
Speccy Port

823 bytes added, 12:20, 18 January 2020
/* Input */
* The 48K spectrums had a rubber membrane keyboard, later versions had proper keys, and the Amstrad made Spectrum's have the best keyboards. The early Amstrad CPC464's and 664's had really good strong keyboards, comparable to those on the BBC Micro, whereas later ones were more flat and less good. Both Amstrad and Spectrum have a good selection of keys.
'''NOTE: Sinclair Research (the Spectrum's manufacturer) was acquired by Amstrad after the Spectrum 128K had been made. '''
Amstrad then improved the build quality and enhanced the Spectrum's design. The result was that the Spectrum +2, which was closer in looks and build to the CPC464/6128 (same kind of compact keyboard as CPC6128, but built-in "Datacorder"). The Spectrum +3 was also quite similar to the Amstrad CPC6128 because both had a internal 3" drive. So the Spectrum became closer in design to the CPC. However, the overall hardware of the Spectrum didn't change, the graphics were the same, the sound was the same, but those later Spectrum's had built in joysticks, built in cassette or disc, connections for printer etc, just like the CPC, but almost all of which the Amstrad had starting with the CPC464.
===Disc drive===