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ACID chip inside

Started by MacDeath, 13:52, 23 October 09

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Salut à tous....

Well, there are some discussion on many Forums about the ACID chip.

As you know, this is the chip no Amstrad Plus work whithout...
and the most unknown too.

Spanish Amstraders are actually trying to analyse it properly.

French are talking about it, mostly trying to decipher the spanish we speack spanish like British Cows too. ;)

It would be great to assemble all the stuff from all over the CPC world community, links, etc...on the matter.

Also, It seems there's an Urban Legend about a company with 500 ACID chips to sell.

link to said list :

I sent a mail to them to get more information (price, is it really ACID chip...)

Is it true ? or a CPC mythos ? (seems to be true, lol...merci Fano.)

As you also know, GX/Plus cartridges can be quite expensive on internet !
A  "professionnal" MultiEEprom cartridge production would be great.

But we must check all those information first.

Wiki Links :

Other links :

Spanish :

French :
(our pathetic try to understand spanish, lol)

Please, if you have linkto discusssion on the ACID, tell what langage it is too.
I will edit this first post to add them all.then let's Babelfish do the job.

Also, this thread is open to discussion on the ACID interaction with ASIC.

As some crackers say : no protection hasn't been cracked yet...

Well, the ACID is no soft protection (but hardware one...) yet it is still uncracked !


Quote from: MacDeath on 13:52, 23 October 09
Also, It seems there's an Urban Legend about a company with 500 ACID chips to sell.

Is it true ? or a CPC mythos ?
As i replied @cpcrulez , there is a site that pretends to own 500 ACID in stock : (stock list 4)
No clues about pricing, i remember TFM/FS posted something about this, maybe he contacted them.
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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Did the company actually write back anyway? That'd be a great boon...



If someone if interested , there is the reply when i asked for minimal order :

Thank you.

Please order what you need.

We would be grateful for an early reply.

Kind regards
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !


Um.... ok, so do we order?


waiting to success in prototyping a 512K cartrige  ;)
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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And if so, a 512Ko Multi E(E)PROM serie would be so fine...


This kind of project would be great to use Google Wave. Big collaboration, sharing documents, video, audio, emails, chat etc


Too bad those spanish amstradist don't come here so often an don't allways speack english well (like french cows ?)...

Please spanish friends...
Share a bit more !


Quote from: MacDeath on 07:26, 23 November 09
Too bad those spanish amstradist don't come here so often an don't allways speack english well (like french cows ?)...

Please spanish friends...
Share a bit more !
I am talking with Steve at this time.
Don't forget that both of us are busy.
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Quote from: arnoldemu on 17:10, 23 November 09
I am talking with Steve at this time.
Don't forget that both of us are busy.
Take your time , we are waiting since 20 years so we'll wait a bit more ;)
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !


Quote from: fano on 07:22, 09 November 09
waiting to success in prototyping a 512K cartrige  ;)
How about buying just a few and testing them in an original cartridge? :)


I am waiting to own an EPROM burner to make tests.
Just a bit of code that testes all ROM pages to see how act LKs.

Problem is postage fee are high so this a is a bit expensive to purchave a little quantity :s
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

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How much is it? Maybe we could chip in...


That would be interesting, they send them via UPS and as i saw , the minimal cost is around 100Euros.
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !


Quote from: fano on 12:41, 29 November 09
That would be interesting, they send them via UPS and as i saw , the minimal cost is around 100Euros.
So someone has to buy at least 25pcs? Too bad...
I'd take 2.  :)


You can also buy the chips from Gustronic for Euro 6,20 apiece, minimum order 50 pieces. Happy shopping!  ;D


I'd get two or three myself... let's get it to 50, shall we? :)


I'd vote for the cheaper ones......  :D


I'd vote for anything that lets me play Pang on my 6128 Plus.

That's the game that makes the Crummadore kids go very quiet  8)


Hola y Buenos dias,

Today I send a mail to that company (n-tronics) to tell me the price for 25, 50 or 100 pieces of the IL03P1003 Amstard IC.

Depending on the price I will take between 25-100 for FutureSoft projects.

However it shouldn't be a problem to send some of them to interrested people in europe.

Another question is ... is there anybody who can create the boards for the Plus-Cartridges? The 512 KB version in particular.

Au revoir,
TFM de la FutureSoft
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


QuoteI'd vote for anything that lets me play Pang on my 6128 Plus.

That's the game that makes the Crummadore kids go very quiet  8)
Well, now it will be rick dangerous 128+...

any way, this would be so kool if we could produce multi-eeprom cartridges...
As the number of ACID chip seems quite limited...this would be the best method so we could all get one and fuck deeply speculators on Ebay...

Has any one tested to put a 512Ko or 256Ko Rom on a cartridge ?

What kind of software should we put inside this Rom to test it ?
I mean, if we want to test those cartridge, doing measurments is good, this alows to understand...

But a special testing programm would be nice indeed and maybe easier ?

So what kind of software would do it ?


Quote from: MacDeath
any way, this would be so kool if we could produce multi-eeprom cartridges...

This is what I would like to do, kind of like a ROMbox but as a cartridge (maybe with a switch to select the ROM in use?).

Quote from: MacDeath
Has any one tested to put a 512Ko or 256Ko Rom on a cartridge ?

The Pang ROM is 512kb amongst others and people have successfully burnt this to a ROM and used it (here and here).

I would like to make one of these if I could buy a ASIC chip. The PCB is very simple and it would mean not destroying my 6128+ system cartridge.

Quote from: MacDeath
What kind of software should we put inside this Rom to test it ?
I mean, if we want to test those cartridge, doing measurments is good, this alows to understand...

The Arnold V Diagnostic Cartridge on the WinApe website could be a good place to start to see if the ASIC is working....?


Quote from: redbox on 13:20, 16 December 09The Pang ROM is 512kb amongst others and people have successfully burnt this to a ROM and used it
Not really , you can check data redudancy of CPR file  to see it is in fact a 128K ROM.The LK switches seem to be used to invalidate the higher bits in ROM and to roll adressing.
Someone who owns Pang can confirm this fact when looking eprom type used for this game.

N-Tronic replied 4 Euros per chip without fee cost.
"NOP" is the perfect program : short , fast and (known) bug free

Follow Easter Egg products on Facebook !


Quote from: fano on 13:44, 16 December 09
Not really , you can check data redudancy of CPR file  to see it is in fact a 128K ROM.

Does this mean it would be possible to put in onto a disk?

Quote from: fano on 13:44, 16 December 09
N-Tronic replied 4 Euros per chip without fee cost.

What is the 'fee cost' and how much is it?

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