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4MB external ram expansion will be soon.

Started by Piotr, 18:35, 18 October 17

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Hi i give info.
On the moment, prototype working fine with CPC 6128 as externial device. Becouse prototype was kynar made  ;D   i order few Prototype PCB for final testing. 

If all be ok, i do some more devices , of course It depends on your interest ;)


If you want to know who is interrested, it would be cool to give us an approximative price  ;D
My pronouns are RASM and ACE


@Piotr: Will you be supporting your hardware this time or just selling a whole bunch of them and then fucking off with the money, ignoring e-mails and PMs and giving zero help like you've done in the past?



If you don't need 4MB, you can also go for brandnew Z-MEM which provides 1MB.
TGS is back

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Quote from: Bryce on 08:01, 19 October 17
@Piotr: Will you be supporting your hardware this time or just selling a whole bunch of them and then fucking off with the money, ignoring e-mails and PMs and giving zero help like you've done in the past?


My games. My Games
My website with coding examples: Unofficial Amstrad WWW Resource


Reality hurts sometimes. Just check out all the frustrated JustCPC customers who spent their hard earned money on his device and then sent endless e-mails and PMs asking simple questions and they were completely ignored. We have several threads here relating to it.

Shiny new products don't make us forget.



Quote from: Shining on 08:04, 19 October 17
If you don't need 4MB, you can also go for brandnew Z-MEM which provides 1MB.

Do you have a link to the Z-Mem Please

Thanks   Ray
Procrastinators Unite,
If it Ain't Broke PLEASE Don't Fix it.
I keep telling you I am Not Pedantic.
As I Live " Down Under " I Take my Gravity Tablets and Wear my Magnetic Boots to Keep me from Falling off.



Hi Piotr,

This is really great news! I would take two boards.  :)

If people are unfriendly here, there are other forums too, like this one here:


German, but you can post in English too.  :)

or this one:

Blah blah

French, but English language works  :) --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


TGS is back

Download my productions at:



Why have GUNHED's links been removed?!
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Oh, I don't know, perhaps because we're not fond of people who have caused immeasurable trouble on our forum to advertise their own little corner...

Please, no more of this in this thread.


Well, Just CPC in version " board for self assembly " was  for people with advanced soldering and electronic skills, not for cowboys who have only soldering iron, and nothing else.  For people without skills i   offer also more expensive but  assembled ,tested and running boards . It is  not my fault if somebody overestimate own skills i think ?

If i correct remember, you, Bryce,  try fit too big resistors in to the board ? Also  i remember big shitstorm start here about me so i just leave and support my customers via email and SMR contact page.

I made also my own board for ZX Spectrum  and i never refuse to help if customer give me clear info where is problem. I repair boards for free and help how much i can .  Also, if somebody have problem with Just CPC, i always can help. Give me info on mail and i know .

Anyway, as i say before, i just give info about 4 mb ram expansion. Nothing else.  I'm really to old and to busy for waste time for  fight with some sad people.


Quote from: Piotr on 16:42, 21 October 17
Well, Just CPC in version " board for self assembly " was  for people with advanced soldering and electronic skills, not for cowboys who have only soldering iron, and nothing else.  For people without skills i   offer also more expensive but  assembled ,tested and running boards . It is  not my fault if somebody overestimate own skills i think ?

If i correct remember, you, Bryce,  try fit too big resistors in to the board ? Also  i remember big shitstorm start here about me so i just leave and support my customers via email and SMR contact page.

I made also my own board for ZX Spectrum  and i never refuse to help if customer give me clear info where is problem. I repair boards for free and help how much i can .  Also, if somebody have problem with Just CPC, i always can help. Give me info on mail and i know .

Anyway, as i say before, i just give info about 4 mb ram expansion. Nothing else.  I'm really to old and to busy for waste time for  fight with some sad people.

Firstly, to my qualifications: I have a degree in Physics and I have worked in the electronics industry for over 25 years, designing and manufacturing commercial and research electronics. I've worked in research labs soldering up boards, right up to commercial mass-production planning, so I wouldn't consider myself a beginner by any means.

To your support: I and others sent multiple e-mails to you asking about the JustCPC, both on a schematic level, but also simple requests such as the pinout and function of the non-labelled headers on the PCB. Due to the fact that you released 5+ versions of the PCB which the end user couldn't tell apart and you didn't inform the buyers which version they actually received. You logged on here here regularly, and still didn't answer the PMs you had received, so you can't claim that you did see them.

To your hardware: I have repaired multiple JustCPCs (sold as built and tested) for users here, the main issue being under-dimensioned traces on the PCB, in particular the ground traces around the monitor socket. You may be offering free repairs, but obviously you haven't made this offer obvious, otherwise the users wouldn't be coming to me.

But don't get me wrong, I more than anyone appreciate every person who brings new hardware to the CPC scene, but I (we) expect a certain level of quality, support and transparency and I'm not convinced that you have shown that. I don't like it when people put half baked hardware on offer and then don't support the hardware when the user has issues. I brought up several technical issues with you regarding the JustCPC via PM and you ignored every one of them.

If you want a list of the issues with the JustCPC, I would be glad to assist, but I expect an answer this time.



1 . Hmm,   
2. Just CPC was made as commercial board and i always give info , schematic is not aviable, becouse is based on 6128 schematic what is on CPC wiki. And  yes i log here sometimes  (do you tracking my activity? I think is littlebit sick?)
3. About repair, i sell my boards via SMR where is option contact seller, nobody report me problems?
4.Don't get me wrong but i always support my hardware, but not like this?  To be honest, Bryce, CPC hardware is not only you and your point of wiew ;)


ok, let's go to Topic:
Do you have an est. price?


Quote from: Piotr on 19:30, 21 October 17
1 . Hmm,   
2. Just CPC was made as commercial board and i always give info , schematic is not aviable, becouse is based on 6128 schematic what is on CPC wiki. And  yes i log here sometimes  (do you tracking my activity? I think is littlebit sick?)
3. About repair, i sell my boards via SMR where is option contact seller, nobody report me problems?
4.Don't get me wrong but i always support my hardware, but not like this?  To be honest, Bryce, CPC hardware is not only you and your point of wiew ;)

My view is just one of many, but there were several technical aspects of the JustCPC that could have been implemented better.

As I said, I think any and all new CPC hardware is a good thing, so I'll say no more and wish you the best of luck with this project. I'll also most likely order one as I did with the JustCPC.


Gesendet von meinem Motorola DynaTAC 8000x mit Tapatalk


Quote from: Piotr on 16:42, 21 October 17
Well, Just CPC in version " board for self assembly " was  for people with advanced soldering and electronic skills, not for cowboys who have only soldering iron, and nothing else.  For people without skills i   offer also more expensive but  assembled ,tested and running boards . It is  not my fault if somebody overestimate own skills i think ?

If i correct remember, you, Bryce,  try fit too big resistors in to the board ? Also  i remember big shitstorm start here about me so i just leave and support my customers via email and SMR contact page.

:o talk this way about @Bryce  is just a blasphemy!!

I'm pretty sure that Bryce is one of the best electronic technician i Know, you don't know Bryce if you insinuate that!!


Quote from: Bryce on 08:01, 19 October 17
@Piotr: Will you be supporting your hardware this time or just selling a whole bunch of them and then fucking off with the money, ignoring e-mails and PMs and giving zero help like you've done in the past?


Unfortunately @Bryce is totally right here, you disappeared from here (where all the people that bought your board was), leaving a LOT of people without support, a LOT of people asking things.

I really thought that you just sold this boards (that need to be patched if i remember correctly), took the money and just run away.

AND i paid for 4 boards and only received 3 (as i told you by PM on 24/07/15), leaving 1 board in limbo (and my money too)

sorry if i sound rude, but as i said Bryce thinks the same than me (and a lot of people)


OMG! This is terrible! Why do threads always become a fighting zone instead of a space where informations could be shared?

Can we please talk about the 4 MB RAM expansion, it's an very interesting project. --> Get the revolutionary FutureOS (Update: 2023.11.30) --> Get the RSX-ROM for LambdaSpeak :-) (Updated: 2021.12.26)


Quote from: GUNHED on 15:02, 22 October 17
OMG! This is terrible! Why do threads always become a fighting zone instead of a space where informations could be shared?

Can we please talk about the 4 MB RAM expansion, it's an very interesting project.

Erm... yes, we *are* talking about the expansion, in case you didn't notice. In fact, about its expected quality and support.  If you don't consider that information worthy to be shared, then I don't know what is.


Love it when the handbags come out  :D
Life's a bitch. You marry one or two then you die !


Quote from: Gryzor on 10:48, 23 October 17

Erm... yes, we *are* talking about the expansion, in case you didn't notice. In fact, about its expected quality and support.  If you don't consider that information worthy to be shared, then I don't know what is.

Really we can spect good quality without a company behind?. All new things in hardware are made in house, so in one form or another they have unexpected fails.

Mother x4 connector destroy the pins of addon boards connectors,because they not fitt togeder well. So thet pins swap out.

The first m4 have problems with power in determinated circustances.

Even the case hxc can destroy your wire power floppy connector, because is inside to much, so you have unplug it take the wire.

I think at certain point its normal not search perfect quality.


Why not? That's the whole point of making and testing prototypes. This is where you find and design out the issues.

I wasn't aware of some of the issues you listed and I'm suprised by some others, for example:

"Mother x4 connector destroy the pins of addon boards connectors,because they not fitt togeder well." - TotO has used the correct, matching connectors that are designed to be used together, there is no reason these should not work.

M4: Designed and advertised to work with 5V. From what I can find in the forum, the issues occurred when people used a lower voltage than recommended. This isn't a fault of the device.

Of course, hand built devices have a higher chance of having build-quality issues, but design issues shouldn't happen, whether you are a single developer or a company.



Quote from: Bryce on 12:03, 23 October 17
Why not? That's the whole point of making and testing prototypes. This is where you find and design out the issues.

I wasn't aware of some of the issues you listed and I'm suprised by some others, for example:

"Mother x4 connector destroy the pins of addon boards connectors,because they not fitt togeder well." - TotO has used the correct, matching connectors that are designed to be used together, there is no reason these should not work."

It happend  If you not have the cpc mounted, and you are continously mount/unmount the cards. The two connector  fit to hard. So you  make force, and at some time the pins of the addonboard left out  the connector. I have to use a screwdriver all time to put the pins  back  every time i use it.

And the board connector, don't have the pivot guide that have the addonboards, so is easy not fit it well.

The first m4 need use external power supply with mother x4 if i remember well. I thing that is fixed now, but that i mean is  all can fail in unexpected way.


Admittedly, those connectors weren't designed for multiple plugging/unplugging, but they are the best choice there is, so this is something we just have to live with. It's not really a quality issue, nor is it TotOs fault.

Yes, but due to diodes on the Mx4 which cause a small but significant voltage drop, the cards are getting a little less than the 5V required. Not so critical for most expansions, but will cause issues with cards that contain their own LDO. I don't think this situation has changed by the way. I think people are just more aware of it now.


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