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Issue with a MX4 board?

Started by angelcaio, 18:24, 02 December 18

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Thank you very much for your answers.
I am waiting for the arrival of the 5V 4A adapter. Finally I ordered this one with 5.5 mm x 2.1 mm connector.
If I understood correctly, i need a Mother X4 whitout diodes and supply the power for the ensemble  (CPC + Mother X4) with the 5 V input of the CPC, and NEVER plug the Mother X4 into power.

If I do this this will work the cards that I have connected in the adapters to edge50: lightpen and ddi-1 clone.

Is it like that?

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Quote from: angelcaio on 14:41, 07 December 18
If I understood correctly, i need a Mother X4 whitout diodes and supply the power for the ensemble  (CPC + Mother X4) with the 5 V input of the CPC, and NEVER plug the Mother X4 into power.

This is how I use it (when I use it). Interestingly, @Audronic does it the other way around if I understood him correctly - he feeds the power for the whole CPC and the expansion boards into the MX4 socket. According to @TotO , this is "a dangerous method" (not quite sure why either).


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 16:12, 07 December 18
This is how I use it (when I use it). Interestingly, @Audronic does it the other way around if I understood him correctly - he feeds the power for the whole CPC and the expansion boards into the MX4 socket. According to @TotO , this is "a dangerous method" (not quite sure why either).
Ok, thanks LambdaMikel


Quote from: TotO on 12:55, 03 December 18

He should cut with care the two diodes if the goal is to no more use the MotherX4 without PSU to see the result.
Or, I can sent him one without diode to do the tests... (and if OK, to return me the other)

Hi TotO, I would be grateful if you would send me a MotherX4 without diodes to test this
If so, I send you a PM with my address
Thanks in advance.


Sorry, I was not notified about the answers...

Quote from: LambdaMikel on 03:14, 07 December 18
TotO: This hack is dangerous. You can damage your CPC or the connected expansions if later you forgot and a PSU is plugged on the

No, it is not. If you remove or cut the external PSU diole, it is no more possible to power the MotherX4 externaly.

Quote from: angelcaio on 17:40, 07 December 18I would be grateful if you would send me a MotherX4 without diodes to test this If so, I send you a PM with my address. Thanks in advance.

I will do.
"You make one mistake in your life and the internet will never let you live it down" (Keith Goodyer)


Thank you very much TotO for the replacement of the MX4. My CPC woks again ok.
I have connected the lightpen with the Duke's MX4 to edge adapter and the DDI at the end of everything. I powered everything, including the AMX Mouse, with the monitor and all work fine.

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