

154 bytes removed, 01:23, 11 December 2011
/* Tests done */
*'''prince.dsk gryzor.dsk donkey.dsk antiriad ''' : bug due to rupture mode (changing mode several time during display of one image)
*'''buggyboy.dsk barbarian.dsk''' : bug due to rupture ink (changing ink several time during display of one image)
*'''gryzormoktar.dsk prehistorik.dsk''' : bug due to cpc+ demo part lag (game is for cpc, but hack seem being for cpc+ dma sound/keyboardkey press lag), if you turn MOCK false on YM2149_linmix.vhd file), Gryzor also use rupture mode. 
Arkanoid.dsk stars use rupture address (changing address several time during display of one image), it is now supported on "candidate 001" version of FPGAmstrad