
AMSDAP - Amstrad MSx aDAPter - connecting any MSX I/O hardware to the CPC

Started by Prodatron, 20:29, 11 October 17

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Around two weeks ago I received the (nearly?) final version of the AMSDAP adapter.
It is containing three Mother4X-like slots for normal CPC hardware and two MSX catridge slots for I/O based hardware.
TBH, running powerfull MSX hardware on the CPC is really cool!

This weekend we had the MSX meeting in Nijmegen/The Netherlands again, where it was running the whole time including the CPC version of the V9990 Powergraph:

During this evening I made a very short video, showing the AMSDAP with my CPC hardware (M4 Board, X-MEM, Albireo) and MSX hardware (Graphics9000, SE-ONE):

working together very nice in SymbOS :)



It looks great! I think that has to be the 'most upgraded cpc ever!'

Any rough idea when it will be available for purchase?
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Hy, i seen the adapter at the Mitwintermeeting.

It is a Brainblasting thing!
The GFX-Card ist superior, and the MP3/FM Module was playing MP3s all the time at the meeting, using SymbOS on the CPC:)
Funny, that no one thought of this in the past...  ???
Perfect piece of Hardware! Hard to wait, to get my Hands on it.

Maybe Cards like the Playsonic are useable, adding the MasterSystem Video Chip, SID an much more RAM you can ever imagine for the CPC.
I am really excited, what will be possible in the Hands of Prodatron an other Programming Wizards!

Thank all the guys who programm and developing Hardware for the CPC, for the good an bright times!



Quote from: Tolkin on 21:18, 11 February 18
Maybe Cards like the Playsonic are useable, adding the MasterSystem Video Chip, SID an much more RAM you can ever imagine for the CPC.

Yeahhh real SNpsg & SID musics on our CPC


I have a new gfx card shortly.
the GFX-NINE SCART, improved clone of the MSX GFX9000


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 17:19, 02 July 18
I have a new gfx card shortly.
the GFX-NINE SCART, improved clone of the MSX GFX9000

... I have the Powergraph, but still haven't done anything with it. Is there any software besides SymbOS that does something with the card? It would be nice if people would also think of supporting the native OS... not everybody is using SymbOS or FutureOS. The customer base will be much larger if you add some driver support for the native CPC OS for these cool devices. Without (driver) software to support them, they are just bricks of silicon.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 19:07, 03 July 18
It would be nice if people would also think of supporting the native OS...
Hmmm, difficult.
What support can maybe be possible?
- Games, i think only with 1:1 displayed as in the normal CPC-Mode (no Advantage). This Support must be come from the Firmware of the GFX-Card, to handle Pokes to C000 ?!
- "Mode 3", only for Text-Display?


I will ask the MSX users ,if there is z80 asm code can be found online
the GFX uses port & ff60 - & ff6f


... and the same applies for the other devices. If there was a simple program or RSX command for the MP3 player extensions I would buy it immediately for example.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 16:50, 04 July 18
... and the same applies for the other devices.
That's correct,
btw. my FAT32-Support for the Symbiface 3 (one of TMTLOGIC's other cards) is finished, I'm only working on the HXC-Interface as an MassStorage-Device, which has actual Problems with XOR-Cracks. (after that i will release that ROM)


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 19:07, 03 July 18
.. not everybody is using SymbOS or FutureOS. The customer base will be much larger if you add some driver support for the native CPC OS for these cool devices. Without (driver) software to support them, they are just bricks of silicon.
Don't get me wrong, I am extremely impressed by SymbOS and FutureOS, it is just that I am "old school" hence my preference for the native OS.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 17:38, 04 July 18
it is just that I am "old school" hence my preference for the native OS.
Me too  ;)
I'm only develop for native OS  :o  :D

So I'm dreaming of my own GFX9000, but only for native OS.
But where to start the OS-Support of the Card, where is the target of native OS-Support?
At the Moment i dont' have visions :(


Hi Guys, here is a great Z80-library for the V9990 (Graphics 9000) by MSD:
If I got it correctly, Technobytes was using this lib for creating the CPC powergraph demo. Maybe someone can port it to the CPC? The only thing which have to be done is to convert all 8bit I/O-commands to 16bit I/O. For the SymbOS low level graphic driver that was quite easy.
Unfortunately I was lazy during the last 8 monthes, but I am planing to release something this weekend.



Quote from: Prodatron on 00:48, 05 July 18
but I am planing to release something this weekend.
Best news on my last 3 months!!
Can you describe "something"?  :P



Hmmm... I would buy one IF it had an edge connector option...  :(


Any chance you can add an edge (for the edge connector) to it?


If I ever make a new development I will think about it,
new hardware is often used as IDC.
edge connector PCBs are more expensive because of the gold-plated contacts.

I do not see any progress in edge connectors


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 18:23, 07 July 18
If I ever make a new development I will think about it,
new hardware is often used as IDC.
edge connector PCBs are more expensive because of the gold-plated contacts.

I do not see any progress in edge connectors
Exactly, my friend, it is not about progress but making sure that CPC 464 users can connect their existing hardware to new boards for RETRO computers.  :P If it wasn't for compatibility of new hardware with old retro hardware, then what's the point of it? We could just run our CPC software on emulators. But we don't  ;)


I understand you. it can be solved to make a small adapter pcb. from IDC to edge
which popular cards have a finger edge connector?


Please, NO more adapters, cables, add ons, ... the more cables, the more voltage drop, the less reliable, the more mess  :P All we need is a clean "all in one solution".Why not simply add it?? Enough with all these jiggsaw puzzle pieces that put together in the end won't work reliably. Let's have a clean all in one solution, once and for all, for ALL CPC users and hardware.

Here is the list:

and and and...

For example, the DDI3 does NOT work if you are using an adapter and a cable at the end of MotherX4 - voltage drop is too high. Either due to diode on MotherX4, or some other electrical problem. It would be great if these problems could be avoided with your extension board. The problems with MotherX4 and DDI3 was the main motivation for doing this board: https://oshpark.com/shared_projects/fCGxBoNY


thanks, note: the AMSDAP does not use diodes, there is an external 5v usb power connector


Quote from: TMTLOGIC on 16:48, 08 July 18
thanks, note: the AMSDAP does not use diodes, there is an external 5v usb power connector
Yes, the MotherX4 also has an exterrnal power connector. Guess what - same problem with DDI3 with or without power connector  :P
I understand that CPC 464 is no longer the most popular machine in the CPC range, and most people probably don't have any of these problems. Nevertheless, I still continue pushing for 464 compatibility, of course I think your hardware development and products are great  :) but it would be nice if all hardware developers could be more aware of the 464 user's needs. After all, the 464 is the most "iconic" CPC IMHO, as it started the whole range, so it deserves better recognition and support  ;) If you google for Amstrad CPC, you will get what - a picture of a CPC 464, not a 6128  ;)


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 16:56, 08 July 18
Yes, the MotherX4 also has an exterrnal power connector. Guess what - same problem with DDI3 with or without power connector  :P
I understand that CPC 464 is no longer the most popular machine in the CPC range, and most people probably don't have any of these problems. Nevertheless, I still continue pushing for 464 compatibility, of course I think your hardware development and products are great  :) but it would be nice if all hardware developers could be more aware of the 464 user's needs. After all, the 464 is the most "iconic" CPC IMHO, as it started the whole range, so it deserves better recognition and support  ;)
MotherX4 also has a diode on the power connector, so if the 0.7 voltage drop is the problem it won't fix things (just replace the 2 diodes with jumpers, and voila no more voltage drop).
An IDC to edge adapter PCB, should be a good solution, it can have short and thick traces, good connection on the IDC connector side and brand new plated edge connector (as long as it lasts). Should imo. be a solid solution and just as good as if the plated edge connector was on the PCB itself.


Quote from: Duke on 17:06, 08 July 18
MotherX4 also has a diode on the power connector, so if the 0.7 voltage drop is the problem it won't fix things (just replace the 2 diodes with jumpers, and voila no more voltage drop).
An IDC to edge adapter PCB, should be a good solution, it can have short and thick traces, good connection on the IDC connector side and brand new plated edge connector (as long as it lasts). Should imo. be a solid solution and just as good as if the plated edge connector was on the PCB itself.
I still dislike the wiggliness that comes with extra cables and adapters and all that. Why not simply put the PCB edge on the board... that gives increased stability also, for DDI3 etc. It just sits stable and straight on the table then without flying around connected to some loose ends.

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