
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

1,732 bytes added, 16:44, 13 March 2017
/* Pictures of the built boards */
* If you are building uIDE for a specific machine, you can solder links in place rather that fit header pins and jumper shunts. However, ensure the address configuration is correct, before soldering the links!
* The expansion port pictures show (front to back, respectively) the PCW video adapter, PCW "lite" adapter, 6128 adapter.
== I/O Address configuration ==
=== uIDE-8 for the PCW ===
The I/O base address for the PCW is C8h. To cinfigure the jumper settings at JP1 on uIDE-8, use the example settings printed on the board. The individual jumpers are labelled A7 - A3, and you should set the jumpers like this: A7=1, A6=1, A5=0, A4=0, A3=1. This is the top 5 bits of the hexadecimal value C8.
=== uIDE-16 for the PCW ===
uIDE-16 needs slightly different settings to work on a PCW:
* First, set JP2 to "8 bit"
* Now, set A15-A8 to 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0. This coincides with the 6128 upper byte address (FE) and isn't really necessary as the setting is ignored when the card is in 8-bit address mode. But you need somewhere to keep the jumpers so they don't get lost...
* Finally, set A7-A3 to A7=1, A6=1, A5=0, A4=0, A3=1.
* If you run uIDE-16 in 8-bit addressing mode all the time, you can remove U2 as it is unused in 8-bit mode.
* Remember that uIDE-16 v0.3 boards need a couple of patches to operate in 8-bit addressing mode. See the build section above.
=== uIDE-16 for the CPC6128 ===
uIDE-16 operates at the base address FEF0, so to set this up:
* First, set JP2 to "16 bit"
* Now, set A15-A8 to 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0. This is the 6128 upper byte address (FE).
* Finally, set A7-A3 to A7=1, A6=1, A5=1, A4=1, A3=0. This is the upper 5 bits of the hex value F0.
* If you run uIDE-16 in 8-bit addressing mode all the time, you can remove U2 as it is unused in 8-bit mode.
* Remember that uIDE-16 v0.3 boards need a couple of patches to operate in 8-bit addressing mode. See the build section above.
'''Please, double check the jumper settings on your board and compare them with the pictures above of the finished boards before asking for help.'''
== Testing the IDE device with XTEST.COM ==