
UIDE Universal IDE adapter cards for Z-80 computers

865 bytes added, 12:33, 10 March 2017
/* uIDE disk image */
* It is wise to make a backup of the xdrv.fid file and the BASIC retrieval program onto a separate floppy disk.
== uIDE disk image and utils download ==
There is a zip file containing a disk image of CP/M software that you can download here: [TBD]
It also has cpmtools and win32diskimager software.
The Zip file contains the following:
{| class="wikitable"
! File / folder !! Description
| BASIC-FILES || Directory containing a collection of BASIC programs and Microsoft interpreter / compiler
| cpmtools || The CPM tools package, with additional disk defines for accessing a uIDE disk image.
| Win32DiskImager-0.9.5 || The disk imaging program for Windows, works under Windows 10 x64 as well.
| WS4-FILES || Directory containing a copy of Wordstar 4
| Making CPM Images.pdf || A very well written guide to creating CP/M images on IDE devices, written by the guys at [].
| uide.img || The uIDE disk image (see below).
The disk image is called uIDE.img and it is a copy of the N8VEM image, with the PCW uIDE driver loaded, as well as some PCW specific files (on drive C:, User 0) and additional games.
Note: The original N8VEM downloads are here (including manuals for many of the included programs):
=== Some tips for using the CP/M programs on the disk image ===
* Download the manuals from the N8VEM website!
* Be aware that these programs and applications were written for CP/M 2.2 and some of them might not work on CP/M Plus.
man dd
..and be aware that dd is also known as the "disk destroyer" because if you get it wrong your hard disk may be wiped.
==== To transfer the uIDE disk image under Windows ====
* Connect the transfer rig to your PC
* Insert the IDE device and power it up.
* If Windows Explorer does not show the drive it is unformatted or uninitialised. Initialise it first via "Computer Management" (On the Start menu, under All Programs -> Windows Administrative Tools, or Run -> compmgmt.msc). Click the Storage / Disk Management item in the left hand side of the screen and you should see the IDE device in the main pane. Right-click on the button labelled "Disk n Unknown" (n depends on how many drives you have) and select "Initialise Disk". Select MBR and click OK. Now click on the "Unallocated" block for the disk and select "New Simple Volume", then (in the New Simple Volume Wizard, click Next, Next, Next, Next, Finish). If you get a popup sayng the disk needs to be formatted, cancel it, because the Disk manager is already doing it. Now, go back to Windows Explorer and you should see a disk called "New Volume". Note the drive letter.
* Launch Win32Imager'''Win32DiskImager'''. Select the drive letter of your CF card or DOM on the right of the window and choose the uIDE disk image file on the left, then click the "Write" button. Check that the confirmation dialog box shows the correct drive letter, then click "OK". You should now see a progress bar as the image is written to the IDE device. When complete, a small widow will pop up saying "Write successful." Click the OK button and close win32imager.* You should now have a prepared uIDE hard driveDOM or CF card. Disconnect the imaging cable and power down the IDE device. Plug it into the uIDE adapter.
==== To retrieve the uIDE driver from the IDE device ====
Before you can use uIDE under CP/M, you must retrieve the driver file that is stored on the uide image.
* Follow the instructions above (the BASIC program) to retrieve the xdriver FID file from the IDE device. After rebooting your computer, you should able to explore the disk image.