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Amstrad 6128Plus + SYMBiFACE II + HxC

Started by deepfb, 11:16, 26 July 10

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They seem to work ok together:

I'm using SymbOS 2.0, and there're no problems reading from the SD card connected to the HxC, or writing to it. I can't wait for the ROM version of the HxC-program-launcher! :-D
I'm also planning to install Bonnydos -it will be the first thing I'll do when I go to out the office :-)


I am using the same config and its working fine at my computer too. Nice Mod ! I like it !

Kindly Regards


I am using the same config and its working fine at my computer too. Nice Mod ! I like it !

Thanks! :-)
Have you installed everything inside the computer too? I'm trying to solve some minor details yet -mainly the physical aspect of the side panel where the SD and CF cards are plugged.


Whoa mate! Tell me when you've got some time so I can bring my stuf fover to your house to work on :D


You know that if you ever travel to Madrid, you have to come to Cpcmaniaco's or my house :-)
Anyway, that's something everybody in the forum should know: if you come to Madrid, please let us know, and we will set an improvised meeting up! :-)


Gaaaaa! I almost came to Madrid on business last month... but it was cancelled at the last minute due to some strike :( :( :(

Care visiting Greece? :D


Quote from: deepfb on 11:16, 26 July 10
They seem to work ok together:
I'm using SymbOS 2.0, and there're no problems reading from the SD card connected to the HxC, or writing to it. I can't wait for the ROM version of the HxC-program-launcher! :-D
I'm also planning to install Bonnydos -it will be the first thing I'll do when I go to out the office :-)

Hi there! Awesome work!!! May you can do a favour for me? Can you check if FutureOS works with the HxC Floppy emulator? Pentogon tried it before without success, but it seems to me that the problem was rather located in his ROM-RAM-Box, than in the floppy routines of FutureOS (which are quite different from other OS). I really would appreciate your help!
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Hi Jaimes, como estas ?

Let me check : you finally couldn't find a new 6128+ compatible disk drive so you put those in place ??? :laugh:

Reminds me I have magazines to send to you...I don't forget, it's foot is still broken. :'(
And my car got broken too, peoples/thugs/douchebags tried to hijack my Fuel tank....ouch. :'(

what a band of bastardos !

Whatever, this 6128+ is awesome.

Perhaps it just needs a jack plugin to read MP3 tape softwares ? :P
Just for the fun...

Also : you spanish rocks at sports this year...
The tour de France passed near my home too, perhaps you saw the kind of country I live on TV...
(Bourg lès Valence)


Hi MacDeath,
        the Jackplug can be added like this:



Quote from: TFM/FS on 19:02, 26 July 10
Hi there! Awesome work!!! May you can do a favour for me?

Thanks! :-)
I've just written you an email regarding your question.

Quote from: MacDeath on 08:05, 27 July 10
Also : you spanish rocks at sports this year...
The tour de France passed near my home too, perhaps you saw the kind of country I live on TV...
(Bourg lès Valence)

Olivier, I found some more disk drives suitable for the 6128+, but I felt in love with the HxC since I tried the unit Cpcmaniaco bought some weeks ago. Actually, it was Robcfg and me who were testing the device, and we inmediately ordered one for each of us after we noticed it was working flawlessly when loading and saving games on Orion Prime :-D
Regarding the "spanish success": it's not I don't like sports (you know I support Real Madrid ;-), but I don't like all those shouting nationalists with flags and everything. I don't give a shit for their country, their nation, their god or whatever they believe in -and they are really annoying!
Anyway, I always liked to see Le Tour de France on TV, but this year I'm in my workplace when they are broadcasting it. Le Tour is the cheapest and easiest way to visit France! :-D
I hope you will recover as soon as possible! I got my metatarsus broken some years ago and I know it's a pain :-(

Quote from: Gryzor on 15:56, 26 July 10
Care visiting Greece?

I wouldn't mind, Themis! I'll let you know if I go to Athens :-)


Quote from: deepfb on 11:28, 27 July 10
Thanks! :-)
I've just written you an email regarding your question.

Yes, I'm sorry to hear that. Can only hope that you have access to a normal CPC, to reinstall the ROMs.
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus

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