

24 bytes added, 16:22, 23 February 2019
/* CMMC */
* If NX is not a multiple of 8, then unused bits are used on the next line. i.e. the command uses all 8 bits until they are exhausted at which point another byte is fetched and so on.
* Pixels are written according to physical vram. eForeground low byte is for physical VRAM0.gBackground low bytes is for physical VRAM 1. in 8bpp mode, x=0, bit has value 1, then foreground low Foreground high byte is writtenfor physical VRAM1, x = 1 and bit has value is 1, then foreground background high byte is written and so onfor physical VRAM 1.
* To draw a font in the same colour ensure the same colour is repeated for all pixels in FC (i.e. for 8 bit mode set FC upper and lower byte to the same, and set BC upper and lower byte to the same.)