CPC Speak&SID - Speech / SID / MIDI Synth, and Universal IO CPC Expansion Card

Started by LambdaMikel, 16:58, 31 May 18

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I am musing on the idea of making a new low-cost speech synthesizer for the CPC. One that people can afford (LambdaSpeak is still too expensive, due to the 39 $ click board).

It will be 45 $ device, consisting of

- an Atmega 328p
- the 25 $ SpeakJet chip
- a flipflop
- a bus driver
- an op-amp

(all through hole). It will be SSA-1 and DKtronics compatible, and have a SpeakJet mode as well.

Maybe it will also have AMDrum emulation.

It will be called "AmJet"

Would there be any interest in such a device?


...KC Compact


Good idea! However, I really hope that you still release the LambdaSpeak device.  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:01, 01 June 18
Good idea! However, I really hope that you still release the LambdaSpeak device.  :)

In a sense, it is released - everybody what wants one can build it themselves:



So what would be the difference with the Lambdaspeak ?
Brain Radioactivity


Different speech chip. Speakjet - cool video here (not mine!)

Sounds completely robotic. But cool in itself!
It is only 25 $.


http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 11:39, 13 June 18
Will it need a different RSX extension?
Not quite sure yet. For sure, there are major differences with DecTalk. Does it have different voices, spanish, english mode? Probably not.
These commands will just be ignored. DecTalk mode - not applicable.
Volume, speed? I will see. Haven't started yet looking at the chip in detail.



http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:08, 14 June 18
Could be a perfect Dalek emulator!  ;D
Yes, it's accent sounds quite British indeed - almost like a BBC speaker  :laugh:
And, what's even better, you'll get one for free if you do the RSX port of course  ;) 


Haha! Yes indeed! The RSX Extension shouldn't be a problem at all. Since I already got the LS 1.5 I don't need the other one - even if I really like the sound of it. More thinking about getting a robot (see other Thread ZX as Dalek controller!  :) ).

EDIT: Hmm.... maybe it's to early for that... However it could be an nice idea to do a poll to ask which Speech Synthy people would like to buy? Could make it more easy to order PCB's (Bryce I remember offered help to do a series of them?!?). I'm just looking forward!  :)
http://futureos.de --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30)
http://futureos.cpc-live.com/files/LambdaSpeak_RSX_by_TFM.zip --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 23:47, 14 June 18
However it could be an nice idea to do a poll to ask which Speech Synthy people would like to buy? Could make it more easy to order PCB's (Bryce I remember offered help to do a series of them?!?). I'm just looking forward!  :)

Right, I am leaving all potential future / follow-up action to Bryce if and when he finds the time. For me, LambdaSpeak is done. Maybe I will sell a couple of kits (PCB + parts) on Ebay with programmed chips, but not many. PCB assembly services are too expensive for small batches, the potential sales number too small, and I don't have enough time to solder them manually.


Spoiler alert:

... Coming this Xmas... Stay tuned!

There will be another little surprise (or two, or three)...  8)
Not sure about the name yet. Obviously, the hardware specs have been changed slightly... XC9536 CPLD, ATmega 8535L 16 Mhz MCU, SpeakJet... and...

The card will also have PIN headers for SPI, I2C, and UART / Serial, and the firmware will be open source.


Project update - SSA1 / DKtronics emulation almost working, but still needs some allophone fine tuning:




Quote from: Gryzor on 11:49, 09 October 19
R2D2 phonemes? :D
Yes, some! But they do not come with meaning / translation unfortunately, so it cannot be used as a R2D2 babelfish device.

Update: Roland in Space and Tubaruba also working by now. Will post a video later this week.


Project update - I also have the serial interface working by now. Tested. 

Next steps - connect the "surprise chip"...and add support for I2C and SPI. There will be headers for all of these (UART, SPI, I2C).


... for now, it is only a nano SwinSID... but nothing should prevent me from putting in a real SID.

The biggest obstacle is 12 V required for a "real" SID - but hey, aren't we lucky that the 664 and 6128 have a 12 V PSU? Not so sure what to do with CPC 464 users though. For now, maybe I stay with the SwinSID which is fine with 5 V only.


Also works with a real SID; but had to change the clock phase of the CPLD generated 1 MhZ clock (was inverted):

You can clearly hear that the demo program showing OSC3 "LFO" addition resulting in vibrato from the C64 Programmer's Reference Guide


works fine. With nano SwinSID, the sound is "flat" instead as OSC3 Readout is not supported.

Nothing better than a real SID!


Great job!  ;)

I started a similar project some years ago with two SwinSID (6 channel, stereo) and a CPC version of a SID player (the code was based on the SAM Coupe's one).
Here you can see (and hear) the results and some documentation.



I think the SID player was somewhere in my hard drive, hehehehe.

Congrats and continue with your hard work.  :)




QuoteGreat job!  ;)

I started a similar project some years ago with two SwinSID (6 channel, stereo) and a CPC version of a SID player (the code was based on the SAM Coupe's one).
Thank you! Well, this one has only one SID - yes I looked at the SAM Coupe SIDPlayer code, and also there is another version based on that one that uses the AY for "SID Emulation".

Both of them will required some work for me. If yours is readily available, I'd give that a try  ;)
Some more pics - I have send the PCBs to OshPark for a first run.


Looks really nice, great job  8)
Can you allready estimate the price  :D ??


Well, without the SID or SwinSID nano or ARM SID or whatever people prefer to plug into the socket:

- SpeakJet 25 $
- ATMega 8535 3 $
- Xilinx XC9536 XL 3 $
- other parts 8 $
- PCB 5 $

So it should be in the 50 $ range. Not sure that will include shipping or not yet (USPS postage is 14 $ for me to Europe).

The SID is optional.

The firmware sources will be open source. Notice the PIN headers - so far I have the GPIO and UART / Serial Interface working and supported by the current firmware, but especially I2C and SPI functionality I will probably just hand over to the community. If you want to extent the firmware, you will just need a standard AVR programmer and WinAVR. I will not delay publication of the board until I have generic I2C and SPI support fully implemented in the firmware; once the board has been tested I will upload all sources and Gerbers and such to GitHub. Probably in November.

Btw, the SpeakJet is not only a speech chip - it is also a 5 oscillator sound synthesizer


Would be nice to see somebody write some music for it.

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