464+ does not play certain games...no keys start the game from title screen

Started by mark25810, 16:34, 30 May 20

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Hi there having the normal 464 I thought id buy a 464+/plus

had it since last year but not had chance to go on it much mainly just the 464, I have found a few games load but stay on the title screen and no key on the plus`s keyboard starts the game, 2 of them are the neverending story which stays on the title screen with the music playing and the other is MYTH history in the making..there was another a while ago but forgot which it was.

I even tried plugging in a joystick to see if pressing a button in it would start the game but nope, all the keys are 100% fine and working as other games work. has anyone heard of this happening as ive searched the internet and can not find any mention of this issue from anyone else.

I would understand if more games wouldn't work or they didn't work on my normal 464 but they all do.


think ive found the answer all the times ive looked and its only when I post on here for help I find another post about it haha

there were a few games that did not work and found a list..though oddly neverending story isn't on this list ...myth is though

im guessing not all games have been noted down as not working till someone mentions it


Quote from: mark25810 on 16:34, 30 May 20
Hi there having the normal 464 I thought id buy a 464+/plus

had it since last year but not had chance to go on it much mainly just the 464, I have found a few games load but stay on the title screen and no key on the plus`s keyboard starts the game, 2 of them are the neverending story which stays on the title screen with the music playing and the other is MYTH history in the making..there was another a while ago but forgot which it was.

If you want to fix Neverending Story it's very easy. You just have to replace the keyboard routine with this one:

       LD BC,&F782
       OUT (C),C
       LD BC,&F40E
       OUT (C),C
       LD BC,&F6C0
       OUT (C),C
       db &ED,&71
       LD BC,&F792
       OUT (C),C
       LD BC,&F640
       LD (&A678),BC
       LD HL,&A669
       LD E,&0A

L9DD2: LD BC,(&A678)
       OUT (C),C
       LD B,&F4
       LD BC,(&A678)
       INC C
       LD (&A678),BC
       DEC E
       JP NZ,L9DD2
       LD BC,&F782
       OUT (C),C



Have you got a C4CPC ?

If you have , you could use cpr versions of the games that have been patched on you 464 plus.  ;)

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