
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1 byte added, 12:55, 15 March 2017
/* Errors */
=== Interpreting results ===
==== Errors ====
If XTEST reports the drive is not found or has timed out, or you do not get a sensible looking result in the summary / full report text fields, it is likely that your uIDE is not connected properly, there was an error in assembly or configuration, or you are using an IDE device that is not compatible. If you're using a CF card with adapter, make sure that poer power is getting to the adapter board (see CF card section for details). The IDE device should return meaningful values in these fields. For example, the 128Mb PQi DOMs return the string "PQI IDE DiskOnModule" in the CtrlModel field (left justified, space padded per the IDE spec).
==== Diagnostic ====