case to fit into my CPC+.

Piotr  doesn't answer at the moment, as he is on holiday out of country.
I'm waiting him back to order from his shop, a buzzer for my HXC.

Be nice with him, he is not doing HXC for business but only to move forward on AMSTRAD/SPECTRUM stuffs to help us.  8)

This isn't a once off, experience. You may have had an ok experience with him, but there are soooo many users (including myself) that have seen a completely different level of support. He can't be on holidays for 6 months of the year. I posted several questions to him, which he completely ignored although he was logging into the Forum during that time. And I'm not alone. Either Piotr gets his act together or he can go elsewhere. We have enough other users that build top quality hardware for the CPC scene. Gerald, ToTO, Duke, Jeff, etc. We don't need his half finished, non-supported rubbish. His hardware attempts aren't moving anything forward, he's just peddling badly designed crap to make money. If you need examples I can supply you with several. He had his chance and blew it.


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