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4MB external ram expansion will be soon.

Started by Piotr, 18:35, 18 October 17

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Quote from: Audronic on 09:51, 19 October 17

Do you have a link to the Z-Mem Please

Thanks   Ray
Contact TotO.

Sent from my ONEPLUS 3t using Tapatalk

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Quote from: CraigsBar on 11:05, 04 November 17
Contact TotO.

Thanks I have done that and I Now have a D-ROM to Play with.

Thanks    Ray
Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.


@zhulien: Looks like things HAVEN'T changed. So my "attack" as you called it, is fully justified.

Quote from: klebinger on 10:00, 10 November 17
However, as he does not answer to support questions I will send the emu back in the end I guess.'-gotek-hxc-drive/msg151489/#msg151489



Ok, everything told about service... maybe it could be a good idea to split this topic. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is seriously interested in a 4 MB RAM expansion. And it would be a real pity if this expansion wouldn't be manufactured.  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)



In meantime , 512 ram expansion for 464 is ready, is via thru,    here,


That's great news and I see they get sold quick.  :)  Now I'm just waiting for the 4 MB RAM expansion.  :)

One question: Is it possible to make the 4 MB RAM expansion with Centronics-Sockets? Since my 6128 has a centronics plug for the expansion port it would be great to have Centronics IN and OUT (I mean thru). Also they fit for the 6128 Plus and 464 Plus.  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


4 MB via  thru is in PCB factory.  Release in january. Sorry guys i also need break.

About Centronics, i can redesign my boards for centronics sockets .  P roblem is with connectors, i have source but one socket cost is 10 euro...


Yes, they are expensive, maybe just sell them without sockets. I wouldn't mind either ways. Enjoy your christmas. Looking forward to a great 2018 with 4 MB RAM.  :) :) :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Ok, ready , 464 and 6128 compatibile ,not with PLUS machines, sorry , via thru, case is printing :


What is the issue with the Plus machines ?


I suspect the plus issue maybe the availability of the connector.
There is also the issue of using a FPGA chip which seems like that maybe timing is in issue.


Shaun M. Neary

I'd guess you're right on the second one. Centronics connectors aren't that hard to get.
Currently playing on: 2xCPC464, 1xCPC6128, 1x464Plus, 1x6128Plus, 2xGX4000. M4 board, ZMem 1MB and still forever playing Bruce Lee.
No cheats, snapshots or emulation. I play my games as they're intended to be played. What about you?


Quote from: Piotr on 21:17, 22 January 18
Ok, ready , 464 and 6128 compatibile ,not with PLUS machines, sorry , via thru, case is printing :

Ah, because the Plus has different expansion port connectors.

Thank you for this awesome news!!!  :) :) :)  Great to see that you now sell them!  :) :) :)

Actually if you have some kind of waiting list, then I would like to order two of them. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


So it also is not compatible with Schneider 6128 ? (Coz this has the same connector like the plusses).

Just to mention that!
TGS is back

Download my productions at:


Quote from: Shining on 09:03, 24 January 18
So it also is not compatible with Schneider 6128 ? (Coz this has the same connector like the plusses).
:o Good question!

@Piotr : Mother-x4 compatible version planned?


With CPC PLUS is timming issues . I do more tests when i back to Poland from vacations but on the moment, NOT WORKING WITH PLUS MACHINES. Centronics to edge (shneider) is not big problem i made adaptors. MX boards version will be in next week.


This is really cool stuff, just not quite sure if I really need 4 MBs... I already have your 512 KB module.
Besides playing videos, what else can I use 4 MBs for? I guess I am fine with my 512 KB module. But the videos - especially the Aha Take on me clip - are really neat.


Quote from: Piotr on 12:07, 24 January 18MX boards version will be in next week.

If you do that, then people could use my 464 expansion port connector
(it is free for download)
and you would still have same fom factor as now.


Quote from: LambdaMikel on 22:10, 24 January 18
This is really cool stuff, just not quite sure if I really need 4 MBs... I already have your 512 KB module.
Besides playing videos, what else can I use 4 MBs for? I guess I am fine with my 512 KB module.

640512kB ought to be enough for anybody.  ;D


Quote from: SOS on 22:48, 24 January 18640512kB ought to be enough for anybody. 

... famous quotes continued  :P
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers umm 4 MB RAM expansions." :laugh:
(Just kidding of course)


Quote from: Piotr on 12:07, 24 January 18
With CPC PLUS is timming issues . I do more tests when i back to Poland from vacations but on the moment, NOT WORKING WITH PLUS MACHINES. Centronics to edge (shneider) is not big problem i made adaptors. MX boards version will be in next week.

Oh, an MX-4 version too!  :)  That's great! However it would be great if there is a way to fix the problem with the 6128 Plus timing. (I remember there were issues with the Symbiface II too and probably other expansions).

(BTW: There are interested guys in the German forum too, I keep them updated).

Can somebody tell why there is a timing problem with the Plus machines? --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 13:23, 25 January 18
Can somebody tell why there is a timing problem with the Plus machines?

Because certain signal paths are handled by the ASIC instead of discrete logic ICs which changes the timing. However, it should be possible to design the device to accept both versions.


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