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CPC Plus cartridge replacement : one more

Started by gerald, 16:39, 01 November 14

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Are you interested in buying a 3D-printed case for the cartridge? Hoe many units? (only vote if you want one or more!)

180 (85.3%)
25 (11.8%)
2 (0.9%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
4 (1.9%)

Total Members Voted: 211


It was a snestastic vid how I found out about the gx4000 auction.
At least we know how low the seller is willing to go.
£37 inc. P&P is not bad
Thou shall not question Captain Wrong!


Quote from: seanb on 11:23, 22 April 15
How much does he wasn't for postage to Ireland
well the auction page says £30. But email for a quote.... I've mailled and am waiting for a quote.
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Quote from: CraigsBar on 12:55, 22 April 15
well the auction page says £30. But email for a quote.... I've mailled and am waiting for a quote.
quote back.....
1 or 2 consoles £25 shipping
3 or above £30 shipping.

Anyone else in Ireland want to share shipping costs.
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Perdonad que escriba en español, pero no me defiendo en ingles.  Quisiera hacerme con un c4cpc, pero no lo encuentro en tiendas físicas, pero dicen que se puede solicitar en este hilo de cpcwiki.  Os dejo mi e-mail para ver si es posible realizar la compra.  Muchas gracias.


Quote from: Spiderman2099 on 17:29, 22 April 15
Perdonad que escriba en español, pero no me defiendo en ingles.  Quisiera hacerme con un c4cpc, pero no lo encuentro en tiendas físicas, pero dicen que se puede solicitar en este hilo de cpcwiki.  Os dejo mi e-mail para ver si es posible realizar la compra.  Muchas gracias.
Es mejor que te registres en el foro y así el creador puede contactar contigo cuando estén disponibles. De todas formas hay una larga lista y habrá que esperar un poco.


Well I am now the owner of a NOS gx4000 from eBay. I got the shipping down to 25 and the console to 30. So £55 all in with shipping to Ireland. Not bad and within my retro budget.

Now I'll be able to test my CPR conversions on a gx4000 as well.
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* Allows disc images with less than 40 tracks. Requested by @jrodriguezv.
(CNG's website has loads of these with his single file cracks on them).

Restriction is that every track must be DATA format or every track must be SYSTEM format. The discs on CNG's website are ok.
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He seguido el consejo de un miembro del foto y me he registrado.  En cuando haya unidades del c4cpc a la venta me gustaría hacerme con uno.  Ruego que la persona que los construye se ponga en contacto conmigo.  Muchas gracias de antemano.  :) :) :) :) :)



Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:41, 23 April 15

* Allows disc images with less than 40 tracks. Requested by @jrodriguezv.
(CNG's website has loads of these with his single file cracks on them).

Restriction is that every track must be DATA format or every track must be SYSTEM format. The discs on CNG's website are ok.

Thanks man!

I will try this version ASAP :-)

EDIT: Tested!!! Thanks again for your work.


Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:41, 23 April 15

* Allows disc images with less than 40 tracks. Requested by @jrodriguezv.
(CNG's website has loads of these with his single file cracks on them).

Restriction is that every track must be DATA format or every track must be SYSTEM format. The discs on CNG's website are ok.
WOW a properly cracked version of prehistorik2. Now can anyone recode the loader not to ask the questions... and simply select No special mode, plus version.

If possible this would really make a cartridge possibility. The game menu etc are fully joystick control already. the only problems would seem to be the loader questions.

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2 more cart conversions, this time with v1.4 of @arnoldemu 's tool... I vote a name change, how about ACB (ArnoldEmu's Cartridge Builder)

Anyway on with the games....

Donkey Kong with no graphic corruption around the mode change

and E-Motion just because I loved this game!

Hope you enjoy.

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Did the graphical corruption disapear or was it a different dsk?

The reason I ask is that there is a disc motor firmware ticker which I turned off in my version of nocart.

I think this could have caused this problem.
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 09:31, 24 April 15
Did the graphical corruption disapear or was it a different dsk?

The reason I ask is that there is a disc motor firmware ticker which I turned off in my version of nocart.

I think this could have caused this problem.
I used the dsk from CNG, so I guess it is a different source.

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@CraigsBar: btw, when you get your gx4000 you should find your carts work fine, but you'll be frustrated when you can't press keys to start the game ;)

Still good to use them in a 464+ or 6128+. I will test the carts on a 464+ soon.
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My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 20:06, 24 April 15
@CraigsBar: btw, when you get your gx4000 you should find your carts work fine, but you'll be frustrated when you can't press keys to start the game ;)

Still good to use them in a 464+ or 6128+. I will test the carts on a 464+ soon.
that is exactly why I proposed a conversion tool using my mf2+ when it arrives. Any chance of an Arnold approved cart creator that incorporates anti multiface and removes the corrupted screen during loading.


nb: yes I know I *am* that cheeky lol.
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I "want" one of these!!!!
It will be posible?


Quote from: arnoldemu on 13:41, 23 April 15

* Allows disc images with less than 40 tracks. Requested by @jrodriguezv.
(CNG's website has loads of these with his single file cracks on them).

Restriction is that every track must be DATA format or every track must be SYSTEM format. The discs on CNG's website are ok.
Hi @arnoldemu

Since your newer version supports less than 40 tracks, woudl it be possible to have one that uses Parados not standard Amsdos and therefore supports up to 80 tracks single sided DataFormat? this will give me much more space to make my planned Dizzy Compilation Cartridge. It woudl be a shame to have tosplit the Adventure games across multiple CPR's.


Edit: OK Quck calculation, the Spin-off games will need approximately 120k so that one will be no problem. they will easily fit on a standard 178k data format disk, so a single cart on standard format. The Adventure games will need at least a 280k format. so no only would I need the tool to work with 80 track Single Sided data format, but I also need the tool to generate a CPR that is over 256k. Since the hardware supports 512k cips this should be possible, Hopefully it can be added to a future cart builder release. In the mean time i'll start working on the Spin-off games cartridge.[size=78%] [/size]
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 20:55, 20 April 15
Attached is v1.

use makefile under linux or macosx to build.

nocart and .rom files must be in the same directory.
In the source directory you can find original roms and asm files to patch them so you can see exactly what I have done.

nocart <disk> <cart> <filename>


nocart nebulus.dsk nebulus.cpr disc

Next version will be a bit more friendly and a bit more tolerant of errors and will check the disc format to ensure it really is data format.

I have changed the generated cpr.

It does work on gx4000.

page 0 is os
page 1 is basic
page 2 is amsdos
page 3+ is disc contents

(different from no$cart, it has page 3 as amsdos, but with my nocart I can do what I want  :P ).


1. data format disk only (I will support system format in the future)
2. you need to know how to run the disc to put it on the command-line (no auto detect).
3. if you want game to run on 464+ and gx4000 then 64kb compatible games only. (can't fix, game must be patched)
4. if you want the game to be useable on gx4000 you must be able to start it and play it with joystick only. (can't fix, game must be patched!)
5. Games that use direct disc access to load will not work. (can't fix, game must be patched).

Sooo many games require keyboard to start :(

But it has been tested on GX4000 and games do work.

EDIT: I need to do a little bit more "polishing". Seems to work ok. But posted this early for Craig.
It is not necessary to keep rom 0 as Os, rom 1 as basic, rom 2 as amsdos.
If you want to use the full 128kb cartridge size, you don't need that.
Just copy your 16kb files and make your asic page connection.
It will be better to explain this way.

Ast/iMP4CT. "By the power of Grayskull, i've the power"

All friends are welcome !



80 track single sided is ok.

Which disc format is 80 track single sided?

If I need to use Parados and patch it I can do that.

@Executioner: Can I use parados on my nocart tool?

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Quote from: Ast on 16:22, 25 April 15
It is not necessary to keep rom 0 as Os, rom 1 as basic, rom 2 as amsdos.
If you want to use the full 128kb cartridge size, you don't need that.
Just copy your 16kb files and make your asic page connection.
It will be better to explain this way.
OS must be cart page 0 because the hardware likes it this way.

You are correct that basic and amsdos can be any cart pages I choose and I can make carts without them too. I could make a "cassette" cartridge that doesn't have AMSDOS for example.

For using disk images it is easier to have os, amsdos and basic, and easier to have them close together so the remainder of the cart can be accessed.

I am thinking of 2 furthur tools:
1. one where you say which roms you want.
2. one where I use my own filesystem rom and I can put the files close together on the cart and there is no wasted space.

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My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Quote from: arnoldemu on 16:28, 25 April 15

80 track single sided is ok.

Which disc format is 80 track single sided?

If I need to use Parados and patch it I can do that.

@Executioner: Can I use parados on my nocart tool?
I think parados will need patching to default to electro formats enabled and 80trk a drive then standard data format 80track is available which provides 356k.
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Well, sorry for asking again... but... could you do a Cart with X-DDOS 2.10 too? It has this nice !copy command. If not, I try to do it myself ... somehow...  :)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Quote from: TFM on 17:29, 25 April 15
Well, sorry for asking again... but... could you do a Cart with X-DDOS 2.10 too? It has this nice !copy command. If not, I try to do it myself ... somehow...  :)
is it a direct replacement for amsdos? If so I can knock you one up tonight. Would you like standard fw or 3.15? If it needs amsdos as well then I am not sure how to map a cart position to romslot 6 or lower.
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Quote from: CraigsBar on 17:44, 25 April 15
is it a direct replacement for amsdos? If so I can knock you one up tonight. Would you like standard fw or 3.15? If it needs amsdos as well then I am not sure how to map a cart position to romslot 6 or lower.
I feel another tool coming on ;)

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