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What is needed to update a 6128 to Aleste (MC520ex) ?

Started by RockRiver, 10:20, 28 November 11

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In the past I would liked use frienldy and fat12-16 able msx-DOS instead of CP/M inside my CPC.
Recently I discovered the ALESTE , the siberian "top CPC" with 520k, msx-dos capable, MSX1 & MSX2 games easy ports, new screen modes, enhanced sound board... only ugly external case design... Msx-dosCpc520kEXchange

How I can modding a CPC or CPC+ to MC520ex?: Is needed: [Yeah, crazy idea]
- Memory update (easy) and "msx memory mapper"(not so easy)
- BDOS  Rom from CaPriCe32 Aleste mod (by Mysterio aka Valeriya) or MESS bios roms (by Robcfg/Deepfb) and put it in MegaFlash or SymbiFace
- GameBIOS with VDP emulator (is included in BDOS?) A new daughter board with VideoChip in PLD?
- Z80 overclock like "msx 8mhz project"
- New MagicSound board for our CPCs

I know, I know... <<don´t suck!!; ...this is outside of the Standard; a MSX2: is more easy; ...use PC with MESS and CaPriCeMod Emus..>>
Yezzzz!!!!, but I like to break Immobility Preconceptions & Dogmas
All of us want this real hardware, but only two of these machines in the World  :'(

Bryce, you see it feasible? Maybe easy to make an Aleste board clone from the beginning instead of?
Thanks Deepfb, Robcfg, Nocass, Arnoldemu, Valeriya and others for your investigation and research work about it, great!!! Thanks Siberia!!!!


Hmmm, no idea, I've never looked at an Aleste, so I really haven't a clue what's involved. I'll take a look when I have time.


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