
Das große Grafikbuch zum CPC

1,286 bytes added, 16:51, 18 June 2013
/* Gallery */
File:Steigers vervost disk.png|Disk
==Files on disc==
ALTZEICH.BAS 16K (define a vaguely Spectrum-like character set)
CHART .BAS 6K (business graphics)
CHREDIT .BAS 5K (character editor)
DESTROY .BAS 10K (''Destroyed'', a space shoot-em-up)
GRIDRUNN.BAS 1K (animation demo with palette cycling)
HARDCOPY.BAS 2K (send screen to printer)
HORN .BAS 1K (abstract art)
HWROLL .ASM 2K (hardware scrolling)
HWROLL .BAS 1K (hw scrolling BASIC demo)
INTER .BAS 1K (Moiré patterns)
KOORDINA.BAS 2K (draw X-Y axes)
KREISE .BAS 2K (circle-based abstract art)
KUCHEN .BAS 3K (pie chart)
PARALLEL.BAS 2K (parallel projection of a cube)
PICTURE .BAS 5K (use characters to display a low-res picture)
PLOTTER .BAS 3K (function plotter; start with "run 112")
PUNKTE .BAS 3K (2-D plotting)
ROMDISAS.BAS 6K (ROM disassembler, the book has the comments for the listing generated by ROMDISAS)
SPREDIT .BAS 4K (sprite editor)
SPRGEN .ASM 8K (sprite generator)
SPRLADER.BAS 2K (BASIC sprite loader)
SPRTST .BAS 3K (BASIC sprite test program)
SPRUCH .BAS 2K (banner printing)
TIEFE .BAS 1K (abstract drawings)
UMLAUTE .BAS 2K (German umlauts)
WAVE .BAS 1K (line art)
WORLD .BAS 9K (3-D wireframe graphics)
ZEICHPRG.BAS 3K (drawing program)