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CPC Plus cartridge replacement : one more

Started by gerald, 16:39, 01 November 14

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Are you interested in buying a 3D-printed case for the cartridge? Hoe many units? (only vote if you want one or more!)

180 (85.3%)
25 (11.8%)
2 (0.9%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
4 (1.9%)

Total Members Voted: 211


Oh wow. If we do get a new shell then lots of people will be happy...


Anything that stops me having to cannibalise one of my 4 burning rubber carts is ok with me.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: n00b on 02:11, 02 May 15
^ coming soon - a member of the circuit-board forum has a 3D printer and he'll get it on asap. ;)

Here you can see some pictures of his 1st protoype.

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


I did some testing on my version of nocart. My test program confirmed that the cartridges are good. So v1.5 has gone from a "testing" to a "release" version.

I will release a v1.6 soon. I will patch it so that the cartridge believes it is a single drive system for a bit more compatibility. Currently, both drive 0 and drive 1 access the same disc on the cartridge. I will change that. All other drives will report not ready (or report they don't exist).

v1.6 will have a fix to the get drive status command so that it works correctly.

I hope later today to release two new tools:

- makesys

This tool allows you to choose os, basic and dos and it will make a system cartridge; same configuration as the standard basic cartridge. Save Craig copying/cating/splitting files.

- makecart

This tool allows you to define os, and up to 16 expansion roms. A modified firmware will then access those. Cartridge will look like a 6128 system with the expansion roms you choose :)

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My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 10:36, 04 May 15
I did some testing on my version of nocart. My test program confirmed that the cartridges are good. So v1.5 has gone from a "testing" to a "release" version.

I will release a v1.6 soon. I will patch it so that the cartridge believes it is a single drive system for a bit more compatibility. Currently, both drive 0 and drive 1 access the same disc on the cartridge. I will change that. All other drives will report not ready (or report they don't exist).

v1.6 will have a fix to the get drive status command so that it works correctly.

I hope later today to release two new tools:

- makesys

This tool allows you to choose os, basic and dos and it will make a system cartridge; same configuration as the standard basic cartridge. Save Craig copying/cating/splitting files.

- makecart

This tool allows you to define os, and up to 16 expansion roms. A modified firmware will then access those. Cartridge will look like a 6128 system with the expansion roms you choose :)
fantastic news. Happy Star Wars appreciation day. May the fourth be with you.
IRC:  #Retro4All on Freenode


Great news ! Hope those new version will be avalaible soon  ;D


Quote from: Kris on 07:31, 02 May 15
Looks really good on 3D views; just have to wait for final prototype :)
Quote from: CraigsBar on 07:59, 02 May 15
I must have one of those.
Quote from: Gryzor on 16:44, 03 May 15
Oh wow. If we do get a new shell then lots of people will be happy...
Quote from: seanb on 19:50, 03 May 15
Anything that stops me having to cannibalise one of my 4 burning rubber carts is ok with me.
Quote from: Ast on 22:50, 03 May 15

I just got a message from the "producer" that the 1st test printings will start this week. So stay tuned...  ;D




I got mine today as well and it worked fine. I was playing a bit around with it on my GX-4000 and pluged it out to insert the original Babarian 2 cart...
Now nothing is working anymore-when I insert the Babarian 2 cart there is only graphic mish mash on the screen and if I put the C4CPC back the screen stays black. All dip switches are on top position. Please help-is there anything what I can do ?


I think it could be interesting to start counting how many cases to produce  ;D
I will need 2 .


1 for me for sure, if the price is correct.

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !


Any suggestions for a label design?  :)


I want 4. One for each of my burning rubber carts.
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Black Mesa Transit Announcement System:
"Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."


Me too me too me too !! Just one  :D



I'd like one too so I don't have to modify an original cartridge.




Okay, okay, calm down guys, please...  ;D

"Apes" (member of has an own website. When the printer results are perfect and final I will post a link for you an than you can contact him directly with your requests (or maybe he has already joined the CPC forum until then. :) )


The number printed in paper in the c4cpc is important?.

It is starting to pull away afrom the side.


Quote from: dragon on 17:02, 04 May 15
The number printed in paper in the c4cpc is important?.

It is starting to pull away afrom the side.
It's the card serial number, helpful for me in case of trouble. It is also displayed when starting the cart without SD.


Quote from: Dinorast on 13:51, 04 May 15
I got mine today as well and it worked fine. I was playing a bit around with it on my GX-4000 and pluged it out to insert the original Babarian 2 cart...
Now nothing is working anymore-when I insert the Babarian 2 cart there is only graphic mish mash on the screen and if I put the C4CPC back the screen stays black. All dip switches are on top position. Please help-is there anything what I can do ?
for c4cpc I think all switches are down except last which is up.
Then you have the selection menu.

It is possible there is a bad contact with the gx4000 or perhaps you need to remove and re-insert the cartridge.

Good luck, I hope it is not broken.
My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: n00b on 15:49, 04 May 15
Okay, okay, calm down guys, please...  ;D

"Apes" (member of has an own website. When the printer results are perfect and final I will post a link for you an than you can contact him directly with your requests (or maybe he has already joined the CPC forum until then. :) )

That would be great. I would need also one.  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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